García Barriocanal, María Elena
- Artículos 67
- Libros 4
- Capítulos de libro 10
- Congresos 39
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Detecting Browser Drive-By Exploits in Images Using Deep Learning
- Iglesias, P.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
Electronics (Switzerland) - 2023
Editor: MDPI
10.3390/electronics12030473 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2079-9292
Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 cases in Greece using Twitter data
- Samaras, L.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
Expert Systems with Applications - 2023
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120577 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174
Improving Jobs-Resumes Classification: A Labor Market Intelligence Approach
- Beristain, S.I.
- Barbosa, R.R.L.
- Barriocanal, E.G.
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making - 2022
Editor: World Scientific
10.1142/s0219622023500013 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0219-6220
Modeling bacterial species: Using sequence similarity with clustering techniques
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- González, L.
Computers, Materials and Continua (p. 1661-1672) - 2021
Editor: Tech Science Press
10.32604/cmc.2021.015874 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1546-2226
Predicting epidemics using search engine data: a comparative study on measles in the largest countries of Europe
- Samaras, L.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
BMC Public Health - 2021
Editor: BioMed Central Ltd
10.1186/s12889-020-10106-8 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1471-2458
Traceability for trustworthy AI: A review of models and tools
- Mora-Cantallops, Marcal
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel;
Big Data and Cognitive Computing - 1/6/2021
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/bdcc5020020 Ver en origen
- ISSN 25042289
- ISSN/ISBN 2504-2289
Predicting Length of Stay across Hospital Departments
- Puentes Gutierrez, Jesus Manuel
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena;
IEEE Access (p. 44671-44680) - 1/1/2021
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/access.2021.3066562 Ver en origen
- ISSN 21693536
- ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536
Evolution and prospects of the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) package ecosystem
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- Sicilia, M.-Á.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process - 2020
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
10.1002/smr.2270 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2047-7481
Comparing Social media and Google to detect and predict severe epidemics
- Samaras, L.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
Scientific Reports - 2020
Editor: Nature Research
10.1038/s41598-020-61686-9 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2045-2322
Authority-based conversation tracking in twitter: An unattended methodological approach
- Mora-Cantallops, Marcal
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel;
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) - 1/5/2020
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/app10093273 Ver en origen
- ISSN 20763417
- ISSN/ISBN 2076-3417
Aprendizaje y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
- Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán
- Elena García Barriocanal
Editor: Centro de Estudios Financieros - CEF
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-454-2169-7
Aprendizaje y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
- Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán
- Elena García Barriocanal
Editor: Centro de Estudios Financieros - CEF
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-454-1522-1
Programació orientada a objectes
- Juan José Ramos González
- Miquel Àngel Piera Eroles
- Elena García Barriocanal
- Jordi Brínquez Jiménez
- Daniel Riera Terrén
- Joan Arnedo Moreno
Editor: Editorial UOC, S.L.
- ISSN/ISBN 84-9788-582-1
Conceptos de programación I: algoritmos y programas
- José María Gutiérrez Martínez
- Javier Macías del Campo
- Roberto Barchino Plata
- Elena García Barriocanal
Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá
- ISSN/ISBN 848138500X
Quantum software measurement
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
Quantum Software Engineering (p. 193-208) - 2022
Editor: Springer International Publishing
10.1007/978-3-031-05324-5_10 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9783031053238
Syndromic surveillance using web data: A systematic review
- Samaras, L.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
Innovation in Health Informatics: A Smart Healthcare Primer (p. 39-77) - 2019
Editor: Elsevier
10.1016/b978-0-12-819043-2.00002-2 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9780128190432
Predicting patterns in hospital admission data
- Gutiérrez, J.M.P.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- Barriocanal, E.G.
Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine (p. 322-336) - 2017
Editor: IGI Global
10.4018/978-1-5225-2607-0.ch013 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781522526070
Promoting multiculturalism in technology based-education: A framework for the improvement of compatibility between educators of special groups and their learners and a case study on educators of Roma in Greece to prove its efficiency
- Pavlis-Korres, M.
- Barriocanal, E.G.
Professional Development and Workplace Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (p. 492-515) - 2015
Editor: IGI Global
10.4018/978-1-4666-8632-8.ch030 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781466686328
Promoting multiculturalism in technology based-education: A framework for the improvement of compatibility between educators of special groups and their learners and a case study on educators of Roma in Greece to prove its efficiency
- Pavlis-Korres, M.
- García Barriocanal, E.
Multiculturalism in Technology-Based Education: Case Studies on ICT-Supported Approaches (p. 100-124) - 2012
Editor: IGI Global
10.4018/978-1-4666-2101-5.ch007 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781466621015
Engineering the ontology for the SWEBOK: Issues and techniques
- Abran, A.
