- Artículos 35
- Libros 1
- Capítulos de libro 2
- Congresos 64
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 2
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
A bridge too far for artificial intelligence?: Automatic classification of stanzas in Spanish poetry
- Pérez Pozo, Á.
- de la Rosa, J.
- Ros, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
- Hernández, L.
- de Sisto, M.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (p. 258-267) - 2022
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc
10.1002/asi.24532 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2330-1643
Exploring Spanish contemporary song lyrics through Digital Humanities methods: Some thematic and structural properties
- Hernández-Lorenzo, L.
- Diaz, A.
- Perez, A.
- Ros, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (p. 738-746) - 2022
Editor: Oxford University Press
10.1093/llc/fqab083 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2055-768X
Towards a common model for European poetry: Challenges and solutions
- Bermúdez-Sabel, H.
- Díez Platas, M.L.
- Ros, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (p. 921-933) - 2022
Editor: Oxford University Press
10.1093/llc/fqab106 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2055-768X
DISCO PAL: Diachronic Spanish sonnet corpus with psychological and affective labels
- Barbado, Alberto
- Fresno, Victor
- Manjarres Riesco, Angeles
- Ros, Salvador;
Language Resources and Evaluation (p. 501-542) - 1/1/2022
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
10.1007/s10579-021-09557-1 Ver en origen
- ISSN 1574020X
- ISSN/ISBN 1572-8412
Medieval Spanish (12th–15th centuries) named entity recognition and attribute annotation system based on contextual information
- Díez Platas, M.L.
- Ros Muñoz, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
- Ruiz Fabo, P.
- Álvarez Mellado, E.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (p. 224-238) - 2021
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc
10.1002/asi.24399 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2330-1643
TEI-friendly annotation scheme for medieval named entities: a case on a Spanish medieval corpus
- Álvarez-Mellado, E.
- Díez-Platas, M.L.
- Ruiz-Fabo, P.
- Bermúdez, H.
- Ros, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
Language Resources and Evaluation (p. 525-549) - 2021
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
10.1007/s10579-020-09516-2 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1572-8412
Automated Metric Analysis of Spanish Poetry: Two Complementary Approaches
- Marco, G.
- De La Rosa, J.
- Gonzalo, J.
- Ros, S.
- Gonzalez-Blanco, E.
IEEE Access (p. 51734-51746) - 2021
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/access.2021.3069635 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536
Transformers analyzing poetry: multilingual metrical pattern prediction with transfomer-based language models
- de la Rosa, J.
- Pérez, Á.
- de Sisto, M.
- Hernández, L.
- Díaz, A.
- Ros, S.
- González-Blanco, E.
Neural Computing and Applications - 2021
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/s00521-021-06692-2 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 1433-3058
Rantanplan, Fast and Accurate Syllabification and Scansion of Spanish Poetry
- Javier de la Rosa
- Álvaro Pérez
- Laura Hernández
- Salvador Ros Muñoz
- Elena González-Blanco García
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (p. 83-90) - 2020
Editor: Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
- ISSN/ISBN 1135-5948
Analyzing Students' Self-Perception of Success and Learning Effectiveness Using Gamification in an Online Cybersecurity Course
- Ros, S.
- Gonzalez, S.
- Robles, A.
- Tobarra, L.L.
- Caminero, A.
- Cano, J.
IEEE Access (p. 97718-97728) - 2020
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/access.2020.2996361 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2169-3536
Developing metacognitive skills for training on information security
- Cano, J.
- Hernandez, R.
- Pastor, R.
- Ros, S.
- Tobarra, L.
- Robles-Gomez, A.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (p. 708-720) - 2018
Editor: Springer
10.1007/978-3-319-64352-6_67 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 2367-3389
Herramientas y contenidos en abierto para un entorno universitario sin distancias
- Timothy Read
- Covadonga Rodrigo San Juan
- Salvador Ros Muñoz
- Rafael Pastor Vargas
- Roberto Hernández Berlinches
Responsabilidad social universitaria (p. 132-141) - 2012
Editor: Netbiblo
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-9745-655-5
Analyzing collaborative filtering for UNED first-year student enrolment Recommendation system
- Clavero, A.
- Fresno, V.
- Torres, F.L.
