Corral Liria, Carmen Inmaculada
- Artículos 12
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 0
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Effects of Myofascial Induction Therapy on Ankle Range of Motion and Pressure Pain Threshold in Trigger Points of the Gastrocnemius-A Clinical Trial
- Martínez-Jiménez, EM
- Jiménez-Fernández, R
- Corral-Liria, I
- Rodríguez-Sanz, D
- Calvo-Lobo, C
- López-López, D
- Pérez-Boal, E
- Trevissón-Redondo, B
- Grande-del-Arco, J
Biomedicines - 1/9/2023
10.3390/biomedicines11092590 Ver en origen
- ISSN 22279059
Exploring Tandem Breastfeeding Motivations Via Self-Determination Theory: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study
- Vázquez, RR
- Díaz, AG
- Fernández, RJ
- Liria, IC
Journal Of Human Lactation (p. 468-477) - 26/4/2023
10.1177/08903344231166910 Ver en origen
- ISSN 08903344
Experiences of Women Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: Perception of Motherhood, Social, Health, and Construction of Gender
- De-la-Morena-Perez, N
- Corral-Liria, I
- Sanchez-Alfonso, J
- Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, R
- Losa-Iglesias, M
- Jimenez-Fernandez, R
Perspectives In Psychiatric Care - 19/4/2023
10.1155/2023/5345101 Ver en origen
- ISSN 00315990
Exploring Knowledge about Fang Traditional Medicine: An Informal Health Seeking Behaviour for Medical or Cultural Afflictions in Equatorial Guinea
- Jimenez-Fernandez, R
- Vázquez, RR
- Marín-Morales, D
- Herraiz-Soria, E
- Losa-Iglesias, ME
- Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, R
- Corral-Liria, I
Healthcare (Basel) - 1/3/2023
10.3390/healthcare11060808 Ver en origen
- ISSN 22279032
Lifestyle and Violence among Dating in University Students
- Provecho, ABA
- Cid-Expósito, MG
- Losa-Iglesias, M
- Corral-Liria, I
Perspectives In Psychiatric Care - 7/2/2023
10.1155/2023/8468791 Ver en origen
- ISSN 00315990
The impact of violence on women's health. The present as a reflection of the past: A qualitative study
- García-Montes, R
- Fares-Medina, S
- Diaz-Caro, I
- Corral-Liria, I
- García-Gómez-Heras, S
Plos One - 9/9/2022
10.1371/journal.pone.0273973 Ver en origen
- ISSN 19326203
Burnout, resilience and psychological flexibility in frontline nurses during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) in Madrid, Spain
- Jiménez-Fernández, R
- Corral-Liria, I
- Trevissón-Redondo, B
- Lopez-Lopez, D
- Losa-Iglesias, M
- Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, R
Journal of Nursing Management (p. 2549-2556) - 7/9/2022
10.1111/jonm.13778 Ver en origen
- ISSN 09660429
Holistic nursing care for people diagnosed with an eating disorder: A qualitative study based on patients and nursing professionals' experience
- Corral-Liria, I
- Alonso-Maza, M
- González-Luis, J
- Fernández-Pascual, S
- Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, R
- Losa-Iglesias, M
Perspectives In Psychiatric Care (p. 840-849) - 1/4/2022
10.1111/ppc.12858 Ver en origen
- ISSN 00315990
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome: First Symptoms and Evolution of the Clinical Picture: Case-Control Study/Epidemiological Case-Control Study
- Fares-Medina, S
- Díaz-Caro, I
- García-Montes, R
- Corral-Liria, I
- García-Gómez-Heras, S
International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health - 1/12/2022
10.3390/ijerph192315891 Ver en origen
- ISSN 16604601
Nursing care experiences of people with eating disordes: a qualitative study from patients’ perspective [Cuidados de enfermería desde la experiencia de personas que padecen trastornos alimentarios: un estudio cualitativo]
- Alonso-Maza M
- Corral-Liria I
- González-Luis J
- Sergio-Fernández-Pascual
- Becerro-De-Bengoa-Vallejo R
- Losa-Iglesias M
Revista Mexicana De Trastornos Alimentarios/Mexican Journal Of Eating Disorders - 1/1/2022
10.22201/fesi.20071523e.2022.1.675 Ver en origen
- ISSN 20071523
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