Barberá Durbán, Rafael Vicente


Linfoma T/NK laringotraqueal: caso clínico

  • de la Rosa Astacio, F.
  • Barberá Durbán, R.
  • Vaca González, M.
  • Cobeta Marco, I.

Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola (p. 71-73) - 2011

10.1016/j.otorri.2010.01.009 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0001-6519

Early glottic tumours with anterior commissure involvement. Literature review and consensus document. Head and Neck and Skull Base Commission, SEORL-CCC

  • Porras Alonso, E.
  • Vilaseca González, I.
  • García Teno, M.
  • Barberá Durbán, R.
  • Viscasillas Pallàs, G.
  • Sancho Mestre, M.
  • Rebollo Otal, J.
  • Menoyo Bueno, A.
  • Díaz de Cerio Canduela, P.
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Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola (p. 1-20) - 2020

Editor: Elsevier Doyma

10.1016/j.otorri.2020.02.008 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1988-3013

Carcinoma mucoepidermoide de laringe

  • Plaza, G.
  • Barbera, R.
  • Fogue, L.
  • Martinez San Millan, J.
  • Martinez Vidal, A.

Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola (p. 324-326) - 1999

  • ISSN/ISBN 0001-6519

Rehabilitation of the laryngectomised patient. Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

  • Díaz de Cerio Canduela, P.
  • Arán González, I.
  • Barberá Durban, R.
  • Sistiaga Suárez, A.
  • Tobed Secall, M.
  • Parente Arias, P.L.

Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola (p. 169-174) - 2019

Editor: Elsevier Doyma

10.1016/j.otorri.2018.01.003 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1988-3013

Separación laringotraqueal como tratamiento de la aspiración broncopulmonar grave

  • Barberá, R.
  • Izquierdo, M.
  • Otheo, E.
  • Martos, I.

Anales de Pediatria (p. 336-338) - 2009

10.1016/j.anpedi.2009.06.026 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1695-4033

Surgical and non-surgical management of thoracic and cervical paraganglioma

  • Araujo-Castro, M.
  • Redondo López, S.
  • Pascual-Corrales, E.
  • Polo López, R.
  • Alonso-Gordoa, T.
  • Molina-Cerrillo, J.
  • Moreno Mata, N.
  • Caballero Silva, U.
  • Barberá Durbán, R.
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Annales d'Endocrinologie - 2023

Editor: Elsevier Masson s.r.l.

10.1016/j.ando.2022.10.013 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2213-3941

Risk of contagion of SARS-CoV-2 among otorhinolaryngologists in Spain during the "Two waves"

  • Martin-Villares C, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Molina-Ramirez CP, Bartolome-Benito M, COVID ORL ESP Collaborative Group

European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (p. 3571-3577) - 1/9/2021

Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

10.1007/s00405-020-06582-8 View at source

  • ISSN 09374477
  • ISSN/ISBN 1434-4726

Letter to editors about cordectomy classification

  • Barbera, R.
  • Montes-Jovellar, L.
  • Sánchez-Fernández, F.
  • Arana, B.
  • Zaldivar, S.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (p. 297) - 2021

Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

10.1007/s00405-020-06181-7 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1434-4726

Outcome of 1890 tracheostomies for critical COVID-19 patients: a national cohort study in Spain

