Karagiannis, Nikolaos n.karayiannis@upm.es


A metric to gauge local distortion in metallic glasses and supercooled liquids

  • Wu, Chen
  • Karayiannis, Nikos Ch.
  • Laso, Manuel
  • Qu, Dongdong
  • Luo, Qiang
  • Shen, Jun;

Acta Materialia (p. 229-238) - 15/6/2014

10.1016/j.actamat.2014.03.046 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 13596454

A novel Monte Carlo scheme for the rapid equilibration of atomistic model polymer systems of precisely defined molecular architecture

  • Karayiannis, NC
  • Mavrantzas, VG
  • Theodorou, DN;

Physical Review Letters (p. 105503-1055034) - 1/1/2002

10.1103/physrevlett.88.105503 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00319007

Advanced Monte Carlo Methods for the atomistic simulation of polymers with a linear or a non-linear molecular architecture

  • Karayiannis NCh
  • Mavrantzas VG

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (p. 31-67) - 1/1/2006

10.1016/s1570-7946(06)80004-0 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15707946

An advanced Monte Carlo method for the equilibration of model long-chain branched polymers with a well-defined molecular architecture: Detailed atomistic simulation of an H-shaped polyethylene melt

  • Karayiannis, NC
  • Giannousaki, AE
  • Mavrantzas, VG;

Journal Of Chemical Physics (p. 2451-2454) - 1/1/2003

10.1063/1.1543580 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00219606

Atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulation of short-chain branched polyethylene melts

  • Karayiannis NCh
  • Mavrantzas VG
  • Mouratides D
  • Chiotellis E
  • Kiparissides C

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (p. 333-357) - 1/1/2006

10.1016/s1570-7946(06)80016-7 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15707946

Atomistic Monte Carlo simulation of strictly monodisperse long polyethylene melts through a generalized chain bridging algorithm

  • Karayiannis, NC
  • Giannousaki, AE
  • Mavrantzas, VG
  • Theodorou, DN;

Journal Of Chemical Physics (p. 5465-5479) - 1/1/2002

10.1063/1.1499480 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00219606

Combined Molecular Algorithms for the Generation, Equilibration and Topological Analysis of Entangled Polymers: Methodology and Performance

  • Karayiannis, Nikos Ch.
  • Kroeger, Martin;

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences (p. 5054-5089) - 1/11/2009

10.3390/ijms10115054 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14220067

Computer simulations of amorphous polymers: From quantum mechanical calculations to mesoscopic models

  • Aleman, Carlos
  • Karayiannis, Nikos Ch.
  • Curco, David
  • Foteinopoulou, Katerina
  • Laso, Manuel;

Journal Of Molecular Structure: Theochem (p. 62-72) - 30/3/2009

10.1016/j.theochem.2008.07.040 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01661280

Confined Polymers as Self-Avoiding Random Walks on Restricted Lattices

  • Javier Benito
  • Oscar Parreño
  • Miguel Herranz
  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Manuel Laso

Polymers - 15/12/2018

10.3390/polym10121394 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20734360

Contact network in nearly jammed disordered packings of hard-sphere chains

  • Karayiannis, Nikos Ch.
  • Foteinopoulou, Katerina
  • Laso, Manuel;

Physical Review e - 6/8/2009

10.1103/physreve.80.011307 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1063651X

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Detailed Atomistic Simulation of the barrier properties of linear and short-chain branched polyethylene melts through a hierarchical modelling approach

  • Patricia Gestoso
  • Nikos Ch. Karayiannis

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (p. 201-240) - 1/1/2006

  • ISSN 15707946
  • iMarina

3-D Instructional Content as an Interactive Teaching Tool in Materials Science

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Katerina Foteinopoulou
  • Miguel Herranz
  • Daniel Martinez-Fernandez
  • Alberto Badias
  • Manuel Laso

5th International Virtual Conference On Educational Research And Innovation - 29/9/2021

  • iMarina

4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2023, Wuhan, China)

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Miembro del comite cientifico)


  • iMarina

An advanced Monte Carlo Algorithm for the fast equilibration of atomistic models of H-shaped polyethylene melts

