- Artículos 6
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 22
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 1
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
A comparison of filtering evaluation metrics based on formal constraints
- Amigó, E.
- Gonzalo, J.
- Verdejo, F.
- Spina, D.
Information Retrieval Journal (p. 581-619) - 2019
Editor: Springer Netherlands
10.1007/s10791-019-09355-y Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1573-7659
Real-Time Classification of Twitter Trends
- Zubiaga, Arkaitz
- Spina, Damiano
- Martinez, Raquel
- Fresno, Victor;
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (p. 462-473) - 1/3/2015
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
10.1002/asi.23186 Ver en origen
- ISSN 23301635
- ISSN/ISBN 2330-1643
Discovering filter keywords for company name disambiguation in twitter
- Spina, D.
- Gonzalo, J.
- Amigó, E.
Expert Systems with Applications (p. 4986-5003) - 2013
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.eswa.2013.03.001 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 0957-4174
Ramss workshop chairs' welcome
- Zubiaga, A.
- Spina, D.
- De Rijke, M.
- Strohmaier, M.
WWW 2013 Companion - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web (p. 771-772) - 2013
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450320382
AAAI Workshop - Technical Report: Preface
- Zubiaga, A.
- Spina, D.
- De Rijke, M.
- Strohmaier, M.
- Naaman, M.
AAAI Workshop - Technical Report - 2012
- ISSN/ISBN 9781577355656
Caracterización de una entidad basada en opiniones: un estudio de caso
- Damiano Spina
- Enrique Amigó
- Julio Gonzalo Arroyo
- Bernardino Beotas
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (p. 255-263) - 2009
Editor: Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
- ISSN/ISBN 1135-5948
Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.
Ranking Interruptus: When Truncated Rankings Are Better and How to Measure That
- Amigó, E.
- Mizzaro, S.
- Spina, D.
SIGIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (p. 588-598) - 2022
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/3477495.3532051 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450387323
A formal account of effectiveness evaluation and ranking fusion
- Amigó, E.
- Giner, F.
- Mizzaro, S.
- Spina, D.
ICTIR 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (p. 123-130) - 2018
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/3234944.3234958 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450356565
An axiomatic analysis of diversity evaluation metrics: Introducing the rank-biased utility metric
- Amigó, E.
- Spina, D.
- Carrillo-De-Albornoz, J.
41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2018 (p. 625-634) - 2018
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/3209978.3210024 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450356572
SpeakerLDA: Discovering topics in transcribed multi-speaker audio contents
- Spina, D.
- Cavedon, L.
- Trippas, J.R.
- Sanderson, M.
SLAM 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia, co-located with ACM MM 2015 (p. 7-10) - 2015
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/2802558.2814649 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450337496
Harnessing semantics for answer sentence retrieval
- Chen, R.-C.
- Spina, D.
- Croft, W.B.
- Sanderson, M.
- Scholer, F.
ESAIR 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval, co-located with: CIKM 2015 (p. 21-27) - 2015
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/2810133.2810136 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450337908
Results presentation methods for a spoken conversational search system
- Trippas, J.R.
- Spina, D.
- Sanderson, M.
- Cavedon, L.
NWSearch 2015 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Novel Web Search Interfaces and Systems (p. 13-16) - 2015
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/2810355.2810356 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450337892
Active learning for entity filtering in microblog streams
- Spinat, D.
- Peetz, M.-H.
- De Rijke, M.
SIGIR 2015 - Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (p. 975-978) - 2015
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/2766462.2767839 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450336215
Towards understanding the impact of length in web search result summaries over a speech-only communication channel
- Trippas, J.R.
- Sanderson, M.
- Spina, D.
- Cavedon, L.
SIGIR 2015 - Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (p. 991-994) - 2015
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc
10.1145/2766462.2767826 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450336215
Learning similarity functions for topic detection in online reputation monitoring
- Spina, D.
- Gonzalo, J.
- Amigó, E.
SIGIR 2014 - Proceedings of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (p. 527-536) - 2014
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery
10.1145/2600428.2609621 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450322591
ORMA: A semi-automatic tool for online reputation monitoring in twitter
- Carrillo-De-Albornoz, J.
- Amigó, E.
- Spina, D.
- Gonzalo, J.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 742-745) - 2014
Editor: Springer Verlag
10.1007/978-3-319-06028-6_86 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349
Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.
Entity-based filtering and topic detection For online reputation monitoring in Twitter
- Damiano Spina
- Julio Gonzalo Arroyo (dir. tes.)
- Enrique Amigó (dir. tes.)
- María Felisa Verdejo Maíllo (pres.)
- Pablo Castells Azpilicueta (secr.)
- Manos Tsagkias (voc.)
Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.
Perfiles de investigador/a
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