Gómez Fernández, Alicia alicia.gomez@urjc.es
- Artículos 6
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 0
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
How seeds and growth dynamics influence plant size and yield: Integrating trait relationships into ontogeny
- Gómez-Fernández, A
- Milla, R
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY (p. 2684-2700) - 27/8/2022
10.1111/1365-2745.13979 Ver en origen
- ISSN 00220477
Disparities among crop species in the evolution of growth rates: the role of distinct origins and domestication histories
New Phytologist (p. 995-1010) - 1/1/2022
10.1111/nph.17840 Ver en origen
- ISSN 0028646X
Incorporating phylogenetic metrics to microbial co-occurrence networks based on amplicon sequences to discern community assembly processes
- Goberna, Marta
- Montesinos-Navarro, Alicia
- Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso
- Colin, Yannick
- Gomez-Fernandez, Alicia
- Donat, Santiago
- Navarro-Cano, Jose A.
- Verdu, Miguel;
Molecular Ecology Resources (p. 1552-1564) - 27/9/2019
10.1111/1755-0998.13079 Ver en origen
- ISSN 1755098X
Comparative landscape genetics of gypsum specialists with naturally-patchy distributions reveal their resilience to anthropogenic fragmentation
- Matesanz, S
- García-Fernández, A
- Limón-Yelmo, A
- Gómez-Fernández, A
- Escudero, A
Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics (p. 1-9) - 1/10/2018
10.1016/j.ppees.2018.07.001 Ver en origen
- ISSN 14338319
Does higher connectivity lead to higher genetic diversity? Effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic variation and population structure in a gypsophile
- Gómez-Fernández, A
- Alcocer, I
- Matesanz, S
Conservation Genetics (p. 631-641) - 1/6/2016
10.1007/s10592-016-0811-z Ver en origen
- ISSN 15660621
Fragment size does not matter when you are well connected: effects of fragmentation on fitness of coexisting gypsophiles
- Matesanz, S
- Gómez-Fernández, A
- Alcocer, I
- Escudero, A
Plant Biology (p. 1047-1056) - 1/9/2015
10.1111/plb.12329 Ver en origen
- ISSN 14358603
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