Marin Lopez, Andres Isaac


A refinement calculus for the synthesis of verified hardware descriptions in VHDL

  • Breuer, PT
  • Kloos, CD
  • Lopez, AM
  • Madrid, NM
  • Fernandez, LS

Acm Transactions On Programming Languages And Systems (p. 586-616) - 1/7/1997

10.1145/262004.262007 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01640925

A smart card solution for access control and trust management for nomadic users

  • Sánchez DD
  • Lopez AM
  • Mendoza FA

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 62-77) - 1/1/2006

10.1007/11733447_5 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

Application of two new algorithms to group search results in on line public access catalogs (OPAC); [Aplicación de dos nuevos algoritmos para agrupar resultados de búsquedas en sistemas de catálogos públicos en línea (OPAC)]

  • Marín A
  • Branch JWB

Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecologia (p. 47-65) - 1/1/2018

  • ISSN 01200976
  • iMarina

Context awareness in network selection for dynamic environments

  • Díaz, D
  • Marín, A
  • Almenárez, F
  • García-Rubio, C
  • Campo, C

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 216-227) - 1/1/2006

  • ISSN 03029743
  • iMarina

Context awareness in network selection for dynamic environments

  • Díaz Sánchez D
  • Marín López A
  • Almenárez Mendoza F
  • Campo Vázquez C
  • García-Rubio C

Telecommunication Systems (p. 49-60) - 1/1/2007

10.1007/s11235-007-9058-9 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10184864

Implementing DNSSEC soft delegation for microservices

  • Marín-López A
  • Arias-Cabarcos P
  • Strufe T
  • Barceló-Soteras G
  • Díaz-Sanchez D
  • Almenares-Mendoza F

Electronic Communications Of The Easst (p. 1-5) - 1/1/2021

10.14279/tuj.eceasst.80.1165 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18632122

Kriper: A blockchain network with permissioned storage

  • Rojo-Rivas, MI
  • Diaz-Sanchez, D
  • Almenarez, F
  • Marin-Lopez, A

Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal Of Escience (p. 160-171) - 1/1/2023

10.1016/j.future.2022.08.006 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0167739X

Leveraging Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Cyberattack Identification: Intrusion Detection System Approach

  • Larriva-Novo, Xavier
  • Sanchez-Zas, Carmen
  • Villagra, Victor A
  • Marin-Lopez, Andres
  • Berrocal, Julio

Applied Sciences-Basel - 1/8/2023

10.3390/app13158587 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20763417

PDP:: A lightweight discovery protocol for local-scope interactions in wireless ad hoc networks

  • Campo, C
  • García-Rubio, C
  • López, AM
  • Almenárez, F

Computer Networks (p. 3264-3283) - 5/12/2006

10.1016/j.comnet.2005.12.007 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13891286


  • Kloos CD
  • Larrabeiti D
  • López AM

International Journal Of Internet Protocol Technology (p. 77-78) - 1/1/2007

  • ISSN 17438217
  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.

A Framework for Efficient and Scalable Service Offloading in the Mist

  • Rubio-Drosdov, E
  • Sánchez, DD
  • Almenárez, F
  • Marín, A

2019 Ieee 5th World Forum On Internet Of Things (Wf-Iot) (p. 460-463) - 1/1/2019

10.1109/wf-iot.2019.8767258 Ver en origen

A Framework for Microservice Migration and Performance Assesment

  • Rubio-Drosdov, E
  • Díaz-Sánchez, D
  • Marín-López, A
  • Almenares, F

Intelligent Environments 2017 (p. 291-300) - 1/1/2020

10.3233/aise200053 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18754163

A General IMS Registration Protocol for Wireless Networks Interworking

  • Díaz-Sánchez, D
  • Proserpio, D
  • Marín-López, A
  • Almenárez-Mendoza, F
  • Weik, P

Ifip Advances In Information And Communication Technology (p. 32-+) - 1/1/2009

10.1007/978-3-642-03841-9_4 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18684238

A New Algorithm to Improve the QoE of IPTV Service Customers

  • Jiménez, JM
  • Canovas, A
  • López, A
  • Lloret, J

2012 Ieee International Conference On Communications (Icc) (p. 6990-6995) - 1/1/2015

  • ISSN 15503607
  • iMarina

A Survey on Security in Future Internet and Cloud

  • Sanvido, F
  • Sánchez, DD
  • Mendoza, FA
  • López, AM

Proceedings Of The Third International Conference On Advances In Future Internet (Afin 2011) (p. 35-40) - 1/1/2011

  • iMarina

A Trust-based Middleware for Providing Security to Ad-Hoc Peer-to-Peer Applications

  • Almenárez, F
  • Marín, A
  • Díaz, D
  • Cortés, A
  • Campo, C
  • García-Rubio, C

2019 Ieee International Conference On Pervasive Computing And Communications Workshops (Percom Workshops) (p. 531-536) - 1/1/2008

10.1109/percom.2008.95 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 24742503

A formal method for specification and refinement of real-time systems

  • Breuer P
  • Madrid N
  • Sánchez L
  • Marín A
  • Kloos C

Proceedings - Euromicro Conference On Real-Time Systems (p. 200-204) - 1/12/1996

10.1109/emwrts.1996.557891 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10683070

A mathematical model for reusing student learning skills across didactical units

  • Fernández Panadero MC
  • Pardo A
  • Fernández Panadero J
  • López AM

Proceedings - Frontiers In Education Conference (p. F1A/1-F1A/6) - 1/1/2002

  • ISSN 01905848
  • iMarina

Access control agnostic trust negotiation decision engine

  • Diaz-Sanchez, D
  • Marin, A
  • Almenarez, F

2007 Ieee 18th International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Vols 1-9 (p. 2873-2877) - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina

Access control agnostic trust negotiation decision engine

  • Díaz-Sanchez D
  • Marín A
  • Almenarez F

Ieee International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications, Pimrc - 1/1/2007

10.1109/pimrc.2007.4394694 Ver en origen

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Quantum cognitive digital industry: a hyperautomated, accessible and cyber-secure (quantum resistant) digital twin based on extreme data mining

  • VAZQUEZ GALLO, ENRIQUE (Participante)
  • MARIN LOPEZ, ANDRES ISAAC (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Villagrá González, Victor Abraham (Participante)
  • RIVERA PINTO, DIEGO (Participante)
  • VEGA BARBAS, MARIO (Participante)
  • Berrocal Colmenarejo, Julio José (Participante)
  • SANZ RODRIGO, MARIO (Participante)
  • Moreno Novella, José Ignacio (Participante)
... Ver más Contraer

Ejecución: 22-12-2022 - 31-12-2025

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina


  • SERRADILLA GARCIA, FRANCISCO (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 22-12-2022 - 31-12-2025

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 13:52