Corral Garcia, Roque


The Low Reduced Frequency Limit of Vibrating Airfoils-Part I: Theoretical Analysis

  • Corral R
  • Vega A

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme (p. 176-190) - 1/2/2016

10.1115/1.4031776 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

An Implicit Harmonic Balance Method in Graphics Processing Units for Oscillating Blades

  • Crespo, Javier
  • Corral, Roque
  • Pueblas, Jesus;

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme - 1/3/2016

10.1115/1.4031918 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

A Novel Mixing Plane Method Using Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Multirow Analysis in Turbomachines

  • Gisbert, Fernando
  • Corral, Roque

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme - 1/7/2016

10.1115/1.4032539 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

Effect of Uneven Wall Heating Conditions Under Different Buoyancy Numbers for a One Side Rib-Roughened Rotating Channel

  • Wang, Zhi
  • Corral, Roque;

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme - 1/11/2017

10.1115/1.4037758 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

Execution of a parallel edge-based Navier-Stokes solver on commodity graphics processor units

  • Corral, Roque
  • Gisbert, Fernando
  • Pueblas, Jesus;

International Journal Of Computational Fluid Dynamics (p. 93-108) - 7/2/2017

10.1080/10618562.2017.1294686 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10618562

Quantification of the Influence of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loading on the Damping Characteristics of Airfoils Oscillating at Low-Reduced Frequency-Part I: Theoretical Support

  • Corral, Roque
  • Vega, Almudena;

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme - 1/3/2017

10.1115/1.4034976 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

Quantification of the Influence of Unsteady Aerodynamic Loading on the Damping Characteristics of Airfoils Oscillating at Low Reduced Frequency-Part II: Numerical Verification

  • Vega, Almudena
  • Corral, Roque;

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme - 1/3/2017

10.1115/1.4034978 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

Comparison between aerodynamic designs obtained by human driven and automatic procedures

  • Puente R
  • Corral R
  • Parra J

Aerospace Science And Technology (p. 443-454) - 1/1/2018

10.1016/j.ast.2017.11.011 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00341223

Numerical study of uneven wall-heating effect for a one side rib-roughened cooling channel subject to rotation

  • Wang Z
  • Corral R

Aeronautical Journal (p. 1697-1710) - 1/11/2018

10.1017/aer.2018.96 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00019240

Conceptual Flutter Analysis of Labyrinth Seals Using Analytical Models-Part I: Theoretical Support

  • Corral R
  • Vega A

Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme (p. 176-190) - 1/12/2018

10.1115/1.4041373 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0889504X

Prácticas de estática: física

  • Félix Hernando, Roque Corral García


  • ISBN 8486792479
  • iMarina

Prácticas de física

  • Roque Corral García, Félix Hernando


  • ISBN 8486792487
  • iMarina

Physical approach of Computational Fluid Dynamics for undergraduate engineering students

  • José Miguel Pérez Pérez
  • Soledad Le Clainche Martínez
  • Roque Corral García

Gómez Chova, L.; López Martínez, A.; Candel Torres, I. (Eds.), Edulearn Proceedings. 10th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies (p. 638-647) - 1/1/2018

  • iMarina

Automatic mesh generation by a mixed advancing-front Delaunay approach

  • Corral R
  • Barroso J
  • Burgos M

American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (Paper) - 1/12/1997

  • ISSN 04021215
  • iMarina

A parametric design tool for cascades of airfoils

  • Corral R
  • Pastor G

Proceedings Of The Asme Turbo Expo - 1/1/1999

10.1115/99-gt-073 Ver en origen

Quantitative influence of the steady non-reflecting boundary conditions on blade-to-blade computations

  • Contreras J
  • Corral R

Proceedings Of The Asme Turbo Expo - 1/1/2000

10.1115/2000-gt-0515 Ver en origen

Influence of the artificial dissipation model on the propagation of acoustic and entropy waves

  • Corral R
  • Burgos M
  • Garcia A

Proceedings Of The Asme Turbo Expo - 1/1/2000

10.1115/2000-gt-0563 Ver en origen

Application of phase-lagged boundary conditions to rotor/stator interaction

  • Burgos M
  • Corral R

Proceedings Of The Asme Turbo Expo - 1/1/2001

10.1115/2001-gt-0586 Ver en origen

Semi-unstructured grid methods for turbomachinery applications

  • Contreras J
  • Corral R
  • Fernandez-Castañeda J
  • Pastor G
  • Vasco C

American Society Of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) Igti (p. 947-955) - 1/12/2002

