Martín Rico, Francisco
- Artículos 34
- Libros 1
- Capítulos de libro 6
- Congresos 40
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 1
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Open source robot localization for nonplanar environments
- Rico, Francisco Martin
- Hernandez, Jose Miguel Guerrero
- Perez-Rodriguez, Rodrigo
- Pena-Narvaez, Juan Diego
- Gomez-Jacinto, Alberto Garcia
Journal Of Field Robotics (p. 1922-1939) - 7/5/2024
10.1002/rob.22353 Ver en origen
- ISSN 15564959
Collimated solar simulator for curved PV modules characterization
- Vallerotto, G
- Martín, F
- Macías, J
- Herrero, R
- José, LJS
- Askins, S
- Núñez, R
- Domínguez, C
- Antón, I
Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells - 15/8/2023
10.1016/j.solmat.2023.112418 Ver en origen
- ISSN 09270248
Regulated pure pursuit for robot path tracking
- Macenski, S
- Singh, S
- Martín, F
- Ginés, J
Autonomous Robots (p. 685-694) - 10/6/2023
10.1007/s10514-023-10097-6 Ver en origen
- ISSN 09295593
A visual questioning answering approach to enhance robot localization in indoor environments
- Pena-Narvaez, Juan Diego
- Martin, Francisco
- Guerrero, Jose Miguel
- Perez-Rodriguez, Rodrigo
Frontiers In Neurorobotics - 27/11/2023
10.3389/fnbot.2023.1290584 Ver en origen
- ISSN 16625218
An autonomous ground robot to support firefighters' interventions in indoor emergencies
- Talavera, NF
- Roldán-Gómez, JJ
- Martín, F
- Rodriguez-Sanchez, MC
Journal Of Field Robotics (p. 614-625) - 11/1/2023
10.1002/rob.22150 Ver en origen
- ISSN 15564959
Industrial, Collaborative and Mobile Robotics in Latin America: Review of Mechatronic Technologies for Advanced Automation
- Cornejo J
- Barrera S
- Herrera Ruiz CA
- Gutierrez F
- Casasnovas MO
- Kot L
- Solis MA
- Larenas R
- Castro-Nieny F
- Arbulú Saavedra MR
- Rodríguez Serrezuela R
- Muñoz Londoño Y
- Serna A
- Ortega-Aranda D
- Aranda-Miramontes S
- Chang I
- Cardona M
- Carrasquilla-Batista A
- Palomares R
- Rodriguez R
- Parisuaña R
- Bórquez M
- Navarro O
- Sanchez F
- Bonev IA
- Coulombe J
- Martín Rico F
- Treviño-Elizondo BL
- García-Reyes H
- Sollazzo A
- Dubor A
- Markopoulou A
- De Marinis C
- Chacin M
- Mora A
- Pérez-Ruiz M
- Ribeiro A
- L'huillier EA
Emerging Science Journal (p. 1430-1458) - 1/1/2023
10.28991/esj-2023-07-04-025 Ver en origen
- ISSN 26109182
Towards explainability in robotics: A performance analysis of a cloud accountability system
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- González-Santamarta, MA
- Guerrero-Higueras, AM
- Martín-Rico, F
- Matellán-Olivera, V
Expert Systems - 25/4/2022
10.1111/exsy.13004 Ver en origen
- ISSN 14680394
Impact of decision-making system in social navigation
- Clavero, JG
- Rico, FM
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- Hernandéz, JMG
- Olivera, VM
Multimedia Tools And Applications (p. 3459-3481) - 13/1/2022
10.1007/s11042-021-11454-2 Ver en origen
- ISSN 13807501
Depicting probabilistic context awareness knowledge in deliberative architectures
- Ginés, J
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- Martín, F
- Guerrero, AM
- Matellán, V
Natural Computing (p. 565-576) - 1/1/2022
10.1007/s11047-020-09798-z Ver en origen
- ISSN 15677818
Client-Server Approach for Managing Visual Attention, Integrated in a Cognitive Architecture for a Social Robot
- Martín, F
- Ginés, J
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- Guerrero-Higueras, AM
- Olivera, VM
Frontiers In Neurorobotics - 9/9/2021
10.3389/fnbot.2021.630386 Ver en origen
- ISSN 16625218
Impact of Real time on Active PerceptionSystems applied to Social Robotics
- Antonio Alberto García Gómez Jacinto
- Juan Diego Peña Narváez
- Rodrigo Pérez Rodríguez
- José Miguel Guerrero Hernández
- Francisco Martín Rico
- Juan Carlos Manzanares Serrano
Proceedings Of The Xxiv Workshop Of Physical Agents: September 5-6 (p. 169-185) - 1/1/2024
- iMarina
A ROS2-Based Approach to Enable Simultaneous and Real-Time Tracking of Humans and Exoskeleton Motion
- Asín-Prieto G
- Rico FM
- Torricelli D
Biosystems And Biorobotics (p. 133-137) - 1/1/2022
10.1007/978-3-030-70316-5_22 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21953570
Practical aspects of deploying robotherapy systems
