Ossowski, Dirk Sascha sascha.ossowski@urjc.es


Using Normative Markov Decision Processes for evaluating electronic contracts

  • Fagundes, Moser Silva
  • Ossowski, Sascha
  • Luck, Michael
  • Miles, Simon;

Ai Communications (p. 1-17) - 1/1/2012

10.3233/aic-2012-0511 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09217126

Trust-based role coordination in task-oriented multiagent systems

  • Hermoso, Ramon
  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Knowledge-Based Systems (p. 78-90) - 1/11/2013

10.1016/j.knosys.2013.07.004 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09507051

Towards the Prioritised Use of Transportation Infrastructures: The Case of Vehicle-Specific Dynamic Access Restrictions in City Centres

  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Fernandez, Alberto
  • Marti, Pasqual
  • Prieto Tejedor, Javier
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Electronics - 1/2/2022

10.3390/electronics11040576 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 08834989

Towards a generic multiagent model for decision support: Two case studies

  • Ossowski S
  • de la Cruz J
  • Hernández J
  • Maseda J
  • Fernández A
  • Belmonte M
  • García-Serrano A
  • Serrano J
  • León R
  • Carbone F
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 597-607) - 1/1/2004

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-540-25945-9_59 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743
  • ISSN/ISBN 9783540222187

The pragmatics of software agents: Analysis and design of agent communication languages

  • Serrano JM
  • Ossowski S
  • Fernández A

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 234-273) - 1/1/2003

  • ISSN 03029743
  • iMarina

The design of Communicative Act Libraries: A linguistic perspective

  • Serrano, JM
  • Ossowski, S;

Applied Artificial Intelligence (p. 753-774) - 1/12/2002

10.1080/08839510290030471 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 08839514

Taxi dispatching strategies with compensations

  • Billhardt H
  • Fernández A
  • Ossowski S
  • Palanca J
  • Bajo J

Expert Systems With Applications (p. 173-182) - 15/5/2019

10.1016/j.eswa.2019.01.001 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09574174

System architecture of a distributed expert system for the management of a national data network

  • Vlahavas I
  • Bassiliades N
  • Sakellariou I
  • Molina M
  • Ossowski S
  • Futo I
  • Pasztor Z
  • Szeredi J
  • Velbitskiy I
  • Yershov S
  • Golub S
  • Netesin I
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 438-451) - 1/1/1998

  • ISSN 03029743
  • iMarina

Streamlining advanced taxi assignment strategies based on legal analysis

  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Santos, Jose-Antonio
  • Fernandez, Alberto
  • Moreno, Mar
  • Ossowski, Sascha
  • Rodriguez, Jose A.;

NEUROCOMPUTING (p. 386-397) - 28/4/2022

10.1016/j.neucom.2021.10.085 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09252312

Stream-based perception for cognitive agents in mobile ecosystems

  • Doetterl, Jeremias
  • Bruns, Ralf
  • Dunkel, Juergen
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Ai Communications (p. 271-286) - 1/1/2019

10.3233/aic-190614 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09217126

Inteligencia artificial: ejercicios resueltos

  • Holger Billhardt
  • Alberto Fernández Gil
  • Sascha Ossowski


  • ISBN 9788499612119
  • iMarina

Agreement technologies

  • Ossowski S

(p. 1-645) - 1/1/2013

  • iMarina

Una Arquitectura Multiagente para Asesoramiento Bursátil On-Line

  • Sascha Ossowski
  • Sergio Saugar García
  • Juan Manuel Serrano Hidalgo
  • Rubén Ortiz

3rd International Workshop On Practical Applications Of Agents And Multiagent Systems: Iwpaams 2004 (p. 41-50) - 1/1/2004

  • iMarina

Un modelo de integración de conceptos institucionales en una plataforma de programación de agentes

  • Ramón Hermoso Traba
  • Sergio Saugar García
  • Juan Manuel Serrano Hidalgo
  • Sascha Ossowski

Actas Del Ii Taller En Desarrollo De Sistemas Multiagente (p. 87-94) - 1/1/2005

  • iMarina

Reasoning Web Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data 7th International Summer School 2011 Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011 Tutorial Lectures Preface

  • ;

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. V-VI) - 1/1/2011

10.1007/978-3-642-23032-5 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

Organizational models for Semantic Services Coordination

  • Alberto Fernández Gil
  • Sascha Ossowski
  • Matteo Vasirani

Xii Conferencia De La Asociación Española Para La Inteligencia Artificial: (Caepia 2007). Actas (p. 111-120) - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina

Open MAS for real world applications: An abstrac architecture proposal

  • Sascha Ossowski
  • Vicente J Julián Inglada
  • Javier Bajo Pérez
  • H Billhardt
  • Vicente J Botti Navarro
  • Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez

Caepia-Ttia 2007: Actas / Coord. Por Daniel Borrajo Millán, Luis Castillo Vidal, Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez (p. 151-160) - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina

