Sesma Galarraga, Ane


Closely related plasmid replicons coexisting in the phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae show a mosaic organization of the replication region and altered incompatibility behavior

  • Sesma, A
  • Sundin, GW
  • Murillo, J;

Applied And Environmental Microbiology (p. 3948-3953) - 1/1/1998

10.1128/aem.64.10.3948-3953.1998 View at source

  • ISSN 00992240

Molecular characterization of a novel ssRNA ourmia-like virus from the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

  • Illana, Adriana
  • Marconi, Marco
  • Rodriguez-Romero, Julio
  • Xu, Ping
  • Dalmay, Tamas
  • Wilkinson, Mark D.
  • Angeles Ayllon, Maria
  • Sesma, Ane;
... View more Collapse

Archives Of Virology (p. 891-895) - 1/3/2017

10.1007/s00705-016-3144-9 View at source

  • ISSN 03048608

Cultivar-specific avirulence and virulence functions assigned to avrPphF in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, the cause of bean halo-blight disease (vol 19, pg 3204, 2000)

  • Tsiamis, G
  • Mansfield, JW
  • Hockenhull, R
  • Jackson, RW
  • Sesma, A
  • Athanassopoulos, E
  • Bennett, MA
  • Stevens, C
  • Vivian, A
  • Taylor, JD
  • Murillo, J;
... View more Collapse

Embo Journal (p. 5941-5941) - 1/1/2000

10.1093/emboj/19.13.3204 View at source

  • ISSN 14602075

Erratum: Cultivar-specific avirulence and virulence functions assigned to avrPphF in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola, the cause of bean halo-blight disease (Embo Journal (2000) 19 (3204-3214))

  • Tsiamis G
  • Mansfield J
  • Hokenhull R
  • Jackson R
  • Sesma A
  • Athanassopoulos E
  • Bennett M
  • Vivian A
  • Taylor J
  • Murillo J
... View more Collapse

Embo Journal - 1/11/2000

  • ISSN 14602075
  • iMarina

Publishing FAIR Data: An Exemplar Methodology Utilizing PHI-Base

  • Rodriguez-Iglesias, Alejandro
  • Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Alejandro
  • Irvine, Alistair G.
  • Sesma, Ane
  • Urban, Martin
  • Hammond-Kosack, Kim E.
  • Wilkinson, Mark D.;
... View more Collapse

Frontiers In Plant Science - 12/5/2016

10.3389/fpls.2016.00641 View at source

  • ISSN 1664462X

Regulation of Translation by TOR, eIF4E and eIF2 alpha in Plants: Current Knowledge, Challenges and Future Perspectives

  • Sesma, Ane
  • Castresana, Carmen
  • Mar Castellano, M.;

Frontiers In Plant Science - 26/4/2017

10.3389/fpls.2017.00644 View at source

  • ISSN 1664462X

Gene Deletion of 7,8-Linoleate Diol Synthase of the Rice Blast Fungus STUDIES ON PATHOGENICITY, STEREOCHEMISTRY, AND OXYGENATION MECHANISMS

  • Jerneren, Fredrik
  • Sesma, Ane
  • Francheschetti, Marina
  • Hamberg, Mats
  • Oliw, Ernst H.;

Journal Of Biological Chemistry (p. 5308-5316) - 1/1/2010

10.1074/jbc.m109.062810 View at source

  • ISSN 00219258

Erratum: Gene deletion of 7,8-linoleate diol synthase of the rice blast fungus. Studies on pathogenicity, stereochemistry, and oxygenation mechanisms (The Journal Of Biological Chemistry (2010) 285, (5308-5316) DOI: 10.1074/jbc.A109.062810)

  • Jernerén F
  • Sesma A
  • Franceschetti M
  • Hamberg M
  • Oliw EH

Journal Of Biological Chemistry - 25/6/2010

  • ISSN 00219258
  • iMarina

Gene deletion of 7,8-linoleate diol synthase of the rice blast fungus (vol 285, pg 5308, 2010)

  • Jerneren, Fredrik
  • Sesma, Ane
  • Franceschetti, Marina
  • Hamberg, Mats
  • Oliw, Ernst H.;

Journal Of Biological Chemistry (p. 20422-20422) - 1/1/2010

10.1074/jbc.a109.062810 View at source

  • ISSN 00219258

Capillary-induced contact guidance

  • Lenhert, Steven
  • Sesma, Ane
  • Hirtz, Michael
  • Chi, Lifeng
  • Fuchs, Harald
  • Wiesmann, Hans Peter
  • Osbourn, Anne E.
  • Moerschbacher, Bruno M.;
... View more Collapse

