Saucedo Mora, Luis


Finite-element study of the diagonal-tension failure in reinforced concrete beams

  • Yu, Rena C.
  • Saucedo, Luis
  • Ruiz, Gonzalo;

International Journal Of Fracture (p. 169-182) - 1/6/2011

10.1007/s10704-011-9592-z View at source

  • ISSN 03769429

Fully-developed FPZ length in quasi-brittle materials

  • Saucedo, L
  • Yu, RC
  • Ruiz, G

International Journal Of Fracture (p. 97-112) - 1/11/2012 View at source

  • ISSN 03769429

A loading rate dependent cohesive model for concrete fracture

  • Rosa, AL
  • Yu, RC
  • Ruiz, G
  • Saucedo, L
  • Sousa, JLAO

Engineering Fracture Mechanics (p. 195-208) - 1/3/2012 View at source

  • ISSN 00137944

Crystallization of zirconia based thin films

  • Stender D
  • Frison R
  • Conder K
  • Rupp JL
  • Scherrer B
  • Martynczuk JM
  • Gauckler LJ
  • Schneider CW
  • Lippert T
  • Wokaun A
... View more Collapse

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 18613-20) - 1/1/2015


  • ISSN 14639076
  • iMarina

Method for the explicit insertion of microstructure in Cellular Automata Finite Element (CAFE) models based on an irregular tetrahedral Finite Element mesh: Application in a multi-scale Finite Element Microstructure MEshfree framework (FEMME)

  • Saucedo-Mora, L
  • Marrow, TJ

Finite Elements In Analysis And Design (p. 56-62) - 1/11/2015 View at source

  • ISSN 0168874X

Multi-scale modeling of damage development in a thermal barrier coating

  • Saucedo-Mora, L.
  • Slamecka, K.
  • Thandavamoorthy, U.
  • Marrow, T. J.;

Surface & Coatings Technology (p. 399-407) - 25/8/2015

10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.06.038 View at source

  • ISSN 02578972

In situ measurement of the strains within a mechanically loaded polygranular graphite

  • Marrow, T. J.
  • Liu, D.
  • Barhli, S. M.
  • Mora, L. Saucedo
  • Vertyagina, Ye
  • Collins, D. M.
  • Reinhard, C.
  • Kabra, S.
  • Flewitt, P. E. J.
  • Smith, D. J.;
... View more Collapse

Carbon (p. 285-302) - 1/1/2016

10.1016/j.carbon.2015.09.058 View at source

  • ISSN 00086223

Plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings: numerical study on damage localization and evolution

  • Slamecka, K.
  • Skalka, P.
  • Celko, L.
  • Pokluda, J.
  • Saucedo-Mora, L.
  • Marrow, T. J.
  • Thandavamoorthy, U.;
... View more Collapse

Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale (p. 322-329) - 1/1/2016

10.3221/igf-esis.35.37 View at source

  • ISSN 19718993

In situ observation of mechanical damage within a SiC-SiC ceramic matrix composite

  • Saucedo-Mora, L
  • Lowe, T
  • Zhao, S
  • Lee, PD
  • Mummery, PM
  • Marrow, TJ

Journal Of Nuclear Materials (p. 13-23) - 1/12/2016 View at source

  • ISSN 00223115

Observation and simulation of indentation damage in a SiC-SiCfibre ceramic matrix composite

  • Saucedo-Mora, Luis
  • Mostafavi, Mahmoud
  • Khoshkhou, Danial
  • Reinhard, Christina
  • Atwood, Robert
  • Zhao, Shuang
  • Connolly, Brian
  • Marrow, Thomas James;
... View more Collapse

Finite Elements In Analysis And Design (p. 11-19) - 1/3/2016

10.1016/j.finel.2015.11.003 View at source

  • ISSN 0168874X

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Nivel básico de prevención de riesgos laborales



  • iMarina

Numerical study on mixed-mode fracture in reinforced concrete

  • Yu RC
  • Saucedo L
  • Ruiz G

Aip Conference Proceedings (p. 143-146) - 1/1/2010

10.1063/1.3452118 View at source

  • ISSN 15517616

Boundary layer transition flight experiment overview

  • Berger KT
  • Anderson BP
  • Campbell CH
  • Garske MT
  • Saucedo LA
  • Kinder GR
  • Micklos AM
... View more Collapse

