Al Taleb, Amjad


Characterization of interlayer forces in 2D heterostructures using neutral atom scattering

  • Al Taleb, Amjad
  • Anemone, Gloria
  • Miranda, Rodolfo
  • Farias, Daniel;

2d Materials - 11/7/2018

10.1088/2053-1583/aacf26 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20531583

Experimental determination of thermal expansion of natural MoS2

  • Anemone, Gloria
  • Al Taleb, Amjad
  • Castellanos-Gomez, Andres
  • Farias, Daniel;

2d Materials - 4/5/2018

10.1088/2053-1583/aabe4a Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20531583

Experimental determination of surface thermal expansion and electron-phonon coupling constant of 1T-PtTe2

  • Anemone, Gloria
  • Garnica, Manuela
  • Zappia, Marilena
  • Aguilar, Pablo Casado
  • Al Taleb, Amjad
  • Chia-Nung Kuo
  • Lue, Chin Shan
  • Politano, Antonio
  • Benedek, Giorgio
  • Vazquez de Parga, Amadeo L.
  • Miranda, Rodolfo
  • Farias, Daniel;
... Ver más Contraer

2d Materials - 1/1/2020

10.1088/2053-1583/ab6268 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20531583

Ultrasmooth metal thin films on curved fused silica by laser polishing

  • Anemone G
  • Weingarten C
  • Al Taleb A
  • Prieto C
  • Farías D

Applied Physics Letters - 30/10/2017

10.1063/1.4999917 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00036951

Measurement of Co-60 high gamma dose using gamma activation of In-115 and Cd-111 foils

  • Haddad, Kh
  • Kattan, M.
  • Altaleb, A.;

Applied Radiation And Isotopes (p. 180-183) - 1/1/2011

10.1016/j.apradiso.2010.07.017 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09698043

Resolving localized phonon modes on graphene/Ir(111) by inelastic atom scattering

  • Al Taleb A., Anemone G., Farías D., Miranda R.

Carbon (p. 31-38) - 1/7/2018

10.1016/j.carbon.2018.03.008 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

Low-energy excitations of graphene on Ru(0001)

  • Maccariello, D.
  • Campi, D.
  • Al Taleb, A.
  • Benedek, G.
  • Farias, D.
  • Bernasconi, M.
  • Miranda, R.;
... Ver más Contraer

Carbon (p. 1-10) - 8/8/2015

10.1016/j.carbon.2015.05.028 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

A simple means of producing highly transparent graphene on sapphire using chemical vapor deposition on a copper catalyst

  • Anemone G., Climent-Pascual E., Al Taleb A., Yu H.K., Jiménez-Villacorta F., Prieto C., Wodtke A.M., De Andrés A., Farías D.

Carbon (p. 593-598) - 1/11/2018

10.1016/j.carbon.2018.07.022 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

Acoustic surface phonons of graphene on Ni(111)

  • al Taleb, Amjad
  • Anemone, Gloria
  • Farias, Daniel
  • Miranda, Rodolfo;

Carbon (p. 416-422) - 1/4/2016

10.1016/j.carbon.2015.12.043 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

Helium diffraction and acoustic phonons of graphene grown on copper foil

  • Al Taleb A
  • Yu H
  • Anemone G
  • Farías D
  • Wodtke A

Carbon (p. 731-737) - 11/10/2015

10.1016/j.carbon.2015.08.110 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00086223

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Surface structure and dynamics of epitaxial graphene on metals

  • Al Taleb, Amjad (Autor o Coautor)
  • Daniel Farias (Director) Doctorando: Amjad Al Taleb


  • iMarina

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Última actualización de los datos: 12/08/24 23:40