Langmuir (p. 10216-10223) - 1/1/2007

10.1021/la701043f View at source

  • ISSN 15205827

Fungal RNA biology

  • Sesma A, Von Der Haar T

(p. 1-395) - 1/3/2014

10.1007/978-3-319-05687-6 View at source

Bioinformatics tools for next-generation RNA sequencing analysis

  • Marconi M
  • Rodriguez-Romero J
  • Sesma A
  • Wilkinson M

Fungal Rna Biology (p. 371-391) - 1/3/2014

10.1007/978-3-319-05687-6_15 View at source

Applying Bioinformatics Tools to explore the evolution of the mRNA processing machinery in the fungal kingdom

  • Marconi, Marco
  • Rodriguez Iglesias, Alejandro

23rd Annual International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology. 14th European Conference On Computational Biology (p. 1-1) - 10/7/2015

  • iMarina

Bioinformatic analysis of Magnaporthe oryzae polyadenylation sites from next generation sequencing data

  • Marconi, Marco

23rd Annual International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology. 14th European Conference On Computational Biology (p. 1-1) - 10/7/2015

  • iMarina

Genes for virulence on a pathogenicity island in the bean pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola: How do they work?

  • Jackson, RW
  • Athanassopoulos, E
  • Tsiamis, G
  • Mansfield, JW
  • Grant, M
  • Sesma, A
  • Arnold, DL
  • Gibbon, MJ
  • Murillo, J
  • Taylor, JD;
... View more Collapse

Biology Of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol 2 (p. 303-308) - 1/1/2000

  • iMarina

Ending messages: alternative polyadenylation in filamentous fungi


Fungal Genetics Program Book (p. 53-54) - 12/3/2013

  • iMarina

RBP35 is a novel auxiliary protein of the polyadenylation machinery of filamentous fungi.


Libro De Resúmenes Del Congreso (p. 299-299) - 7/10/2012

  • iMarina

Multilevel regulation of a protein component of the polyadenylation machinery in Magnaporthe oryzae


Multilevel Regulation Of A Protein Component Of The Polyadenylation Machinery In Magnaporthe Oryzae (p. 27-27) - 15/6/2016

  • iMarina

Phylogenetic analysis of the pPT23A plasmid family of Pseudomonas syringae

  • Sundin, GW
  • Jacobs, JL
  • Sesma, A
  • Murillo, J;

Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (p. 141-143) - 1/1/2001

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Interacción genética entre la ruta TOR y el procesamiento de mRNA en Magnaporthe oryzae

  • ARRIBAS DE LA ROSA, CRISTINA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • RODRIGUEZ ROMERO, JULIO LUIS (Investigador principal (IP))
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Tutor)

Period: 15-09-2015 - 14-09-2018

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 204490,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

A. SESMA. Regulación traduccional y abordaje de su potencial biotecnológico para mejorar la adaptación de las plantas a estrese bióticos y abióticos

  • PÉREZ MARTÍN, MARTA (Participante)
  • DEMUEZ, MARIE (Participante)
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-10-2014 - 30-09-2018

Type of funding: Regional

Amount of funding: 171846,54 Euros.

  • iMarina

Disección de los mecanismos de infección del hongo quemado del arroz magnaporthe oryzae que regulan la colonización de la planta

  • RODRIGUEZ ROMERO, JULIO LUIS (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • ILLANA OTERO, ADRIANA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2012 - 30-05-2015

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 169400,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Post-transcriptional networks regulating organ-specific and general infection mechanisms in the rice blast fungus

  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Investigador principal (IP))
  • ILLANA OTERO, ADRIANA (Participante)

Period: 01-03-2012 - 29-02-2016

Type of funding: International

Amount of funding: 100000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Regulación post-transcripcional en respuesta a estrés ambiental en el hongo de la piriculariosis del arroz

  • Marconi, Marco (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • DEMUEZ, MARIE (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • ILLANA OTERO, ADRIANA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • ORTEGA CAMPAYO, VICTOR (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2015 - 28-02-2018

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 217800,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Molecular mechanisms regulating plant infection in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Director)
  • Rodríguez Romero, Julio L. (Director) Doctorando: Illana Otero, Adriana


  • iMarina

Understanding pathogenicity-related mechanisms in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Director) Doctorando: Ortega Campayo, Víctor


  • iMarina

Bioinformatic approaches to understand RNA biology in the rice blast fungus

  • Wilkinson, Mark D. (Director)
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Director)
  • WILKINSON, MARK DENIS (Director) Doctorando: Marconi, Marco


  • iMarina

FAIR approaches applied to unraveling Plant-Pathogen Interactions Data and RNA Processing Evolution

  • Wilkinson, Mark D. (Director)
  • SESMA GALARRAGA, Ane (Director)
  • WILKINSON, MARK DENIS (Director) Doctorando: Rodríguez Iglesias, Alejandro


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 3/5/24 6:38 PM