Martínez Gómez, María Elena


Hormone use & colorectal cancer

  • Grodstein, F.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Platz, E.A.
  • Giovannucci, E.
  • Colditz, G.A.
  • Kautzky, M.

ACOG Clinical Review (p. 9-10) - 1998

Editor: Elsevier Inc.

10.1016/s1085-6862(98)80018-6 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1085-6862

Tumor mulleriano mixto maligno heterologo de ovario. A proposito de un caso

  • Menendez Gallego, M.
  • Nieto Diaz, A.
  • Martinez Gomez, E.
  • Holgado, A.
  • Lopez Bueno, M.J.
  • Mayas Flores, M.A.
  • Cortes Prieto, J.
... Ver más Contraer

Acta Ginecologica (p. 117-118) - 2000

  • ISSN/ISBN 0001-5776

Cancer de mama en la mujer anciana

  • Nieto, A.
  • Carralfuente, C.
  • Tacuri, C.
  • Martinez, E.
  • Menendez, M.
  • Cortes-Prieto, J.

Acta Ginecologica (p. 45-50) - 2000

  • ISSN/ISBN 0001-5776

Vitamin D insufficiency in southern Arizona

  • Jacobs, E.T.
  • Alberts, D.S.
  • Foote, J.A.
  • Green, S.B.
  • Hollis, B.W.
  • Yu, Z.
  • Martínez, M.E.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (p. 608-613) - 2008

Editor: American Society for Nutrition

10.1093/ajcn/87.3.608 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9165

Folate and colorectal neoplasia: Relation between plasma and dietary markers of folate and adenoma recurrence

  • Martínez, M.E.
  • Henning, S.M.
  • Alberts, D.S.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (p. 691-697) - 2004

Editor: American Society for Nutrition

10.1093/ajcn/79.4.691 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9165

Fiber, sex, and colorectal adenoma: Results of a pooled analysis

  • Jacobs, E.T.
  • Lanza, E.
  • Alberts, D.S.
  • Hsu, C.-H.
  • Jiang, R.
  • Schatzkin, A.
  • Thompson, P.A.
  • Martínez, M.E.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (p. 343-349) - 2006

Editor: American Society for Nutrition

10.1093/ajcn/83.2.343 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9165

Invited commentary: Factor analysis and the search for objectivity

  • Martínez, M.E.
  • Marshall, J.R.
  • Sechrest, L.

American Journal of Epidemiology (p. 17-19) - 1998

Editor: Oxford University Press

10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009552 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9262

Association between body mass index and colorectal neoplasia at follow-up colonoscopy: A pooling study

  • Jacobs, E.T.
  • Ahnen, D.J.
  • Ashbeck, E.L.
  • Baron, J.A.
  • Greenberg, E.R.
  • Lance, P.
  • Lieberman, D.A.
  • McKeown-Eyssen, G.
  • Schatzkin, A.
  • Thompson, P.A.
  • Martínez, M.E.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Epidemiology (p. 657-666) - 2009

10.1093/aje/kwn401 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9262

Family history of colorectal cancer in first-degree relatives and metachronous colorectal adenoma

  • Jacobs, E.T.
  • Gupta, S.
  • Baron, J.A.
  • Cross, A.J.
  • Lieberman, D.A.
  • Murphy, G.
  • Martínez, M.E.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Gastroenterology (p. 899-905) - 2018

Editor: Nature Publishing Group

10.1038/s41395-018-0007-x Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1572-0241

Polygenic Risk Scores for Prediction of Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Subtypes