10.1115/gt2002-30572 Ver en origen

Validation of a linear multigrid accelerated unstructured Navier-Stokes solver for the computation of turbine blades on hybrid grids

  • Corral R
  • Escribano A
  • Gisbert F
  • Serrano A
  • Vasco C

9th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference And Exhibit - 1/12/2003

  • iMarina

LP turbine interaction noise generation and transmission analysis based on 2D linear CFD calculations

  • Escribano A
  • Serrano A
  • Corral R
  • Vasco C

9th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference And Exhibit - 1/12/2003

  • iMarina

Linear stability analysis of LPT rotor packets - Part ii: Three-dimensional results and mistuning effects

  • Corral R
  • Gallardo J
  • Vasco C

(p. 563-572) - 1/1/2004

  • iMarina

Linear stability analysis of LPT rotor packets - Part i: Methodology and two-dimensional results

  • Corral R
  • Lopez C
  • Vasco C

(p. 551-562) - 1/1/2004

  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

CoJeN: Computation of Coaxial Jet Noise

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-02-2004 - 31-07-2007

Tipo: Internacional

  • iMarina

TATMo: Turbulence and Transition Modelling for Special Turbomachinery Applications.

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-10-2006 - 31-03-2010

Tipo: Internacional

  • iMarina

Análisis de flameo y respuesta forzada de estructuras cíclicas con imperfecciones

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-10-2006 - 30-09-2009

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

MAGPI: Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Assas Martínez de Morentín, Pablo de (Participante)

Ejecución: 01-09-2006 - 31-08-2011

Tipo: Internacional

  • iMarina

OPENAER: Nuevas configuraciones de avión y motor para el futuro sistema de transporte aéreo. "Desarrollo de métodos numéricos para el análisis aerodinámico de turbomáquinas"

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))
  • JIMENEZ SENDIN, JAVIER (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2008 - 31-12-2010

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

OPENAER: Nuevas configuraciones de avión y motor para el futuro sistema de transporte aéreo. "Desarrollo de métodos numéricos y metodologías para el análisis aeroélastico de turbomáquinas".

  • MARTEL ESCOBAR, CARLOS (Investigador principal (IP))
  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2008 - 31-12-2010

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

Validation of radical engine architecture systems

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-02-2008 - 31-01-2012

Tipo: Internacional

Importe financiado: 118000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

OPtimisation for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-04-2009 - 31-03-2013

Tipo: Internacional

Importe financiado: 67500,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Engine Representative Internal Cooling Knowledge and Applications

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-07-2009 - 30-06-2014

Tipo: Internacional

Importe financiado: 164774,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Análisis de problemas aeroelásticos en turbomaquinaria mediante simulaciones no-lineales eficientes

  • HERMIDA QUESADA, JOSE (Participante)
  • GOMEZ MIGUEL, Raquel (Participante)
  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2012

Tipo: Nacional

Importe financiado: 43560,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Una estructura de datos basado en aristas para la resolución de las ecuaciones de Navier/Stokes.

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Gómez Miguel, Raquel


  • iMarina

Condiciones de contorno y modelos de disipación para la resolución numérica de problemas no estacionarios.

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Manuel Antonio Burgos Olmos


  • iMarina

Resolución de las ecuaciones de Navier- Stokes adjuntas mediante un método multimalla precondicionado.

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Director) Doctorando: GISBERT CERVERA, Fernando


  • iMarina

Resolution of the adjoint Navier-Stokes equations using a preconditioned multigrid method

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Gisbert Cervera, Fernando


  • iMarina

Asymptotic and computational analysis of mistuning effects on the dynamics of bladed disks

  • Roque Corral García (Director)
  • Carlos Martel Escobar (Director) Doctorando: Oualid Khemiri


  • iMarina

Impact of the Unsteady Aerodynamics of Oscillating Airfoils on the Flutter Characteristics of Turbomachines

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Almudena Vega Coso


  • iMarina

Acceleration of an Unstructured Compressible Flow Solver using Implicit Methods and Graphics Cards

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Jesús Pueblas Sánchez Guerra


  • iMarina

Grid Generation and Fluid-Solid Coupling Methods for the Investigation of Gas Turbine Rotor Blade Internal Cooling

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Zhi Wang


  • iMarina

Automatic Design of Turbomachinery Blading Using GPU Accelerated Adjoint Compressible Flow Analysis

  • Roque Corral García (Director) Doctorando: Ricardo Puente Rico


  • iMarina

Fourier Methods for Modelling of Instabilities and Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery

  • CORRAL GARCIA, ROQUE (Director) Doctorando: Romera Hijano, David


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 12:52