Blasco Alis, Jorge
- Artículos 13
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 4
- Congresos 12
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 15
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Identifying Authorship in Malicious Binaries: Features, Challenges, and Datasets
- Gray, Jason
- Sgandurra, Daniele
- Cavallaro, Lorenzo
- Alis, Jorge Blasco
Acm Computing Surveys - 1/8/2024
- ISSN 03600300
On the Feasibility of Low-Cost Wearable Sensors for Multi-Modal Biometric Verification
- Blasco J
- Peris-Lopez P
Sensors (p. E2782-E2782) - 1/9/2018
10.3390/s18092782 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1424-8220
- ISSN 14248220
- iMarina
- UC3M
Automated generation of colluding apps for experimental research
- Blasco, Jorge
- Chen, Thomas M.;
Journal Of Computer Virology And Hacking Techniques (p. 127-138) - 1/5/2018
10.1007/s11416-017-0296-4 Ver en origen
- ISSN 22742042
Detection of app collusion potential using logic programming
- Blasco, Jorge
- Chen, Thomas M.
- Muttik, Igor
- Roggenbach, Markus;
Journal Of Network And Computer Applications (p. 88-104) - 1/3/2018
10.1016/j.jnca.2017.12.008 Ver en origen
- ISSN 10848045
A Survey of Wearable Biometric Recognition Systems
- Blasco, Jorge
- Chen, Thomas M.
- Tapiador, Juan
- Peris-Lopez, Pedro;
Acm Computing Surveys - 1/12/2016
- EISSN 1557-7341
- ISSN 0360-0300
Hindering data theft with encrypted data trees
- Blasco, Jorge
- Tapiador, Juan E.
- Pens-Lopez, Pedro
- Suarez-Tangil, Guillermo;
Journal Of Systems And Software (p. 147-158) - 1/3/2015
10.1016/j.jss.2014.11.050 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1873-1228
- ISSN 0164-1212
DENDROID: A text mining approach to analyzing and classifying code structures in Android malware families
- Suarez-Tangil, Guillermo
- Tapiador, Juan E.
- Pens-Lopez, Pedro
- Blasco, Jorge;
Expert Systems With Applications (p. 1104-1117) - 1/3/2014
10.1016/j.eswa.2013.07.106 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1873-6793
- ISSN 09574174
Security Models in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: A Survey
- Maria de Fuentes, Jose
- Gonzalez-Manzano, Lorena
- Isabel Gonzalez-Tablas, Ana
- Blasco, Jorge;
Iete Technical Review (p. 47-64) - 1/1/2014
10.1080/02564602.2014.890844 Ver en origen
- EISSN 0974-5971
- ISSN 0256-4602
Applying Information Hiding in VANETs to Covertly Report Misbehaving Vehicles
- Maria de Fuentes, Jose
- Blasco, Jorge
- Isabel Gonzalez-Tablas, Ana
- Gonzalez-Manzano, Lorena;
International Journal Of Distributed Sensor Networks (p. 120626-120626) - 1/1/2014
10.1155/2014/120626 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1550-1477
- ISSN 1550-1477
Bypassing information leakage protection with trusted applications
- Blasco, Jorge
- Hernandez-Castro, Julio Cesar
- Tapiador, Juan E.
- Ribagorda, Arturo;
Computers & Security (p. 557-568) - 1/6/2012
10.1016/j.cose.2012.01.008 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1872-6208
- ISSN 01674048
Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.
Cryptography in WSNs
- Thomas M Chen
- Jorge Blasco
- Harsh Kupwade Patil
Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks And Systems: Art And Science (p. 783-820) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
Wearables security and privacy
- Thomas M Chen
- Jorge Blasco
- Harsh Kupwade Patil
- Daniel Wolff
Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks And Systems: Art And Science (p. 351-380) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
Detecting Malicious Collusion Between Mobile Software Applications: The Android (TM) Case
- Asavoae, Irina Mariuca
- Blasco, Jorge
- Chen, Thomas M.