- Ros, S.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 77-84) - 2022
Editor: CEUR-WS
- ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073
Looking for a dropout predictor based on the instructional design of online courses
- Ros, S.
- Caminero, A.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 17-24) - 2020
Editor: CEUR-WS
- ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073
Learning analytics trends and challenges in engineering education: SNOLA special session
- Caeiro-rodriguez, Manuel
- Conde Gonzalez, Miguel Angel
- Alvarez, Ainhoa
- Larrañaga, Mikel
- Martinez-mones, Alejandra
- Muñoz Merino, Pedro Jose
- Hernandez-garcia, Angel
- Pastor, Rafael
- Cruz-benito, Juan
- Ros Muñoz, Salvador
- Guenaga, Mariluz
Ieee Global Engineering Education Conference, Educon (p. 2066-2070) - 23/5/2018
Editor: IEEE Computer Society.
10.1109/educon.2018.8363493 Ver en origen
- ISBN 978-1-5386-2957-4
- ISSN 21659567
- ISSN/ISBN 9781538629574
Analyzing content structure and Moodle milestone to classify student learning behavior in a basic desktop tools course
- Ros, S.
- Lázaro, J.C.
- Robles-Gómez, A.
- Caminero, A.C.
- Tobarra, L.
- Pastor, R.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series - 2017
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery
10.1145/3144826.3145392 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450353861
Using kibana and elasticsearch for the recommendation of job offers to students
- Robles-Gómez, A.
- Ros, S.
- Martínez-Gámez, A.
- Hernández, R.
- Tobarra, L.
- Pastor, R.
- Caminero, A.C.
- Cano, J.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 93-99) - 2017
Editor: CEUR-WS
- ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073
Analyzing students' behavior in UNED-COMA MOOCs
- Tobarra, L.
- Ros, S.
- Hernández, R.
- Robles-Gómez, A.
- Pastor, R.
- Caminero, A.C.
- Cano, J.
- Claramonte, J.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (p. 124-137) - 2017
Editor: CEUR-WS
- ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2017: Advances in Learning Analytics
- Caeiro-Rodríguez M
- Hernández-García Á
- Muñoz-Merino P
- Ros S
Proceedings Of The Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2017: Advances In Learning Analytics (p. 1-8) - 4/7/2017
Editor: CEUR-WS
- ISSN 16130073
- ISSN/ISBN 1613-0073
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Laboratories as a service integrated into learning management systems
- Tobarra, L.
- Ros, S.
- Pastor, R.
- Hernandez, R.
- Castro, M.
- Al-Zoubi, A.
- Dmour, M.
- Robles-Gomez, A.
- Caminero, A.
- Cano, J.
Proceedings of 2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2016 (p. 103-108) - 2016
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/rev.2016.7444447 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781467382465
Work in progress: On the improvement of STEM education from preschool to elementary school
- Ros, S.
- Tobarra, L.
- Robles-Gomez, A.
- Caminero, A.C.
- Hernandez, R.
- Pastor, R.
- Ricoy, A.
- Fernandez, A.
- Diaz, L.M.
- Cano, J.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON (p. 984-987) - 2016
Editor: IEEE Computer Society
10.1109/educon.2016.7474671 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781467386333
From syllables, lines and stanzas to linked open data: Standardization, interoperability and multilingual challenges for digital humanities
- Elena González-Blanco García
- Mara Manailescu
- Salvador Ros Muñoz
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (p. 979-983) - 2016
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery
10.1145/3012430.3012635 Ver en origen
- ISSN/ISBN 9781450347471
Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.
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Lenguajes y soluciones informáticas para un repertorio digital de la métrica medieval española
- José Luis Rodríguez Montederramo
- Elena González-Blanco García (dir. tes.)
- Pedro Manuel Cátedra García (pres.)
- Salvador Ros Muñoz (secr.)
- María Luisa López-Vidriero Abello (voc.)
Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Sistemas de Elearning abiertos basados en servicios
- Salvador Ros Muñoz
- Roberto Hernández Berlinches (dir. tes.)
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (pres.)
- Lorenzo García Aretio (secr.)
- Edmundo Tovar Caro (voc.)
- Romano Giannetti (voc.)
- Katzalin Olcoz (voc.)
(p. 1-153) - 2012
Defensa realizada en: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.
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