Martínez Fernández de las Heras, José Javier


On the computation of determinants arising in some bivariate rational interpolation problems

  • Gasca, M.
  • Martínez, J.J.

Linear Algebra and Its Applications (p. 87-93) - 1989

10.1016/0024-3795(89)90693-9 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0024-3795

Computation of rational interpolants with prescribed poles

  • Gasca, M.
  • Martínez, J.J.
  • Mühlbach, G.

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (p. 297-309) - 1989

10.1016/0377-0427(89)90302-6 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0377-0427

On the solvability of bivariate Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation problems

  • Gasca, M.
  • Martínez, J.J.

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (p. 77-82) - 1990

10.1016/0377-0427(90)90418-y Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0377-0427

Bivariate Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation and Vandermonde determinants

  • Gasca, M.
  • Martínez, J.J.

Numerical Algorithms (p. 193-199) - 1992

10.1007/bf02141928 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1572-9265


  • Martinez, J.
  • Toval, M.
  • Colomo, L.F.

Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica (p. 289-292) - 1994

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-005X

Modification of empiric antibiotic treatment in patients with pneumonia acquired in the intensive care unit

  • Alvarez-Lerma, F.
  • Martinez Pellus, A.
  • Alvarez Sánchez, B.
  • Pérez Ortiz, E.
  • Jorda, R.
  • Barcenilla, F.
  • Maravi, E.
  • Galvan, B.
  • Palomar, M.
  • Serra, J.
  • Bermejo, B.
  • Mateu, A.
  • Quintana, E.
  • Sanchez Palacios, M.
  • Giral, R.
  • González, V.
  • López Mesa, J.
  • Melgarejo, J.A.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Insausti, J.
  • Olaechea, P.
  • Chánovas, M.
  • Gilabert, A.
  • Junquera, C.
  • Vallés, J.
  • Palacios, F.
  • Calvo, R.
  • Mesalles, E.
  • Nava, J.
  • Santos, A.
  • Armengol, S.
  • Marzo, D.
... Ver más Contraer

Intensive Care Medicine (p. 387-394) - 1996

10.1007/bf01712153 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0342-4642

Hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis and blastocystis hominis infection [8]

  • Carrascosa, M.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Perez-Castrillon, J.L.

Annals of Internal Medicine (p. 278-279) - 1996

Editor: American College of Physicians

10.7326/0003-4819-124-2-199601150-00031 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0003-4819

Shock septico por Serratia plymuthica [1]

  • Martinez, J.
  • Carrascosa, M.

Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica (p. 114-115) - 1997

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-005X

Aetiology and diagnostic techniques in intensive care acquired pneumonia: A Spanish multi-centre study

  • Alvarez-Lerma, F.
  • Palomar, M.
  • Martinez-Pellus, A.
  • Alvarez-Sanchez, B.
  • Perez-Ortiz, E.
  • Jorda, R.
  • Barcenilla, F.
  • Maravi, E.
  • Galvan, B.
  • Serra, J.
  • Bermejo, B.
  • Mateu, A.
  • Quintana, E.
  • Sanchez Palacios, M.
  • Giral, R.
  • Gonzalez, V.
  • Lopez Mesa, J.
  • Melgarejo, J.A.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Insausti, J.
  • Olaechea, P.
  • Chanovas, M.
  • Gilabert, A.
  • Junquera, C.
  • Valles, J.
  • Palacios, F.
  • Calvo, R.
  • Mesalles, E.
  • Nava, J.
  • Santos, A.
  • Armengol, S.
  • Marzo, D.
... Ver más Contraer

Clinical Intensive Care (p. 164-170) - 1997

Editor: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

10.3109/tcic. Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0956-3075

Factorizations of Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices

  • Martínez, J.J.
  • Peña, J.M.

Linear Algebra and Its Applications (p. 229-237) - 1998

Editor: Elsevier Inc.

10.1016/s0024-3795(98)10073-3 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0024-3795

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Polinomios ortogonales, cuadratura gaussiana y problemas de valores propios

  • José Javier Martínez Fernández de las Heras

Margarita mathematica: en memoria de José Javier (Chicho) Guadalupe Hernández (p. 595-606) - 2001

Editor: Universidad de La Rioja

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-95301-56-3

A critical analysis of EU-funded eparticipation

  • Prieto-Martín, P.
  • De Marcos, L.
  • Martínez, J.J.

Empowering Open and Collaborative Governance: Technologies and Methods for Online Citizen Engagement in Public Policy Making (p. 241-262) - 2012

Editor: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

10.1007/978-3-642-27219-6_13 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783642272189

Query by synthesized sketch in an architectural database

  • Benois-Pineau, J.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Briand, H.

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (p. 361-367) - 1997

Editor: SPIE

10.1117/12.263424 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1996-756X

Colour image retrieval fitted to <<classical>> querying

  • Martinez, J.
  • Guillaume, S.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 14-21) - 1997

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/3-540-63508-4_100 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349

Towards intelligent retrieval in image databases

  • Martinez, J.
  • Marchand, S.

Proceedings - International Workshop on Multi-Media Database Management Systems, MMDBMS 1998 (p. 38-45) - 1998

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/mmdbms.1998.709490 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780818686764

Fast algorithms for Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices with multiple poles

  • Martinez, J.J.
  • Pena, J.M.

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (p. 371-379) - 1999

Editor: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

  • ISSN/ISBN 0277-786X

OTHY: Object to HYpermedia

  • Barbeau, F.
  • Martinez, J.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 349-363) - 1999

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/3-540-48738-7_26 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349

About tours in the OTHY hypermedia design

  • Barbeau, F.
  • Martinez, J.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 146-155) - 1999

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-540-46652-9_14 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349

A Flexible Image Search Engine

  • Tosukhowong, P.
  • Andres, F.
  • Ono, K.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Mouaddib, N.
  • Dessaigne, N.
  • Schmidt, D.C.
... Ver más Contraer

MULTIMEDIA 1999 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (Part 1) (p. 87-90) - 1999

Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc

10.1145/319878.319902 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781581132397

How to visit data with OTHY

  • Barbeau, F.
  • Martinez, J.

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (p. 909-914) - 2000

10.1145/338407.338685 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781581132403

MISE: The MediaSys image search engine

  • Andrès, F.
  • Dessaigne, N.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Mouaddib, N.
  • Ono, K.
  • Schmidt, D.C.
  • Tosukhowong, P.
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 993-1002) - 2000

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/3-540-44469-6_93 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783540679783

Manipulating audio into a DBMS

  • Lutfi, R.
  • Martinez, J.
  • Gelgon, M.

Multimedia Modeling: Modeling Multimedia Information and Systems, MMM 2001 (p. 91-106) - 2001

Editor: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)

  • ISSN/ISBN 9789061965091

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Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 1/08/24 15:10