  • Martin-Villares, C.
  • Perez Molina-Ramirez, C.
  • Bartolome-Benito, M.
  • Bernal-Sprekelsen, M.
  • Perez-Fernandez, A.
  • Alcantara-Armenteros, S.
  • Monjas-Cánovas, I.
  • Sancho-Mestre, M.
  • Alemán-Lopez, O.
  • Deola-Trasserra, M.D.
  • Villarraga-Cova, V.
  • Carreras-Alcaraz, A.
  • Montaner-Sala, E.
  • Sota-Eguizabal, E.
  • Tolosa, A.
  • De la Iglesia, B.
  • Garcia-Sardon, R.
  • Diez, L.
  • Lehrer, E.
  • Aviles-Jurado, F.X.
  • Tudela-Cabello, K.
  • Huguet-Llull, G.
  • Mesalles-Ruíz, M.
  • Jimenez-Montoya, R.
  • Navazo-Eguïa, A.
  • Galindo-Torres, B.
  • Fernandez-Pello, M.
  • Rodriguez-Prado, N.
  • Salazar, C.
  • Ramos, F.
  • Amor-Dorado, J.C.
  • Faubel-Serra, M.
  • Nuñez-Carrasco, V.
  • Agüero-Medina, A.
  • Carlos-Villatoro, J.
  • Lopez-Diu, R.
  • Gonzalez-Melgan, S.
  • Uzcanga-Lacabe, M.
  • Cardier-Suárez, M.
  • Úbeda-Fernández, E.
  • Alañon-Fernández, M.Á.
  • Sanchez-Herrero, C.
  • Municio-Martin, J.A.
  • Pascua-Gomez, L.
  • Andrino-Martin, S.
  • Ayala-Mejias, S.
  • Molina-Gil, B.
  • De Abajo-Larriba, J.
  • Piñeiro-Aguín, Z.
  • Gil-Carcedo, E.
  • Herrero-Agustín, J.
  • Freijanes-Otero, J.
  • Cuetos-Azcona, M.
  • Garcia-Fernandez, A.
  • Jimenez-Huerta, I.
  • Babarro-Fernández, R.
  • Junjgohann-Jofre, F.
  • Martel-Lopez, A.
  • Martin-Sanchez, M.D.
  • Benitez-del Rosario, J.
  • Luorido, D.
  • Granda, M.
  • Tejeda, J.M.
  • Martinez Ruiz-Coello, A.
  • Almodovar-Iniesta, A.
  • Bonnin, J.
  • Chao-Vietes, J.
  • Hernández-Garcia, E.
  • Plaza, G.
  • Villacampa-Auba, J.M.
  • Campos-Gonzalez, A.
  • Casqueiro, J.C.
  • Baguena-Campos, L.
  • Encinas-Vicente, A.
  • Rubio-Yanguas, R.
  • Lowy-Benoliel, A.
  • Poletti-Serafini, D.
  • Pasamontes-Pingarron, J.A.
  • Aristegui-Ruiz, M.
  • Hernando-Cuñado, M.
  • Souviron-Encabo, R.
  • Martinez-Guirado, T.
  • Fernandez-Fernandez, M.
  • Gonzalez-Orus, R.
  • Molina-Montes, B.
  • De la Fuente-Hernandez, R.
  • Crovato-Rojas, J.
  • Ruminot, C.
  • Laguado, D.
  • Acosta, H.
  • Hernández-Garcia, M.J.
  • Zuaza-Gonzalez, A.
  • Domingo-Carrasco, C.
  • Valor-García, C.
  • Lopez-Martin, J.
  • Mogollon-Cano, T.
  • Meler-Claramonte, C.
  • Flores-Martín, J.C.
  • Arzok del Toro, J.
  • Garcia-Piñero, A.
  • Muñoz-Fernandez, N.
  • del Palacio, A.
  • Mateos-Serrano, B.
  • Garcia-Lopez, I.
  • Rodrigañez-Riesco, L.
  • Aragon, P.
  • Rivera, T.
  • Eisenberg-Plaza, G.
  • Fernandez-Robledo, I.
  • Prada-Pendolero, J.
  • Alvarez-Alvarez, I.
  • Puente-Verez, M.
  • Quintana-Sanjuas, A.
  • Parente-Arias, P.
  • García-Cordoba, F.
  • Garcia-Purriños, F.J.
  • Morales-Angulo, C.
  • Rodriguez-Rondon, S.
  • Lopez-Lopez, D.
  • Fernandez-Liesa, R.
  • Lázaro-Sánchez, A.
  • Alonso-Alonso, I.
  • Rusiecka, M.
  • Ramirez, R.D.
  • Vila, J.
  • Bellmunt-Fontanet, A.
  • Montoro-Martinez, V.
  • Piqueras, F.
  • Novoa-Morales, V.
  • Simonetti, G.
  • Guillen-Lozada, E.
