Aviles Moreno, Juan Ramon juan.aviles@uam.es


Vibrational signatures of dynamic excess proton storage between primary amine and carboxylic acid groups

  • Gámez F
  • Avilés-Moreno JR
  • Martens J
  • Berden G
  • Oomens J
  • Martínez-Haya B

Journal Of Chemical Physics - 7/3/2024


  • ISSN 00219606
  • iMarina

Outstanding inhibition of H2O2 generation in doubly doped graphene: The synergy of two heteroatoms opens a new chemical path

  • Aguilar-Galindo, F
  • Fajardo-Rodríguez, S
  • Poyato, JML
  • Pastor, E
  • Avilés-Moreno, JR
  • Ocón, P

Carbon - 5/1/2024

10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118499 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

Sulfonate-Based Triazine Multiple-Electron Anolyte for Aqueous Organic Flow Batteries

  • Asenjo-Pascual, J.
  • Wiberg, C.
  • Shahsavan, M.
  • Salmeron-Sánchez, I.
  • Mauleón, P.
  • Moreno, J.R.A.
  • Ocon, P.
  • Peljo, P.
... Ver más Contraer

Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces (p. 36242-36249) - 25/7/2023


  • ISSN 19448244
  • iMarina

Clean H2 Production by Lignin-Assisted Electrolysis in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Flow Reactor

  • Rodríguez-Fernández, J.E.
  • Rojo, M.
  • Avilés-Moreno, J.R.
  • Ocón, P.

Materials - 1/5/2023

10.3390/ma16093525 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19961944

DFT calculation, a practical tool to predict the electrochemical behaviour of organic electrolytes in aqueous redox flow batteries

  • Asenjo-Pascual, J.
  • Salmerón-Sánchez, I.
  • Mauleón, P.
  • Agirre, M.
  • Lopes, A.C.
  • Zugazua, O.
  • Sánchez-Díez, E.
  • Avilés-Moreno, J.R.
  • Ocón, P.
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Power Sources - 30/4/2023

10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.232817 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03787753

A dynamic proton bond: MH+·H2O ⇌ M·H3O+ interconversion in loosely coordinated environments

  • Martínez-Haya, B.
  • Avilés-Moreno, J.R.
  • Gámez, F.
  • Martens, J.
  • Oomens, J.
  • Berden, G.

Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters (p. 1294-1300) - 9/2/2023


  • ISSN 19487185
  • iMarina

Strategies to Enhance CO2 Electrochemical Reduction from Reactive Carbon Solutions

  • Larrea, C.
  • Avilés-Moreno, J.R.
  • Ocón, P.

Molecules - 1/2/2023

10.3390/molecules28041951 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14203049

Correlated proton dynamics in hydrogen bonding networks: the benchmark case of 3-hydroxyglutaric acid

  • Martínez-Haya, B.
  • Avilés-Moreno, J.R.
  • Gámez, F.
  • Martens, J.
  • Oomens, J.
  • Berden, G.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 198-208) - 28/11/2023


  • ISSN 14639076
  • iMarina

Inclusion complexes of the macrocycle nonactin with benchmark protonated amines: aniline and serine

  • Avilés-Moreno JR, Gámez F, Berden G, Oomens J, Martínez-Haya B

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (p. 8422-8431) - 18/3/2022

10.1039/d2cp00264g Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14639076

Chemical physics insight of PPy-based modified ion exchange membranes: A fundamental approach

  • Salmeron-Sanchez I
  • Asenjo-Pascual J
  • Avilés-Moreno JR
  • Pérez-Flores JC
  • Mauleón P
  • Ocón P

Journal Of Membrane Science - 1/3/2022

10.1016/j.memsci.2021.120020 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03767388

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Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 12:00