- Cuadrado, J.J.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Mendes, O.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Sicilia, M.A.
Ontologies for Software Engineering and Software Technology (p. 103-121) - 2006
Editor: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
10.1007/3-540-34518-3_3 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9783540345176
Ontologies and contracts in the automation of learning object management systems
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
Web-Based Intelligent E-Learning Systems: Technologies and Applications (p. 216-234) - 2005
Editor: IGI Global
10.4018/978-1-59140-729-4.ch011 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781591407294
Representing virtual communities for advanced services
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies (p. 402-404) - 2005
Editor: IGI Global
10.4018/978-1-59140-563-4.ch077 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781591405634
Integración de procedimientos de control en prácticas de desarrollo XP a través del concepto de micro-práctica
- Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán
- Elena García Barriocanal
- José Antonio Ortega Ruiz
CIASI 2001: III Congreso Iberoamericano de Auditoría y Control de Sistemas de Información : Libro de actas, Madrid 12, 13 y 14 de Diciembre de 2001 (p. 193-202) - 2001
Editor: Fundación Pablo VI
Métodos y técnicas para el control de la accesibilidad en el desarrollo de las aplicaciones Web
- Elena García Barriocanal
- Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán
CIASI 2001: III Congreso Iberoamericano de Auditoría y Control de Sistemas de Información : Libro de actas, Madrid 12, 13 y 14 de Diciembre de 2001 (p. 141-149) - 2001
Editor: Fundación Pablo VI
Understanding KlimaDAO Use and Value: Insights from an Empirical Analysis
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- de Lucio, J.-J.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 227-237) - 2022
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/978-3-031-22950-3_17 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1865-0937
Class and Instance Equivalences in the Web of Linked Data: Distribution and Graph Structure
- Sanchez-Alonso, S.
- Sicilia, M.A.
- Rajabi, E.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- Garcia-Barriocanal, E.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 13-21) - 2021
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/978-3-030-71903-6_2 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9783030719029
Entity Linking as a Population Mechanism for Skill Ontologies: Evaluating the Use of ESCO and Wikidata
- González, L.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sicilia, M.-A.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 116-122) - 2021
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/978-3-030-71903-6_12 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9783030719029
On the source code structure of quantum code: Insights from q# and qdk
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 292-299) - 2020
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/978-3-030-58793-2_24 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1865-0937
Qualified targeting through data aggregators in permissioned blockchain settings: A model for auditable transactions
- Sicilia, M.-A.
- Garrido, P.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Casquero, S.
- González, L.
- Ballesteros, A.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 111-120) - 2020
Editor: Springer
10.1007/978-3-030-52535-4_12 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2194-5365
The Case for Ontologies in Expressing Decisions in Decentralized Energy Systems
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sicilia, M.-Á.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 365-376) - 2019
Editor: Springer Verlag
10.1007/978-3-030-14401-2_35 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1865-0929
Ontologies for Data Science: On Its Application to Data Pipelines
- Sicilia, M.-Á.
- García-Barriocanal, E.
- Sánchez-Alonso, S.
- Mora-Cantallops, M.
- Cuadrado, J.-J.
Communications in Computer and Information Science (p. 169-180) - 2019
Editor: Springer Verlag
10.1007/978-3-030-14401-2_16 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1865-0929
Concept of expert system for creation of personalized, digital skills learning pathway
- Rozewski, Przemyslaw
- Kieruzel, Magdalena
- Lipczynski, Tomasz
- Prys, Marcin
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Hamill, Canice
- Royo, Carme
- Uras, Francesca;
Procedia Computer Science (p. 2304-2312) - 1/1/2019
Editor: Elsevier B.V.
10.1016/j.procs.2019.09.405 Ver en origen
- ISSN 18770509
- ISSN/ISBN 1877-0509
Programming paradigms for computational science: Three fundamental models
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Mora-Cantallops, Marcal;
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 408-420) - 1/1/2019
Editor: Springer Verlag
10.1007/978-3-030-22750-0_33 Ver en origen
- ISSN 03029743
- ISSN/ISBN 9783030227494
Decentralized Persistent Identifiers: A basic model for immutable handlers
- Sicilia, Miguel-Angel
- Garcia-Barriocanal, Elena
- Sanchez-Alonso, Salvador
- Cuadrado, Juan-Jose;
Procedia Computer Science (p. 123-130) - 1/1/2019
Editor: Elsevier B.V.
10.1016/j.procs.2019.01.087 Ver en origen
- ISSN 18770509
- ISSN/ISBN 1877-0509
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