Mazo Quintas, Manuel Ramón
- Artículos 91
- Libros 4
- Capítulos de libro 2
- Congresos 93
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
People re-identification using depth and intensity information from an overhead camera
- Luna, C.A.
- Losada-Gutiérrez, C.
- Fuentes-Jimenez, D.
- Mazo, M.
Expert Systems with Applications - 2021
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115287 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174
Fast heuristic method to detect people in frontal depth images
- Luna, C.A.
- Losada-Gutiérrez, C.
- Fuentes-Jiménez, D.
- Mazo, M.
Expert Systems with Applications - 2021
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.eswa.2020.114483 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174
The Isowarp: The Template-Based Visual Geometry of Isometric Surfaces
- Casillas-Perez, D
- Pizarro, D
- Fuentes-Jimenez, D
- Mazo, M
- Bartoli, A
International Journal Of Computer Vision (p. 2194-2222) - 1/7/2021
Editor: Springer
10.1007/s11263-021-01472-w Ver en origen
- ISSN 09205691
- ISSN/ISBN 1573-1405
Equiareal Shape-from-Template
- Casillas-Perez, David
- Pizarro, Daniel
- Fuentes-Jimenez, David
- Mazo, Manuel
- Bartoli, Adrien;
Journal Of Mathematical Imaging And Vision (p. 607-626) - 1/6/2019
Editor: Springer New York LLC
10.1007/s10851-018-0862-5 Ver en origen
- ISSN 09249907
- ISSN/ISBN 1573-7683
Advanced monitoring of rail breakage in double-track railway lines by means of PCA techniques
- Espinosa, F.
- García, J.J.
- Hernández, A.
- Mazo, M.
- Ureña, J.
- Jiménez, J.A.
- Fernández, I.
- Pérez, C.
- García, J.C.
Applied Soft Computing Journal (p. 1-13) - 2018
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.asoc.2017.11.009 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1568-4946
Headgear accessories classification using an overhead depth sensor
- Luna, C.A.
- Macias-Guarasa, J.
- Losada-Gutierrez, C.
- Marron-Romera, M.
- Mazo, M.
- Luengo-Sanchez, S.
- Macho-Pedroso, R.
Sensors (Switzerland) - 2017
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/s17081845 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1424-8220
Detector of Electrical Discontinuity of Rails in Double-Track Railway Lines: Electronic System and Measurement Methodology
- Espinosa, F.
- Hernandez, A.
- Mazo, M.
- Urena, J.
- Perez, M.C.
- Jimenez, J.A.
- Fernandez, I.
- Garcia, J.C.
- Garcia, J.J.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (p. 743-755) - 2017
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/tits.2016.2586538 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1524-9050
Robust people detection using depth information from an overhead Time-of-Flight camera
- Luna, C.A.
- Losada-Gutierrez, C.
- Fuentes-Jimenez, D.
- Fernandez-Rincon, A.
- Mazo, M.
- Macias-Guarasa, J.
Expert Systems with Applications (p. 240-256) - 2017
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.eswa.2016.11.019 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174
Proposal and validation of an analytical generative model of SRP-PHAT power maps in reverberant scenarios
- Velasco, J.
- Martín-Arguedas, C.J.
- Macias-Guarasa, J.
- Pizarro, D.
- Mazo, M.
Signal Processing (p. 209-228) - 2016
Editor: Elsevier
10.1016/j.sigpro.2015.08.003 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0165-1684
Characterization of railway line impedance based only on short-circuit measurements
- García, J.C.
- Jiménez, J.A.
- Espinosa, F.
- Hernández, A.
- Fernández, I.
- Pérez, M.C.
- Ureña, J.
- Mazo, M.