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

An advanced Monte Carlo method for the fast equilibration of non-linear, H-shaped polyethylene melts

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

Atomistic simulation of polymers with a non-linear molecular architecture: Calculation of branch point friction and chain reptation time of an H-shaped polyethylene melt

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

Beginning rheology



  • iMarina

Branch point friction and its role in the dynamics of H-shaped polyethylene melts as probed by long molecular dynamics simulations

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

Crystallization and glass transition of polymers interacting with the square-well potential

  • Miguel Herranz
  • Manuel Laso
  • Katerina Foteinopoulou
  • Nikolaos Karayiannis

2020 Nanopt - 23/9/2020

  • iMarina

Detailed atomistic simulation of the conformational and dynamic properties of H-shaped polyethylene melts

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

Detailed atomistic simulation of the conformational and dynamical properties of long, multi-arm, H-shaped Polyethylene melts through an advanced hierarchical scheme

  • Nikos Ch Karayiannis
  • Vlasis G Mavrantzas


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

"Ayudas para apoyar las líneas de I+D en el programa de creación y consolidación de grupos de investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. CAM, Referencia: CCG07-UPM/000-3220"

  • Elías Muñoz Merino (Investigador principal (IP))
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Miembro de equipo)

Ejecución: Desde 01-01-2006

Importe financiado: 27785,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

"Design and study of heterogenous materials for applications in energy and environmental technologies" (AKMON-61)

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Miembro de equipo)

Ejecución: 11-12-2004 - 10-05-2005

Tipo: Nacional

Importe financiado: 236000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

"Designing dyes and pigments for inkjet technology breakthrough (DEDYPINK)" EA-2006-32

  • Manuel Laso Carbajo (Investigador principal (IP))
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Miembro de equipo)

Ejecución: 01-02-2006 - 31-01-2007

Importe financiado: 78300,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

"Hierarchical modelling of biosensors" (MAT2010-15482)

  • Jorge Ramirez Garcia (Investigador principal (IP))
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Investigador/a)

Ejecución: 01-01-2010 - 31-12-2013

Tipo: Nacional

Importe financiado: 30250,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

"Key Organisation for Research in Integrated Circuits in GaN Technology" (E050920B292)

  • Elías Muñoz Merino (Investigador principal (IP))
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Miembro de equipo)

Ejecución: 01-07-2009 - 30-09-2009

  • iMarina

"Massively-parallel atomistic molecular dynamics simulations for the calculation of the stress relaxation in polyethylene melts" (QCM-2010-3-0024))

  • Katerina Foteinopoulou
  • Jorge Ramirez
  • Nikos Ch. Karagiannis (Investigador principal (IP))
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Coordinador/a)

Ejecución: 01-11-2010 - 30-07-2011

  • iMarina

"Modeling of polymer-based systems in the bulk and at complex interfaces using advanced simulation methods"

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Ejecución: Desde 01-07-2015

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

"Modelling of synthetic and biological macromolecules through hierarchical and multiscale simulation methods"

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Ejecución: Desde 01-03-2010

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

"Nanoscale Fabrication Through Copolymer Self Assembly" (P208)

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Ejecución: Desde 27-06-2017

Tipo: Nacional

  • iMarina

"Polymer Modelling at Integrated Time-Length Scales" (G5RD-CT-2002-00720)

  • Manuel Laso Carbajo (Investigador principal (IP))

Ejecución: 01-06-2006 - 31-05-2007

Importe financiado: 2689675,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Molecular simulation and structural identification of athermal polymers in the bulk and under confinement

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Director) Doctorando: Ramos Fuertes, Pablo Miguel


  • iMarina

Monte Carlo simulations of crystal polymorphism in polymer-based systems

  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Director) Doctorando: Herranz Feito, Miguel


  • iMarina

Polymers Confined Between Plates: A Modeling Study Based on the Concept of Self-Avoiding Random Walks

  • Manuel Laso Carbajo (Codirector)
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Director) Doctorando: Oscar Parreño Agullo


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 13:45