  • Mavaddat, N.
  • Michailidou, K.
  • Dennis, J.
  • Lush, M.
  • Fachal, L.
  • Lee, A.
  • Tyrer, J.P.
  • Chen, T.-H.
  • Wang, Q.
  • Bolla, M.K.
  • Yang, X.
  • Adank, M.A.
  • Ahearn, T.
  • Aittomäki, K.
  • Allen, J.
  • Andrulis, I.L.
  • Anton-Culver, H.
  • Antonenkova, N.N.
  • Arndt, V.
  • Aronson, K.J.
  • Auer, P.L.
  • Auvinen, P.
  • Barrdahl, M.
  • Beane Freeman, L.E.
  • Beckmann, M.W.
  • Behrens, S.
  • Benitez, J.
  • Bermisheva, M.
  • Bernstein, L.
  • Blomqvist, C.
  • Bogdanova, N.V.
  • Bojesen, S.E.
  • Bonanni, B.
  • Børresen-Dale, A.-L.
  • Brauch, H.
  • Bremer, M.
  • Brenner, H.
  • Brentnall, A.
  • Brock, I.W.
  • Brooks-Wilson, A.
  • Brucker, S.Y.
  • Brüning, T.
  • Burwinkel, B.
  • Campa, D.
  • Carter, B.D.
  • Castelao, J.E.
  • Chanock, S.J.
  • Chlebowski, R.
  • Christiansen, H.
  • Clarke, C.L.
  • Collée, J.M.
  • Cordina-Duverger, E.
  • Cornelissen, S.
  • Couch, F.J.
  • Cox, A.
  • Cross, S.S.
  • Czene, K.
  • Daly, M.B.
  • Devilee, P.
  • Dörk, T.
  • dos-Santos-Silva, I.
  • Dumont, M.
  • Durcan, L.
  • Dwek, M.
  • Eccles, D.M.
  • Ekici, A.B.
  • Eliassen, A.H.
  • Ellberg, C.
  • Engel, C.
  • Eriksson, M.
  • Evans, D.G.
  • Fasching, P.A.
  • Figueroa, J.
  • Fletcher, O.
  • Flyger, H.
  • Försti, A.
  • Fritschi, L.
  • Gabrielson, M.
  • Gago-Dominguez, M.
  • Gapstur, S.M.
  • García-Sáenz, J.A.
  • Gaudet, M.M.
  • Georgoulias, V.
  • Giles, G.G.
  • Gilyazova, I.R.
  • Glendon, G.
  • Goldberg, M.S.
  • Goldgar, D.E.
  • González-Neira, A.
  • Grenaker Alnæs, G.I.
  • Grip, M.
  • Gronwald, J.
  • Grundy, A.
  • Guénel, P.
  • Haeberle, L.
  • Hahnen, E.
  • Haiman, C.A.
  • Håkansson, N.
  • Hamann, U.
  • Hankinson, S.E.
  • Harkness, E.F.
  • Hart, S.N.
  • He, W.
  • Hein, A.
  • Heyworth, J.
  • Hillemanns, P.
  • Hollestelle, A.
  • Hooning, M.J.
  • Hoover, R.N.
  • Hopper, J.L.
  • Howell, A.
  • Huang, G.
  • Humphreys, K.
  • Hunter, D.J.
  • Jakimovska, M.
  • Jakubowska, A.
  • Janni, W.
  • John, E.M.
  • Johnson, N.
  • Jones, M.E.
  • Jukkola-Vuorinen, A.
  • Jung, A.
  • Kaaks, R.
  • Kaczmarek, K.
  • Kataja, V.
  • Keeman, R.
  • Kerin, M.J.
  • Khusnutdinova, E.
  • Kiiski, J.I.
  • Knight, J.A.
  • Ko, Y.-D.
  • Kosma, V.-M.
  • Koutros, S.
  • Kristensen, V.N.
  • Krüger, U.
  • Kühl, T.
  • Lambrechts, D.
  • Le Marchand, L.
  • Lee, E.
  • Lejbkowicz, F.
  • Lilyquist, J.
  • Lindblom, A.
  • Lindström, S.
  • Lissowska, J.
  • Lo, W.-Y.
  • Loibl, S.
  • Long, J.
  • Lubiński, J.
  • Lux, M.P.
  • MacInnis, R.J.
  • Maishman, T.
  • Makalic, E.
  • Maleva Kostovska, I.
  • Mannermaa, A.
  • Manoukian, S.
  • Margolin, S.
  • Martens, J.W.M.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Mavroudis, D.
  • McLean, C.
  • Meindl, A.
  • Menon, U.
  • Middha, P.
  • Miller, N.
  • Moreno, F.
  • Mulligan, A.M.
  • Mulot, C.
  • Muñoz-Garzon, V.M.
  • Neuhausen, S.L.
  • Nevanlinna, H.
  • Neven, P.
  • Newman, W.G.
  • Nielsen, S.F.
  • Nordestgaard, B.G.
  • Norman, A.
  • Offit, K.
  • Olson, J.E.
  • Olsson, H.
  • Orr, N.
  • Pankratz, V.S.
  • Park-Simon, T.-W.
  • Perez, J.I.A.
  • Pérez-Barrios, C.
  • Peterlongo, P.
  • Peto, J.
  • Pinchev, M.
  • Plaseska-Karanfilska, D.
  • Polley, E.C.
  • Prentice, R.
  • Presneau, N.
  • Prokofyeva, D.
  • Purrington, K.
  • Pylkäs, K.
  • Rack, B.
  • Radice, P.
  • Rau-Murthy, R.
  • Rennert, G.
  • Rennert, H.S.
  • Rhenius, V.
  • Robson, M.
  • Romero, A.
  • Ruddy, K.J.
  • Ruebner, M.
  • Saloustros, E.
  • Sandler, D.P.
  • Sawyer, E.J.
  • Schmidt, D.F.
  • Schmutzler, R.K.
  • Schneeweiss, A.
  • Schoemaker, M.J.
  • Schumacher, F.
  • Schürmann, P.
  • Schwentner, L.
  • Scott, C.
  • Scott, R.J.
  • Seynaeve, C.
  • Shah, M.
  • Sherman, M.E.
  • Shrubsole, M.J.
  • Shu, X.-O.
  • Slager, S.
  • Smeets, A.
  • Sohn, C.
  • Soucy, P.
  • Southey, M.C.
  • Spinelli, J.J.
  • Stegmaier, C.
  • Stone, J.
  • Swerdlow, A.J.
  • Tamimi, R.M.
  • Tapper, W.J.
  • Taylor, J.A.
  • Terry, M.B.
  • Thöne, K.
  • Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.
  • Tomlinson, I.
  • Truong, T.
  • Tzardi, M.
  • Ulmer, H.-U.
  • Untch, M.
  • Vachon, C.M.
  • van Veen, E.M.
  • Vijai, J.
  • Weinberg, C.R.
  • Wendt, C.
  • Whittemore, A.S.
  • Wildiers, H.
  • Willett, W.
  • Winqvist, R.
  • Wolk, A.
  • Yang, X.R.
  • Yannoukakos, D.
  • Zhang, Y.
  • Zheng, W.
  • Ziogas, A.
  • Dunning, A.M.
  • Thompson, D.J.
  • Chenevix-Trench, G.
  • Chang-Claude, J.
  • Schmidt, M.K.
  • Hall, P.
  • Milne, R.L.
  • Pharoah, P.D.P.
  • Antoniou, A.C.
  • Chatterjee, N.
  • Kraft, P.
  • García-Closas, M.
  • Simard, J.
  • Easton, D.F.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Human Genetics (p. 21-34) - 2019