- García, J.J.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (p. 984-994) - 2015
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
10.1002/cta.1987 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1097-007X
Dispositivos electrónicos II
- Manuel Mazo Quintas
- Juan Jesús García Domínguez
- Sira Elena Palazuelos Cagigas
Editor: Universidad de Alcalá
- ISSN/ISBN 84-8138-630-8
Visión artificial
- Manuel R. Mazo Quintas
- Luciano Boquete Vázquez
- Rafael Barea Navarro
Editor: Alcalá de Henares : Servicio de Publicaciones de la U.A.H., 1996
- ISSN/ISBN 84-8138-101-2
Conversión de datos
- Manuel R. Mazo Quintas
- Ignacio Fernández Lorenzo
- Mario L. Senovilla Arranz
Editor: Universidad de Alcalá
- ISSN/ISBN 84-86981-09-3
Reconstrucción 3D de objetos deformables a partir de un modelo de referencia y de una imagen del objeto deformado mediante transformaciones de isometría e isoárea
- David Casillas Pérez
- Daniel Pizarro Pérez
- Manuel R Mazo Quintas
Sextas Jornadas De Jóvenes Investigadores De La Universidad De Alcalá: Ciencias E Ingenierías (p. 237-248) - 1/1/2017
Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-16599-48-6
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Assisted Route Planner for a Robotic Wheelchair
- Fernandes, M.R.
- Amaral, P.
- Vassallo, R.F.
- Bastos-Filho, T.F.
- Pizarro, D.
- Garcia, J.C.
- Mazo, M.
Devices for Mobility and Manipulation for People with Reduced Abilities (p. 97-122) - 2014
Editor: CRC Press
10.1201/b16870-9 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781466586451
Robust people detection and tracking from an overhead time-of-flight camera
- Fernandez-Rincon, A.
- Fuentes-Jimenez, D.
- Losada-Gutierrez, C.
- Marron-Romera, M.
- Luna, C.A.
- Macias-Guarasa, J.
- Mazo, M.
VISIGRAPP 2017 - Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (p. 556-564) - 2017
Editor: SciTePress
10.5220/0006169905560564 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9789897582257
Adaptive self-triggered control for remote operation of wifi linked robots
- Santos, C.
- Mazo, M.
- Santiso, E.
- Espinosa, F.
- Martínez, M.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 541-554) - 2014
Editor: Springer Verlag
10.1007/978-3-319-03653-3_39 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9783319036526
Modelling and correction of multipath interference in time of flight cameras
- Jimenez, D.
- Pizarro, D.
- Mazo, M.
- Palazuelos, S.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (p. 893-900) - 2012
10.1109/cvpr.2012.6247763 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781467312264
Análisis de escenas exteriores empleando cámaras de tiempo de vuelo
- D. Jiménez
- Daniel Pizarro Pérez
- Manuel R. Mazo Quintas
Terceras Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Universidad de Alcalá (p. 163-174) - 2011
Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-8138-925-8
Non-contact sensor for monitoring catenary-pantograph interaction
- Vázquez, C.A.L.
- Quintas, M.M.
- Romera, M.M.
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (p. 482-487) - 2010
10.1109/isie.2010.5637852 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781424463916
Tracking multiple agents in an intelligent space with probabilistic algorithms and a camera ring
- Marrón, M.
- Pizarro, D.
- Marcos, A.
- Jalvo, R.
- García, J.C.
- Mazo, M.
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (p. 2871-2876) - 2010
10.1109/isie.2010.5637126 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781424463916
Proposal for an Ambient Assisted Wheelchair (A2W)
- García, J.C.
- Amaral, P.F.S.
- Marrón, M.
- Mazo, M.
- Filho, T.F.B.
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (p. 2325-2330) - 2010
10.1109/isie.2010.5637765 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781424463916
Motion segmentation and 3D positioning of multiple mobile robots using an array of static cameras in an intelligent space
- Losada, C.
- Mazo, M.
- Palazuelos, S.
- Pizarro, D.
- Marrón, M.
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (p. 2847-2852) - 2010
10.1109/isie.2010.5637025 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781424463916
Efficient algorithms for a brain computer interface: Performance studies
- Martín, J.L.
- Ferreira, A.
- Mazo, M.
- Boquete, L.
- Palazuelos, S.
- Garcia, J.C.
Assistive Technology Research Series (p. 190-194) - 2009
10.3233/978-1-60750-042-1-190 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1383-813X
Gear predictor of manual transmission vehicles based on artificial neural network
- Wefky, A.M.
- Espinosa, F.
- Mazo, M.
- Jiménez, J.A.
- Santiso, E.
- Gardel, A.
- Pérez, D.
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation (p. 37-46) - 2009
10.2495/cmem090041 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1743-355X
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