Pereda Garcia, Maria


A Decentralized Solution for Transmission Expansion Planning: Getting Inspiration from Nature

  • Lumbreras, Sara
  • Wogrin, Sonja
  • Navarro, Guillermo
  • Bertazzi, Ilaria
  • Pereda, Maria;

Energies - 1/1/2019

10.3390/en12234427 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19961073

Agent-Based Modelling: an Approach from the Systems Engineering

  • Pereda, Maria
  • Zamarreno, Jesus M.;

Revista Iberoamericana De Automatica E Informatica Industrial (p. 304-312) - 1/7/2015

10.1016/j.riai.2015.02.007 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16977912

Assessment of resistance spot welding quality based on ultrasonic testing and tree-based techniques

  • Martin, Oscar
  • Pereda, Maria
  • Ignacio Santos, Jose
  • Manuel Galan, Jose;

Journal Of Materials Processing Technology (p. 2478-2487) - 1/1/2014

10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.05.021 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09240136
Open Access

Collaborative hierarchy maintains cooperation in asymmetric games

  • Antonioni, Alberto
  • Pereda Garcia, Maria
  • Cronin, K. A.
  • Tomassini, M.
  • Sanchez Sanchez, Angel

Scientific Reports - 1/12/2018

10.1038/s41598-018-23681-z Ver en origen

  • ISSN 2045-2322

Decision biases in human queuing systems: a simulation model to use in the class

  • María Pereda

Direccion Y Organizacion (p. 31-39) - 1/1/2022

10.37610/dyo.v77i0.622 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1132175X

Direct quality prediction in resistance spot welding process: Sensitivity, specificity and predictive accuracy comparative analysis

  • Pereda, M.
  • Santos, J. I.
  • Martin, O.
  • Galan, J. M.;

Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining (p. 679-685) - 1/11/2015

10.1179/1362171815y.0000000052 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13621718

Effect of Resource Spatial Correlation and Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer Mobility on Social Cooperation in Tierra del Fuego

  • Ignacio Santos, Jose
  • Pereda, Maria
  • Zurro, Debora
  • Alvarez, Myrian
  • Caro, Jorge
  • Manuel Galan, Jose
  • Briz i Godino, Ivan;
... Ver más Contraer

Plos One - 8/4/2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0121888 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203

Emergence and Evolution of Cooperation Under Resource Pressure

  • Pereda, Maria
  • Zurro, Debora
  • Santos, Jose I.
  • Briz i Godino, Ivan
  • Alvarez, Myrian
  • Caro, Jorge
  • Galan, Jose M.;
... Ver más Contraer

Scientific Reports - 31/3/2017

10.1038/srep45574 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20452322

Evolution of cooperation under social pressure in multiplex networks

  • Pereda, Maria;

Physical Review e - 19/9/2016

10.1103/physreve.94.032314 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1063651X

Explainable machine learning for project management control

  • Santos, JI
  • Pereda, M
  • Ahedo, V
  • Galán, JM

Computers & Industrial Engineering - 1/1/2023

10.1016/j.cie.2023.109261 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03608352

An Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Tool to Play and Learn Inside and Outside the Class

  • Lorente, PJ
  • Pereda, M

Rural Electrification Management Models: A Systematic Literature Review (p. 59-63) - 1/1/2023

10.1007/978-3-031-27915-7_11 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23674520

A Brief Introduction to the Use of Machine Learning Techniques in the Analysis of Agent-Based Models

  • Pereda, Maria
  • Ignacio Santos, Jose
  • Manuel Galan, Jose;

Project Management And Engineering Research, 2014 (p. 179-186) - 1/1/2017

10.1007/978-3-319-55889-9_11 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 21980772

NetLogo Teaching Tool to Illustrate the Cooling Process in Simulated Annealing Using the Metropolis Model


Industry 4.0: The Power Of Data - 8/7/2023

10.1007/978-3-031-29382-5_3 Ver en origen

Agent-based modeling of an activated sludge process in a batch reactor

  • Pereda M
  • Zamarreno J

2011 19th Mediterranean Conference On Control And Automation, Med 2011 (p. 1128-1133) - 20/6/2011

10.1109/med.2011.5983027 Ver en origen

An OOP Agent-Based Model for the Activated Studge Process Using MATLAB

  • María Pereda García
  • Jesús María Zamarreño Cosme

Advances In Intelligent And Soft Computing (p. 241-248) - 31/7/2012

10.1007/978-3-642-28765-7_28 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18675662

An empirical network based analysis of the characteristic influence distance among urban business interactions

  • Rosa M Sánchez
  • María Pereda
  • Jose Ignacio Santos
  • José Manuel Galán


  • iMarina

An iterated Prisoners Dilemma tool to play and learn inside and outside the class



  • iMarina
Open Access

Competing for congestible goods: experimental evidence on parking choice

  • Pereda Garcia, Maria
  • Ozaita Corral, Juan
  • Stavrakakis, Ioannis
  • Sanchez Sanchez, Angel

Scientific Reports (p. 1-10) - 21/12/2020

10.1038/s41598-020-77711-w Ver en origen

  • ISSN 2045-2322

Cooperation in Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer Societes in Tierra del Fuego. Resource Spatial Correlation and Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer Mobility

  • Débora Zurro
  • Jorge Caro
  • Virginia Ahedo
  • Myrian Álvarez
  • Iván Briz
  • María Pereda
  • Jose Ignacio Santos
  • Jose Manuel Galán
... Ver más Contraer


  • iMarina

Cooperation practices allow fighting resource stress episodes

  • Débora Zurro
  • María Pereda
  • Iván Briz i Godino
  • Myrian Álvarez
  • Jorge Caro
  • Jose Manuel Galán
  • Jose Ignacio Santos
  • Virginia Ahedo
... Ver más Contraer


  • iMarina

Dunbar's numbers and social structure: an experiment



  • iMarina

Dunbar’s numbers, negative relationships, and social structure: Models and experiments



  • iMarina

Herramienta docente en NetLogo para ilustrar el proceso de enfriamiento en el recocido simulado mediante el modelo de Metrópolis

  • José Ignacio Santos Martín, María Pereda García, Virginia Ahedo García, José Manuel Galán Ordax


  • iMarina

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Última actualización de los datos: 9/09/24 14:39