
The neuroanatomy of the bothremydid pleurodiran turtle Galianemys, from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Morocco

  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Pérez-García, A.

Anatomical Record - 2022

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1002/ar.25072 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-8494

Neuroanatomical study of the podocnemidid turtle Neochelys arenarum (Pleurodira), from the early Eocene of France

  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Pérez-García, A.

Anatomical Record - 2023

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1002/ar.25217 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-8494

A well preserved pan-pleurodiran (Dortokidae) turtle from the English Lower Cretaceous and the first radiometric date for the Wessex Formation (Hauterivian–Barremian) of the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

  • Jacobs, M.L.
  • Pérez-García, A.
  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Mottram, C.M.
  • Martill, D.M.
  • Gale, A.S.
  • Mattsson, O.L.
  • Wood, C.
... View more Collapse

Cretaceous Research - 2023

Editor: Academic Press

10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105590 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1095-998X

Cenomanian vertebrates from Algora (central Spain): New data on the establishment of the European Upper Cretaceous continental faunas

  • Pérez-García, A.
  • Bardet, N.
  • Fregenal-Martínez, M.A.
  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Mocho, P.
  • Narváez, I.
  • Torices, A.
  • Vullo, R.
  • Ortega, F.
... View more Collapse

Cretaceous Research - 2020

Editor: Academic Press

10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104566 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1095-998X

New remains from the Spanish Cenomanian shed light on the Gondwanan origin of European Early Cretaceous titanosaurs

  • Mocho, P.
  • Pérez-García, A.
  • Martín Jiménez, M.
  • Ortega, F.

Cretaceous Research (p. 164-190) - 2019

Editor: Academic Press

10.1016/j.cretres.2018.09.016 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1095-998X

Neuroanatomy of the European uppermost Cretaceous stem turtle Kallokibotion bajazidi

  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Codrea, V.
  • Pérez-García, A.

Cretaceous Research - 2021

Editor: Academic Press

10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104720 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1095-998X

Neuroanatomical study and three-dimensional reconstruction of the skull of a bothremydid turtle (Pleurodira) based on the european eocene tartaruscola teodorii

  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Pérez-García, A.

Diversity - 2021

Editor: MDPI AG

10.3390/d13070298 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1424-2818

Neuroanatomical Study and Three-Dimensional Cranial Reconstruction of the Brazilian Albian Pleurodiran Turtle Euraxemys essweini

  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Pérez-García, A.

Diversity - 2023

Editor: MDPI

10.3390/d15030374 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1424-2818

CSI Cinctorres (Castellón, España): lesión traumática en un dinosaurio terópodo

  • Andrés Santos Cubedo
  • Sergio Meseguer Costa
  • Marcos Martín Jiménez
  • Albert Garcia Sellés
  • Begoña Poza Falset

Geogaceta (p. 87-90) - 2018

Editor: Sociedad Geológica de España

  • ISSN/ISBN 0213-683X

A new Iberian pleurosternid (Jurassic-Cretaceous transition, Spain) and first neuroanatomical study of this clade of stem turtles

  • Pérez-García, A.
  • Martín-Jiménez, M.
  • Aurell, M.
  • Canudo, J.I.
  • Castanera, D.

Historical Biology (p. 298-311) - 2022

Editor: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

10.1080/08912963.2021.1910818 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1029-2381

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Evoluciona o extínguete: un recurso educativo en abierto para enseñar Paleontología

  • Ane de Celis
  • Andrea Guerrero
  • Leire Perales Gogenola
  • Iván Narváez Padilla
  • Fernando Sanguino
  • Adrián Páramo
  • Aitziber Suárez Bilbao
  • Carlos de Miguel
  • Elena Cuesta
  • Fátima Marcos Fernández
  • Marcos Martín Jiménez
  • Marta Onrubia Chinarro
  • Sandra Barrios de Pedro
... View more Collapse

Conference proceedings. CIVINEDU 2021: 5th International Virtual Conference onEducational Research and Innovation (p. 355-359) - 2021

Editor: REDINE (Red de Investigación e Innovación Educativa)

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-84-124511-1-5

Evoluciona o extínguete: un juego educativo para acercar la Paleontología y el trabajo de las paleontólogas al alumnado de Educación Secundaria

  • Ane de Celis
  • Andrea Guerrero
  • Leire Perales-Gogenola
  • Iván Narváez
  • Adrián Páramo
  • Aitziber Suárez-Bilbao
  • Carlos de Miguel
  • Elena Cuesta
  • Fátima Marcos-Fernández
  • Fernando Sanguino
  • Marcos Martín-Jiménez
  • Marta Onrubia
  • Sandra Barrios-de Pedro
... View more Collapse

XIX Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología (p. 37) - 2021

Editor: Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-1-00-698866-0

Nuevas herramientas para la divulgación online de la Paleontología: Evoluciona o extínguete

  • Ane de Celis
  • Leire Perales-Gogenola
  • Andrea Guerrero
  • Iván Narváez
  • Fernando Sanguino
  • Adrián Páramo
  • Aitziber Suárez
  • Carlos de Miguel
  • Elena Cuesta
  • Fátima Marcos-Fernández
  • Marcos Martín-Jiménez
  • Marta Onrubia
  • Sandra Barrios-de Pedro
... View more Collapse

XXXVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (p. 99-100) - 2021

Nuevos restos craneales de Crocodyliformes del yacimiento cenomaniense de Algora (Guadalajara, España)

  • Iván Narváez
  • Ane de Celis
  • Fernando Escaso
  • Francisco Ortega
  • Marcos Martín-Jiménez
  • Adán Pérez-García

XXXVII Jornadas de Paleontología de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología y V Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología (p. 126) - 2022

Editor: Sociedad Española de Paleontología

Anatomical review of the youngest valid species of the European Eocene genus Neochelys (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae): the Spanish Neochelys salmanticensis

  • Adán Pérez-García
  • Andrea Guerrero
  • Santiago Martín de Jesús
  • Marcos Martín-Jiménez
  • Francisco Ortega

XXXVII Jornadas de Paleontología-V Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología - 2022

Editor: -

Update on the Cenomanian vertebrates from Algora (Guadalajara, Spain): new data on the faunal transition between the Early and the Late Cretaceous of Europe

  • Adán Pérez-García
  • Alberto Cabezuelo Hernández
  • Andrea Guerrero
  • Marcos Martín-Jiménez
  • Pedro Mocho
  • Iván Narváez
  • Francisco Ortega
  • Angélica Torices
  • Romain Vullo
... View more Collapse

XXXVII Jornadas de Paleontología-V Congreso Ibérico de Paleontología - 2022

Editor: -

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/1/24 7:35 PM