  • Velasco, M.J.
  • Alonso-Castiñeira, I.
  • Hernandez, M.
  • Rovira-Ramos, C.
  • Diaz-Argüello, J.J.
  • Escamilla-Carpintero, Y.
  • Torrico-Roman, P.
  • Calvo-Navarro, C.
  • Viza-Puiggros, I.
  • Vaduva, C.
  • Higuera-Lucas, J.
  • Tato, J.I.
  • Rivera-Rodriguez, T.
  • Rodriguez-Contreras, D.
  • Caravaca-Garcia, A.
  • Ayala, A.
  • Morales-Puebla, J.M.
  • Ruiz-Escudero, C.
  • Lozano-Reina, E.
  • Maza-Solano, J.M.
  • Alfaro-Garcia, J.
  • Sanchez, F.
  • Montes-Jovellar, L.
  • Medina, M.
  • Barbera, R.
  • Marco-Garrido, A.
  • Cremades-Navalon, I.
  • García-Callejo, J.
  • Bastida, C.G.
  • Gutierrez-Fonseca, R.
  • Muñoz-Herrera, A.
  • Calvo, M.
  • Rosal-Fraga, C.
  • Iglesias-Moreno, M.C.
  • Gimeno-Hernández, J.
  • Vázquez-Romero, C.A.
  • Alzate-Amaya, F.
  • Hernández-Garcia, E.
  • Palomino, L.
  • Alcaraz, M.
  • Romeu-Figuerola, C.
  • Foglia-Fernandez, M.
  • Dios-Loureiro, C.
  • Gonzalez-Guijarro, I.
  • Vera-Llao, R.
  • Sancho-Calvo, R.
  • Ramos-Fernandez, J.J.
  • Lasso-delaVega, M.
  • Martinez-Pascual, P.
  • Dominguez-Ovejas, S.
  • Morera-Senra, E.
  • Alba-Mesquida, J.
  • Bonilla, A.
  • Martinez-Subias, J.
  • Martinez-Salazar, J.M.
  • Martinez-Lapeña, A.
  • Corrales-Millan, R.
  • Ruiz, R.
  • Mata, N.
  • Espinosa, A.
  • Cianci-Jaimes, L.G.
  • Zapater-Latorre, E.
  • Alba-Garcia, J.R.
  • Oishi-Konari, M.N.
  • Pallares-Marti, B.
  • Rubio-Fernandez, A.
  • Santos-Pérez, J.
  • Idigora-Planas, A.
  • Sanchez-Barrueco, A.
  • Alcala-Rueda, I.
  • Jara-Rubio, R.
  • Lozano, E.
  • Tirado-Zamora, I.
  • Coscaron-Blanco, E.
  • Suarez-Ortega, S.
  • Gil-Grasa, G.
  • Lavilla-Martin de Valmaseda, M.J.
  • Sebastian, J.M.
  • Nijim, H.
  • Dominguez-Calvo, J.
  • Gonzalez-Gimeno, M.J.
  • Carvajal-Urueña, A.
  • Anel, L.
  • Gonzalo-Orden, M.
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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (p. 1605-1612) - 2021

Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

10.1007/s00405-020-06220-3 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1434-4726

Superficial musculoaponeurotic system flap in partial parotidectomy and clinical and subclinical Frey's syndrome. Cosmesis and quality of life

  • Barberá, R.
  • Castillo, F.
  • D'Oleo, C.
  • Benítez, S.
  • Cobeta, I.

Head and Neck (p. 130-136) - 2014

10.1002/hed.23215 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1043-3074

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

This researcher has no conferences.

[Postoperative management following single-stage laryngotracheoplasty in acquired subglottic stenosis in children]

  • Morillo, P
  • Vazquez, J L
  • Barbera, R
  • Ros, P
  • Lozano, C

Cirugia Pediatrica : Organo Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Cirugia Pediatrica (p. 84-87) - 1/4/1998

  • ISSN 02141221
  • ISSN/ISBN 0214-1221

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 2:47 PM