42nd Aiaa Thermophysics Conference - 1/1/2011

10.2514/6.2011-3323 View at source

Fully-developed FPZ size as a material constant

  • Luis Saucedo Mora
  • Rena C Yu
  • Gonzalo Ruiz López


  • iMarina

FPZ size as a material parameter, applications to crack path and load prediction in reinforced concrete

  • Luis Saucedo Mora
  • Rena C Yu
  • Gonzalo Ruiz López


  • iMarina

Eight Types of HSC

  • Yu, Rena C.
  • Saucedo, Luis
  • Ruiz, Gonzalo
  • Zhang, Xiaoxin;

Applied Mechanics And Materials (p. 293-+) - 1/1/2012

10.4028/ View at source

  • ISSN 16609336

Modelo asintótico de fatiga para hormigón basado en su distribución inicial

  • Luis Saucedo Mora
  • Gonzalo Ruiz López
  • Xiaoxin Zhang
  • Rena C Yu
  • Arthur Medeiros


  • iMarina

A unified approach to set Dirichlet boundary conditions for meshfree methods

  • Luis Saucedo Mora
  • Rena C Yu
  • Gonzalo Ruiz López


  • iMarina

Analytical formulation of the fracture path and shear resistance for RC beams

  • Saucedo L
  • Yu RC
  • Ruiz G

Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference On Fracture Mechanics Of Concrete And Concrete Structures, Framcos 2013 (p. 420-430) - 10/9/2012

  • iMarina

A probabilistic fatigue model based on the initial distribution to consider frequency effect in plain and fiber reinforced concrete

  • Saucedo L
  • Yu RC
  • Medeiros A
  • Zhang X
  • Ruiz G

Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference On Fracture Mechanics Of Concrete And Concrete Structures, Framcos 2013 (p. 193-204) - 1/1/2013

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

Modern radiation therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma: field and dose guidelines from the international lymphoma radiation oncology group (ILROG)

  • Specht L
  • Yahalom J
  • Illidge T
  • Berthelsen AK
  • Constine LS
  • Eich HT
  • Girinsky T
  • Hoppe RT
  • Mauch P
  • Mikhaeel NG
  • Ng A
... View more Collapse

International Journal Of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics (p. 854-62) - 1/1/2014


  • ISSN 03603016
  • iMarina

Caracterización de la ductilidad y del comportamiento mecánico en función de la velocidad de deformación de varios hormigones de alta resistencia

  • Gonzalo Ruiz López (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2007 - 01-01-2008

  • iMarina

Modelado y simulación de procesos de fractura en hormigón inducidos por la corrosión de las armaduras

  • Gonzalo Ruiz López (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2008 - 01-01-2009

  • iMarina

Diseño y caracterización mecánica de hormigones pretensados reforzados con fibras para la construcción de fustes de turbinas eólicas

  • Gonzalo Ruiz López (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2011 - 01-01-2012

  • iMarina

QUBE (quasi-brittle fracture): 3D modelling and characterisation of fracture in quasi-brittle engineering materials

  • Thomas James Marrow (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2012 - 01-01-2015

  • iMarina

Investigación sobre fatiga de sistemas de via en placa: modelo numérico de validación

  • Gonzalo Ruiz López (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 06-05-2013 - 01-01-2012

  • iMarina

BIA2016-75543-C3-1-R Estructuras de hormigón armado reciclado de bajo contenido en clinker y su ciclo de vida en el contexto de una economía circular

  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2016 - 01-01-2019

  • iMarina

Juan de la Cierva Incorporation Fellowship

  • Luis Saucedo Mora (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2016 - 01-01-2018

  • iMarina


  • Carmen Andrade Perdrix (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: 01-01-2016 - 01-01-2018

  • iMarina

Evaluación estructural de las celdas de refrigeración

  • Carmen Andrade Perdrix (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Investigador/a)

Period: From 01-01-2016

  • iMarina

Model CEMAT-OHL for thermo mechanical behaviour oh concrete curing

  • Carmen Andrade Perdrix (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SAUCEDO MORA, LUIS (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Period: From 01-01-2016

  • iMarina

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 1:46 PM