- Martín F
- Ginés J
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing (p. 367-378) - 1/1/2018
10.1007/978-3-319-70833-1_30 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21945357
A robotic platform for domestic applications
- Francisco Martín Rico
- José Mateos
- Francisco J Lera
- Pablo Bustos García de Castro
- Vicente Matellán Olivera
Xv Workshop Of Physical Agents: Book Of Proceedings, Waf 2014, June 12th And 13th (p. 51-58) - 1/1/2014
- iMarina
Desarrollo e Integración de comportamientos en el humanoide Nao: un portero para la RoboCup
- Juan Felipe García Sierra
- Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera
- Vicente Matellán Olivera
- Francisco Martín Rico
- Carlos Aguero
- José María Cañas Plaza
Xxx Jornadas De Automática: Palacio De Congresos Conde Ansúrez, 2-4 De Septiembre 2009 - 1/1/2009
- iMarina
Localización basada en lógica difusa y filtros de Kalman para robots con patas
- Francisco Martín Rico
- Vicente Matellán Olivera
- Pablo Barrera González
- José María Cañas Plaza
Una Perspectiva De La Inteligencia Artificial En Su 50 Aniversario: Campus Multidisciplinar En Percepción E Inteligencia, Cmpi 2006, Albacete, España, 10-14 De Julio Del 2006 : Actas (p. 310-321) - 1/1/2006
- iMarina
Formalizing Robotics Competitions: A practical case for RoboCup@Home Challenge
- González-Fernandez I
- González-Santamarta M
- Álvarez-Aparicio C
- Peña Narváez JD
- Martín F
- Rodríguez-Lera FJ
2024 Ieee International Conference On Autonomous Robot Systems And Competitions, Icarsc 2024 (p. 60-65) - 1/1/2024
KANT: A Tool for Grounding and Knowledge Management
- González-Santamarta, MA
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- Martín, F
- Fernández, C
- Matellán, V
Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 452-461) - 1/1/2022
10.1007/978-3-031-06527-9_45 Ver en origen
- ISSN 03029743
Defining Adaptive Proxemic Zones for Activity-Aware Navigation
- Ginés Clavero J
- Martín Rico F
- Rodríguez-Lera FJ
- Guerrero Hernández JM
- Matellán Olivera V
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing (p. 3-17) - 1/1/2021
10.1007/978-3-030-62579-5_1 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21945357
System Modes - Digestible System (Re-)Configuration for Robotics
- Nordmann, A
- Lange, R
- Rico, FM
The Role of Cybersecurity and HPC in the Explainability of Autonomous Robots Behavior
- Matellán, V
- Rodríguez-Lera, FJ
- Guerrero-Higueras, AM
- Rico, FM
- Ginés, J
Proceedings Of Ieee Workshop On Advanced Robotics And Its Social Impacts, Arso (p. 206-210) - 1/1/2021
10.1109/arso51874.2021.9542829 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21627576
PlanSys2: A Planning System Framework for ROS2
- Martin, F
- Clavero, JG
- Matellan, V
- Rodriguez, FJ
2011 Ieee/Rsj International Conference On Intelligent Robots And Systems (p. 9742-9749) - 1/1/2021
10.1109/iros51168.2021.9636544 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21530858
Traceability and accountability in autonomous agents
- Rodríguez-Lera FJ
- González Santamarta MÁ
- Guerrero ÁM
- Martín F
- Matellán V
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing (p. 295-305) - 1/1/2021
10.1007/978-3-030-57805-3_28 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21945357
Using HPC as a Competitive Advantage in an International Robotics Challenge
- Álvarez Aparicio C
- Ginés J
- Santamarta MA
- Martín Rico F
- Guerrero Higueras ÁM
- Rodríguez Lera FJ
- Matellán Olivera V
Communications In Computer And Information Science (p. 103-114) - 1/1/2021
10.1007/978-3-030-68035-0_8 Ver en origen
- ISSN 18650929
Optimized execution of PDDL plans using behavior trees
- Rico FM
- Morelli M
- Espinoza H
- Rodríguez-Lera FJ
- Olivera VM
Proceedings Of The International Joint Conference On Autonomous Agents And Multiagent Systems, Aamas (p. 1584-1586) - 1/1/2021
- ISSN 15488403
- iMarina
Semantic visual recognition in a cognitive architecture for social robots
- Martin-Rico, F
- Gomez-Donoso, F
- Escalona, F
- Garcia-Rodriguez, J
- Cazorla, M
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (p. 301-316) - 1/1/2020
10.3233/ica-200624 Ver en origen
- ISSN 10692509
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