
Vulnerability Assessment of Learning Management Systems

  • San Cristobal Ruiz, E.
  • Pastor Vargas, R.
  • Gil Ortego, R.
  • Meier, R.
  • Saliah-Hassane, H.
  • Castro, M.

IT Professional (p. 60-67) - 2023

Editor: IEEE Computer Society

10.1109/mitp.2022.3204640 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1941-045X

Virtual instrument systems in reality (VISIR) for remote wiring and measurement of electronic circuits on breadboard

  • Tawfik, M.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Martin, S.
  • Gil, R.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Colmenar, A.
  • Peire, J.
  • Castro, M.
  • Nilsson, K.
  • Zackrisson, J.
  • Hakansson, L.
  • Gustavsson, I.
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IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (p. 60-72) - 2013

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

10.1109/tlt.2012.20 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1939-1382

Virtual and remote industrial laboratory: Integration in learning management systems

  • Ruiz, E.S.
  • Martín, A.P.
  • Orduña, P.
  • Larrocha, E.R.
  • Gil, R.
  • Martín, S.
  • Díaz, G.
  • Albert, M.J.
  • Santos, A.C.
  • Meier, R.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (p. 45-58) - 2014

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/mie.2012.2235530 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-4529

Smart Grid: Assessment of the past and present in developed and developing countries

  • Ponce-Jara, M.A.
  • Ruiz, E.
  • Gil, R.
  • Sancristóbal, E.
  • Pérez-Molina, C.
  • Castro, M.

Energy Strategy Reviews (p. 38-52) - 2017

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.esr.2017.09.011 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2211-467X

Relevant Parameters for the Classification of Reading Books Depending on the Degree of Textual Readability in Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) Students

  • Gil Ortego, R.
  • Martínez Sánchez, I.

IEEE Access (p. 79044-79055) - 2019

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/access.2019.2922608 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536

Proyectos e Investigación para la mejora de la Educación y el uso de la Tecnología en la Ingeniería

  • Manuel Alonso Castro Gil
  • María José Albert Gómez
  • Clara Pérez Molina
  • Gabriel Díaz Orueta
  • Rosario Gil Ortego
  • Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz
  • Sergio Martín Gutiérrez
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REDU: Revista de Docencia Universitaria (p. 301) - 2013

Editor: Red Estatal de Docencia Universitaria

10.4995/redu.2013.5558 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1696-1412

Nuevo modelo de evaluación asistida por ordenador en educación a distancia

  • Rosario Gil Ortego
  • Manuel Alonso Castro Gil
  • Gabriel Díaz Orueta
  • Sergio Martín Gutiérrez
  • Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz

RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia (p. 143-170) - 2012

Editor: AIESAD (Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia)

10.5944/ried.2.15.603 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1138-2783

New technology trends in education: Seven years of forecasts and convergence

  • Martin, S.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Gil, R.
  • Castro, M.
  • Peire, J.

Computers and Education (p. 1893-1906) - 2011

10.1016/j.compedu.2011.04.003 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 0360-1315

Mobility through Location-based Services at University

  • S. Martín
  • E. S. Cristóbal
  • R. Gil
  • M. Castro
  • J. Peire

International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (p. 34–40) - 2008

M2Learn: Framework abierto para el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el aprendizaje móvil y ubicuo

  • Martín, S.
  • Díaz, G.
  • Plaza, I.
  • San Cristóbal, E.
  • Latorre, M.
  • Gil, R.
  • Peire, J.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje (p. 138-145) - 2010

  • ISSN/ISBN 1932-8540

Diseño de circuitos eléctricos asistido por ordenador

  • Rosario Gil Ortego


Editor: UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

  • ISSN/ISBN 9788436266955

Perspectives on Technological Developments Applied to Robotics

  • Clara Pérez Molina
  • Rosario Gil Ortego
  • F. Mur

The Robotics Divide: A New Frontier in the 21st Century? (p. 59-86) - 2014

Editor: London, Springer, 2014

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-1-4471-5357-3

IoT Remote Laboratory Based on ARM Device Extension of VISIR Remote Laboratories to Include IoT Support

  • Baizan, P.
  • Macho, A.
  • Blazquez, M.
  • Garcia-Loro, F.
  • Perez, C.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Gil, R.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (p. 269-279) - 2020

Editor: Springer

10.1007/978-3-030-23162-0_24 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2367-3389

Biometric Identification System in Higher Education Exams: Test in Laboratory Practices

  • Gil, Rosario
  • Martin, Sergio
  • Diaz, Gabriel
  • Sancristobal, Elio
  • Castro, Manuel
  • Peire, Juan

Collaboration and Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pt 2 (p. 1549-1556) - 2008


  • ISSN/ISBN 978-1-58603-924-0

Work in progress: Proof of concept: Remote Laboratory Raspberry Pi + FPAA

  • Macho, A.
  • Baizan, P.
  • Blazquez, M.
  • Garcia-Loro, F.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Gil, R.
  • Perez, C.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