Editor: Cell Press

10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.11.002 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1537-6605

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Mechanisms associating physical activity with cancer incidence: Exercise and prostaglandins

  • Martínez, M.E.

Cancer Prevention and Management through Exercise and Weight Control (p. 177-181) - 2016

Editor: Taylor and Francis

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781466523197

Dietary Fiber and Carbohydrates

  • Martínez, M.E.
  • Jacobs, E.T.

Nutritional Oncology, Second Edition (p. 521-530) - 2006

Editor: Elsevier

10.1016/b978-012088393-6/50085-3 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780120883936

The Value of Advisory Boards to Enhance Collaboration and Advance Science

  • Gehlert, S.J.
  • Bowen, D.J.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Hiatt, R.
  • Marx, C.
  • Colditz, G.

Strategies for Team Science Success: Handbook of Evidence-Based Principles for Cross-Disciplinary Science and Practical Lessons Learned from Health Researchers (p. 407-412) - 2019

Editor: Springer International Publishing

10.1007/978-3-030-20992-6_31 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783030209902

A molecular epidemiology project on diet and cancer

  • Palli, D.
  • Krogh, V.
  • Russo, A.
  • Berrino, F.
  • Panico, S.
  • Tumino, R.
  • Vineis, P.
  • Masala, G.
  • Saieva, C.
  • Cordopatri, G.
  • Corsi, A.M.
  • Ermini, I.
  • Martinez, M.
  • Rigacci, M.
  • Berrino, F.
  • Sieri, S.
  • Pala, V.
  • Bellegotti, M.
  • Evangelista, A.
  • Villa, S.
  • Vineis, P.
  • Davico, L.
  • Sacerdote, C.
  • Fiorini, L.
  • Magnino, A.
  • Faggiano, F.
  • Leo, N.
  • Gafa, L.
  • Ruschena, A.M.
  • Lauria, C.
  • Celentano, E.
  • Galasso, R.
  • Dello Iacovo, R.
... Ver más Contraer

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (p. 21-28) - 2000

Editor: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

  • ISSN/ISBN 0065-2598

Progress report: The Arizona phase III study of the effect of wheat bran fiber on recurrence of adenomatous colon polyps

  • Earnest, D.L.
  • Sampliner, R.E.
  • Roe, D.J.
  • Van Leeuwen, B.
  • Guillen, J.
  • Reid, M.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Marshall, J.R.
  • Alberts, D.S.
... Ver más Contraer

American Journal of Medicine (p. 43-45) - 1999

Editor: Elsevier Inc.

10.1016/s0002-9343(99)00003-0 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0002-9343

The feasibility and time required for routine health literacy assessment in surgical practice and effect on patient satisfaction

  • Eubanks, R.D.
  • Nodora, J.N.
  • Hsu, C.-H.
  • Bagley, M.
  • Bouton, M.E.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Komenaka, I.K.
... Ver más Contraer

American Surgeon (p. 458-464) - 2017

Editor: Southeastern Surgical Congress

  • ISSN/ISBN 0003-1348

Plasma levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and the risk of prostate cancer

  • Jacobs, E.T.
  • Giuliano, A.R.
  • Martínez, M.E.
  • Hollis, B.W.
  • Reid, M.E.
  • Marshall, J.R.

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (p. 533-537) - 2004

10.1016/j.jsbmb.2004.03.063 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0960-0760

Association of health literacy with adherence to screening mammography guidelines

  • Komenaka, I.K.
  • Nodora, J.N.
  • Hsu, C.-H.
  • Martinez, M.E.
  • Gandhi, S.G.
  • Bouton, M.E.
  • Klemens, A.E.
  • Wikholm, L.I.
  • Weiss, B.D.
... Ver más Contraer

Obstetrics and Gynecology (p. 852-859) - 2015

Editor: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

10.1097/aog.0000000000000708 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1873-233X

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 21/09/23 13:58