Microeconomics and Industrial Economics

Los datos mostrados de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid son parciales, pues con ellos se pretende responder a 2 preguntas:

  • ¿Quién investiga un tema concreto?
  • ¿Qué investiga un/a investigador/a, grupo o departamento específico?

Por esta razón sólo recoge investigadores/as en activo.

Además, sólo se recogen los resultados de investigación siguiendo estos límites:

  • Proyectos de investigación desde 2006.
  • Publicaciones, Tesis doctorales, Patentes y Software desde 2008.

Sobre el grupo de investigación

Más información:

Research areas: Theory of the behavior of economic agents: limited rationality learning and social evolution altruistic preferences cognitive paths psychology and economics behavior and design of institutions;Environmental economy: agrarian markets and PAC agrarian productivity land use desertification georeferenced spacial models efficiency and adaptation to the business environment;Competitive markets: transaction costs trade flows imperfect information;Experimental economy: auctions futures markets imperfect competition restrictions on capacity in organized markets experimental design of markets;Auctions: budget restrictions and auto-financing public and secret reserve prices;Competition regulations and policies in deregulated sectors (Energy Telecommunications Transport): market organization  investment in capacity reliability interaction between the retail and wholesale markets market power vertical integration and futures markets;Social networks: strategic models for forming networks effects and economic applications of the social networks.;Corporate governance: mechanisms for the internal control of companies the role of leadership in the theory of incentives in organizations;Contracts and incentives: multilateral contracts design of contracts in the face of externalities.