Lara Romero, Carlos


A new large-scale index (AcED) for assessing traffic noise disturbance on wildlife: stress response in a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population.

  • Iglesias-Merchan C, Horcajada-Sánchez F, Diaz-Balteiro L, Escribano-Ávila G, Lara-Romero C, Virgós E, Planillo A, Barja I

Environmental Monitoring And Assessment (p. 185-185) - 1/4/2018

10.1007/s10661-018-6573-y Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01676369

Adjustment, interpretation and presentation of linear models: the p-value is not enough

  • Lara-Romero, C.;

Ecosistemas (p. 64-66) - 1/5/2017

  • ISSN 16972473
  • iMarina

Alpine Ecology in the Iberian Peninsula: What Do We Know, and What Do We Need to Learn?

  • Barrio, Isabel C.
  • Bueno, C. Guillermo
  • Nagy, Laszlo
  • Palacio, Sara
  • Grau, Oriol
  • Munilla, Ignacio
  • Begona Garcia, Maria
  • Garcia-Cervigon, Ana I.
  • Gartzia, Maite
  • Gazol, Antonio
  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Anadon-Rosell, Alba
  • Ninot, Josep M.
  • Chocarro, Cristina
  • Alados, Concepcion L.
  • Fillat, Federico
  • Zamora, Regino;
... Ver más Contraer

Mountain Research And Development (p. 437-442) - 1/11/2013

10.1659/mrd-journal-d-13-00052.1 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02764741

Assessing Intraspecific Variation in Effective Dispersal Along an Altitudinal Gradient: A Test in Two Mediterranean High-Mountain Plants

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Robledo-Arnuncio, Juan J.
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Iriondo, Jose M.;

Plos One - 29/1/2014

10.1371/journal.pone.0087189 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203

Base de datos de abejas ibéricas

  • Bartomeus, I
  • Lanuza, JB
  • Wood, TJ
  • Carvalheiro, L
  • Molina, FP
  • Collado, MA
  • Aguado-Martín, LO
  • Alomar, D
  • Fidalgo, MA
  • Fidalgo, PA
  • Arista, M
  • Arroyo-Correa, B
  • Asís, JD
  • Azpiazu, C
  • Baños-Picón, L
  • Beja, P
  • Boieiro, M
  • Borges, PAV
  • Bornay, GG
  • Carvalho, R
  • Casimiro-Soriguer, R
  • Castro, S
  • Costa, J
  • Cross, I
  • De la Rúa, P
  • de Pablos, LM
  • de Paz, V
  • Díaz-Calafat, J
  • Ferrrero, V
  • Gaspar, H
  • Ghisbain, G
  • Gómez, JM
  • Gómez-Martínez, C
  • González-Estévez, MA
  • Heleno, R
  • Herrera, JM
  • Hormaza, JI
  • Iriondo, JM
  • Kuhlmann, M
  • Laiolo, P
  • Lara-Romero, C
  • Lázaro, A
  • López-Angulo, J
  • López-Núñez, FA
  • Loureiro, J
  • Magrach, A
  • Martínez-López, V
  • Martínez-Núñez, C
  • Michez, D
  • Miñarro, M
  • Montero-Castaño, A
  • Moreira, B
  • Morente-López, J
  • Fonseca, NN
  • Carbajal, AN
  • Obeso, JR
  • Ornosa, C
  • Ortiz-Sánchez, FJ
  • Bonilla, DP
  • Patiny, S
  • Penado, A
  • Picanço, A
  • Ploquin, EF
  • Rasmont, P
  • Rego, C
  • Rey, PJ
  • Ribas-Marquès, E
  • Roberts, SPM
  • Rodriguez, M
  • Rosas-Ramos, N
  • Sánchez, AM
  • Santamaria, S
  • Tobajas, E
  • Tormos, J
  • Torres, F
  • Trillo, A
  • Valverde, J
  • Vilà, M
  • Viñuela, E
... Ver más Contraer

Ecosistemas - 1/1/2022

10.7818/ecos.2380 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16972473

Beta diversity and specialization in plant-pollinator networks along an elevational gradient

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Segui, Jaume
  • Perez-Delgado, Antonio
  • Nogales, Manuel
  • Traveset, Anna;

Journal Of Biogeography (p. 1598-1610) - 1/7/2019

10.1111/jbi.13615 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03050270

Biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic drivers of demographic performance of non-native Eucalyptus and Pinus species in forested areas of Spain

  • Lázaro-Lobo, A.
  • Ruiz-Benito, P.
  • Lara-Romero, C.
  • Castro-Díez, P.

Forest Ecology And Management - 15/4/2022

Editor: Elsevier B.V.

10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120111 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03781127
  • ISSN/ISBN 0378-1127


  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Gabriel Segarra-Moragues, Jose
  • Maria Iriondo, Jose
  • Widmer, Alex
  • Escudero, Adrian;

American Journal Of Botany (p. E292-E294) - 1/7/2012

10.3732/ajb.1200006 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00029122

Direct and indirect effects of shrub encroachment on alpine grasslands mediated by plant-flower visitor interactions

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Garcia, Cristina
  • Morente-Lopez, Javier
  • Iriondo, Jose M.;

Functional Ecology (p. 1521-1530) - 1/9/2016

10.1111/1365-2435.12637 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02698463

Does size matter? Ontogenetic responses of an Andean shrub to conspecific density-dependence

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Gusman-M, Elizabeth
  • Ramon, Pablo
  • Velez-Morac, Diego
  • Ivan Espinosac, Carlos;

Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics (p. 59-67) - 1/4/2017

10.1016/j.ppees.2017.02.002 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14338319

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Are populations in the edge of their distribution range more stressed? A non-invasive field evaluation of stress in the European badger (Meles meles) along an environmental gradient in the Iberian Peninsula: Implications for global change

  • Escribano, Gema
  • Virgos, Emilio
  • Barja, Isabel
  • Lara Romero, Carlos
  • Recio, Mariano;

Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology (p. S62-S62) - 1/6/2009

10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.534 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10956433

Evaluating adrenal activity and effects related with the collection and conservation of faecal samples to understand the physiological stress responses of wild European badgers

  • Lara, Carlos
  • Barja, Isabel
  • Virgos, Emilio
  • Escribano, Gema;

Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology (p. S63-S63) - 1/6/2009

10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.536 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10956433

Is density a good measure of habitat quality? A macrophysiological test with Eurasian badgers in Spain

  • Virgos, Emilio
  • Gema, Escribano
  • Lara, Carlos
  • Barja, Isabel;

Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology (p. S62-S63) - 1/6/2009

10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.535 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10956433

Quality Standards for Genetic Reserve Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives

  • Iriondo JM
  • Maxted N
  • Kell SP
  • Ford-Lloyd BV
  • Lara-Romero C
  • Labokas J
  • Magos Brehm J
... Ver más Contraer


  • iMarina

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  • Lara Romero, Carlos (Codirector)
  • Iriondo Alegría, José María (Tutor) Doctorando: JAVIER MORENTE LOPEZ


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 12:33