- Kalutarage, Harsha Kumara
- Muttik, Igor
- Hoang Nga Nguyen
- Roggenbach, Markus
- Shaikh, Siraj Ahmed;
Data Analytics And Decision Support For Cybersecurity: Trends, Methodologies And Applications (p. 55-97) - 1/1/2017
10.1007/978-3-319-59439-2_3 Ver en origen
- ISSN 25201859
Cross-Site Scripting: An Overview
- Raya, AA
- Alis, JB
- Herrero, EG
- Diaz-Pabon, AO
Innovations In Smes And Conducting E-Business: Technologies, Trends And Solutions (p. 61-75) - 1/1/2011
Google Developer Day
- iMarina
Ingenieria Social
- iMarina
Tercer Dia Internacional de la Seguridad de la Información DISI 2008
- iMarina
ADAPT it! Automating APT Campaign and Group Attribution by Leveraging and Linking Heterogeneous Files
- Saha A
- Blasco J
- Cavallaro L
- Lindorfer M
Acm International Conference Proceeding Series (p. 114-129) - 30/9/2024
Uncovering Vulnerabilities of Bluetooth Low Energy IoT from Companion Mobile Apps with Ble-Guuide
- Sivakumaran, P
- Zuo, CS
- Lin, ZQ
- Blasco, J
Proceedings Of The Acm Conference On Computer And Communications Security (p. 1004-1015) - 1/1/2023
10.1145/3579856.3595806 Ver en origen
- ISSN 15437221
A Study of the Feasibility of Co-located App Attacks against BLE and a Large-Scale Analysis of the Current Application-Layer Security Landscape
- Sivakumaran, Pallavi
- Blasco, Jorge;
Proceedings Of The 28th Usenix Security Symposium (p. 1-18) - 1/1/2019
- iMarina
A Study of Learning-by-Doing in MOOCs through the Integration of Third-Party External Tools: Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Running Modes
- Alario Hoyos, Carlos
- Estevez Ayres, Iria Manuela
- Gallego Romero, Jesus Manuel
- Delgado Kloos, Carlos
- Fernandez Panadero, Maria Carmen
- Crespo Garcia, Raquel
- Almenares Mendoza, Florina
- Ibañez Espiga, Maria Blanca
- Villena Roman, Julio
- Ruiz Magaña, Jorge
- Blasco Alis, Jorge
Journal Of Universal Computer Science (p. 1015-1033) - 1/1/2018
10.3217/jucs-024-08-1015 Ver en origen
- EISSN 0948-6968
- ISSN 0948-695X
- iMarina
- UC3M
A Low Energy Profile: Analysing Characteristic Security on BLE Peripherals
- Sivakumaran, Pallavi
- Alis, Jorge Blasco;
Proceedings Of The Eighth Acm Conference On Data And Application Security And Privacy (p. 152-154) - 1/1/2018
A Tunable Proof of Ownership Scheme for Deduplication Using Bloom Filters
- Blasco, Jorge
- Di Pietro, Roberto
- Orfila, Agustin
- Sorniotti, Alessandro;
2014 Ieee Conference On Communications And Network Security (Cns) (p. 481-489) - 1/1/2014
- ISSN 2474025X
- iMarina
Improving Network Intrusion Detection by Means of Domain-Aware Genetic Programming
- Blasco, Jorge
- Orfila, Agustin
- Ribagorda, Arturo;
Fifth International Conference On Availability, Reliability, And Security: Ares 2010, Proceedings (p. 327-332) - 1/1/2010
Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.
- O'Keeffe NA, Daniel (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- Ruiz NA, Sergio (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- Dash NA, Santanu (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador principal (IP))
- SCARPA, GIANNICOLA (Participante)
Ejecución: 01-09-2024 - 31-08-2027
Tipo: Nacional
Importe financiado: 175000,00 Euros.
- iMarina
Mejorando la Atribución de Malware Mediante Técnicas Avanzadas de Machine Learning
- Martín García, Alejandro (Participante)
- BARREIRO MORANTE, ALEJANDRO (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador principal (IP))
Ejecución: 29-12-2023 - 31-12-2025
Tipo: Nacional
Importe financiado: 236157,49 Euros.
- iMarina
Deloitte New Entry Graduate Programe.
- Jorge Blasco
- Robert Carolina (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Coordinador del proyecto total, red o consorcio)
Ejecución: Desde 01-09-2019
- iMarina
Security in Bluetooth Enabled Devices BLEMAP.
- Jorge Blasco Alis (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador principal (IP))
Ejecución: 01-04-2019 - 01-02-2020
- iMarina
Security in Bluetooth.
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador principal (IP))
- Jorge Blasco Alis (Investigador principal (IP))
Ejecución: 01-01-2017 - 01-04-2017
- iMarina
SEEK - Steganography in Video.
- Tom Chen (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Miembro de equipo)
Ejecución: 01-03-2016 - 01-03-2019
- iMarina
Wearable Authentication.
- Jorge Blasco Alis (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador principal (IP))
Ejecución: 01-01-2015 - 01-01-2015
- iMarina
ACID - Android Collusion Detection.
- Tom Chen (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Miembro de equipo)
Ejecución: 01-04-2014 - 01-04-2017
- iMarina
Informe pericial para TECNOCOM Telecomunicaciones y Energia SA.
- Arturo Ribagorda Garnacho (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador/a)
Ejecución: 01-03-2012 - 11-03-2012
Tipo: Regional
- iMarina
- UC3M
IPT-2011-1593-390000 - Simulador Avanzado para la Ciberdefensa Organizada SACO.
- Arturo Ribagorda Garnacho (Investigador principal (IP))
- BLASCO ALIS, JORGE (Investigador/a)
Ejecución: 02-09-2011 - 31-12-2014
Tipo: Nacional
- iMarina
- UC3M
Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.
Perfiles de investigador/a