EDUNINE 2019 - 3rd IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Modern Educational Paradigms for Computer and Engineering Career, Proceedings - 2019

Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

10.1109/edunine.2019.8875827 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781728116662

Work in progress - New project "internet-based performance-centered learning environment for curriculum support" (IPLECS)

  • Gil, R.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Martin, S.
  • Oliva, N.
  • Losada, P.
  • Monteso, S.
  • Martinez, S.
  • Carpio, J.
  • Martinez-Mediano, C.
  • Mileva, N.
  • Tzanova, S.
  • Hernandez, R.
  • Pastor, R.
  • Ros, S.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Castro, M.
  • Peire, J.
... View more Collapse

Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE - 2009

10.1109/fie.2009.5350837 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1539-4565

Work in progress - Advanced programming through problem-based learning

  • Martin, S.
  • Cristobal, E.S.
  • Gil, R.
  • Colmenar, A.
  • Losada, P.
  • Oliva, N.
  • Castro, M.
  • Peire, J.
... View more Collapse

Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE - 2008

10.1109/fie.2008.4720271 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1539-4565

Work in progress - A mobile performance support system for vocational education and training

  • Martin, S.
  • Gil, R.
  • Lopez, E.
  • Oliva, N.
  • Monteso, S.
  • Martinez, S.
  • Losada, P.
  • Martinez-Mediano, C.
  • Mueva, N.
  • Hernandez, R.
  • Pastor, R.
  • Ros, S.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Castro, M.
  • Peire, J.
... View more Collapse

Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE - 2009

10.1109/fie.2009.5350860 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1539-4565

Work in Progress: MicroElectronics Cloud Alliance

  • Gil-Ortego, Rosario
  • Castro-Gil, Manuel
  • Tzanova, Slavka
  • Sicard, Etienne

2017 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE'17) (p. 43-44) - 2017

Editor: IEEE

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-1-5090-6431-1

VISIR deployment in undergraduate engineering practices

  • Tawfik, M.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Martín, S.
  • Gil, C.
  • Pesquera, A.
  • Losada, P.
  • Díaz, G.
  • Peire, J.
  • Castro, M.
  • García-Zubia, J.
  • Hernández, U.
  • Orduña, P.
  • Angulo, I.
  • Lobo, M.C.C.
  • Marques, M.A.
  • Viegas, M.C.
  • Alves, G.R.
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2011 1st Global Online Laboratory Consortium Remote Laboratories Workshop, GOLC 2011 - 2011

10.1109/golc.2011.6086786 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1539-4565

Upcoming Challenges in E-Learning & Online Learning Environments

  • Mohamed Tawfik
  • Elio Sancristobal
  • Sergio Martin
  • Rosario Gil
  • Alberto Pesquera
  • Felix Garcia
  • Maria Jose Albert
  • Clara Perez
  • Gabriel Diaz
  • Juan Peire
  • Manuel Castro
... View more Collapse

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (p. 1060-1065) - 2013

Editor: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-1-939797-02-5

Ubiquitous and smart learning paradigm for preparing qualified and skilled engineers

  • Tawfik, M.
  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Martin, S.
  • Gil, R.
  • Pesquera, A.
  • Fernandez, S.M.
  • Loro, F.G.
  • Gomez, M.J.A.
  • Orueta, G.D.
  • Mileva, N.
  • Milev, M.
  • Peire, J.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings - 2013

Ubiquitous and biometric applications on distance education: an alternative to the traditional examination

  • Martín, S.
  • Castro, M.A.
  • Colmenar, A.
  • Gil, R.
  • Peire, J.

Proceedings of I International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: ICUC 06; Alcalá de Henares, Spain, june 7-9, 2006 (p. 39-42) - 2006

Editor: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-8138-704-5

State of art, initiatives and new challenges for virtual and remote labs

  • Sancristobal, E.
  • Martín, S.
  • Gil, R.
  • Orduña, P.
  • Tawfik, M.
  • Pesquera, A.
  • Diaz, G.
  • Colmenar, A.
  • García-Zubia, J.
  • Castro, M.
... View more Collapse

Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012 (p. 714-715) - 2012

10.1109/icalt.2012.232 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 9780769547022

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

Plataformas de aprendizaje basadas en competencias y aplicaciones tecnológicas asociadas

  • Antonio Menacho
  • Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
  • Clara Pérez Molina (dir. tes.)
  • Baltasar Fernández Manjón (pres.)
  • Rosario Gil Ortego (secr.)
  • Pedro José Muñoz Merino (voc.)


Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Autenticación por huella dactilar en sistemas de gestión de aprendizaje y su análisis empírico en estudiantes de ingeniería

  • Rosario Gil Ortego
  • Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
  • Juan Peire Arroba (pres.)
  • Antonio Colmenar Santos (secr.)
  • Edmundo Tovar Caro (voc.)
  • Inmaculada Plaza García (voc.)
  • Francisco Javier Arcega Solsona (voc.)
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(p. 1-360) - 2010

Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 9:25 AM