La coordinación en los sistemas multiagente

  • María Victoria Belmonte Martínez
  • Sascha Ossowski
  • Alberto Fernández Gil
  • Sergio Saugar García

Agentes Software Y Sistemas Multiagente : Conceptos, Arquitecturas Y Aplicaciones (p. 105-144) - 1/1/2005

  • iMarina

Exploring the potential of multiagent learning for autonomous intersection control

  • Vasirani M
  • Ossowski S

Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and Transportation Engineering (p. 280-290) - 1/1/2009

10.4018/978-1-60566-226-8.ch013 Ver en origen

Domain extensions to the FIPA-ACL: an application to Decision Support Systems

  • Juan Manuel Serrano Hidalgo
  • Sascha Ossowski

Simposio Español De Informática Distribuida: Libro De Actas. Ourense 25-27 De Septiembre De 2000 (p. 1-10) - 1/1/2000

  • iMarina

Agreement technologies: A computing perspective

  • Ossowski S
  • Sierra C
  • Botti V

Agreement Technologies (p. 3-16) - 1/1/2013

10.1007/978-94-007-5583-3_1 Ver en origen

Reducing Emissions Prioritising Transport Utility

  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Fernandez, Alberto
  • Gomez-Galvez, Sandra
  • Marti, Pasqual
  • Prieto Tejedor, Javier
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (p. 300-311) - 1/1/2022

10.1007/978-3-030-78901-5_26 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23673370

Reasoning about Norm Compliance with Rational Agents

  • Silva Fagundes, Moser
  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence And Applications (p. 1027-1028) - 1/1/2010

10.3233/978-1-60750-606-5-1027 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15356698

Organising MAS: A formal model based on organisational mechanisms

  • Centeno R
  • Billhardt H
  • Hermoso R
  • Ossowski S

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (p. 740-746) - 1/1/2009

10.1145/1529282.1529438 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9781605581668

Optimizing Emergency Medical Assistance Coordination in After-Hours Urgent Surgery Patients

  • Lujak, Marin
  • Billhardt, Holger
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 316-331) - 1/1/2015

10.1007/978-3-319-17130-2_21 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

On-Time Delivery in Crowdshipping Systems: An Agent-Based Approach Using Streaming Data

  • Doetterl, Jeremias
  • Bruns, Ralf
  • Dunkel, Juergen
  • Ossowski, Sascha;

Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence And Applications (p. 51-58) - 1/1/2020

10.3233/faia200075 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15356698

On the impact of agent communication languages on the implementation of agent systems

  • Serrano JM
  • Ossowski S

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 92-106) - 1/1/2004

10.1007/978-3-540-30104-2_8 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

On the Relevance of Organizational Structures for a Technology of Agreement

  • Billhardt, H
  • Centeno, R
  • Fernandez, A
  • Hermoso, R
  • Ortiz, R
  • Ossowski, S
  • Vasirani, M
... Ver más Contraer

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 138-149) - 1/1/2008

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-540-88875-8_33 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743
  • ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349

On multiagent co-ordination architectures: A traffic management case study

  • Hernández J
  • Ossowski S
  • García-Serrano A

2015 48th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (Hicss) (p. 79) - 1/1/2001

10.1109/hicss.2001.926331 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10603425
  • ISSN/ISBN 1060-3425

On mobile target allocation with incomplete information in defensive environments

  • Lujak M
  • Billhardt H
  • Ossowski S

Lecture Notes In Computer Science (p. 4-13) - 1/1/2012

10.1007/978-3-642-30947-2_4 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 03029743

On coordination and its significance to distributed and multi-agent systems

  • Ossowski, S
  • Menezes, R;

Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience (p. 359-370) - 10/4/2006

10.1002/cpe.943 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15320626

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Vehicle-centric coordination for urban road traffic management: A market-based multiagent approach

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: Matteo Vasirani


  • iMarina

Sequential Decision Making in Normative Environments

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: Moser Silva Fagundes


  • iMarina

Pragmática de los agentes software: análisis y diseño de lenguajes de comunicación artificiales

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: Juan Manuel Serrano Hidalgo


  • iMarina

Mobile Crowdsourcing with Task Transfers: A Market-Based Multi-Agent Approach

  • DUNKEL, JÜRGEN (Codirector)
  • BRUNS, RALF (Codirector)
  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Tutor) Doctorando: JEREMIAS DOTTERL


  • iMarina

Metodología para la construcción de modelos multiagente en entornos de planificación

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Luis Pastor Pérez (Director)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: José Miguel Castillo Chamorro


  • iMarina

Gaming with Emotions: An Architecture for the Development of Mood-Driven Characters in Video Games

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • José María Peña Sánchez (Director)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: Luis Peña Sánchez


  • iMarina

From belief to knowledge

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director)
  • David Pearce (Director) Doctorando: Levan Uridia


  • iMarina

Diseño de Comportamiento Emergente en Arquitecturas Adaptativas con Tecnologías del Acuerdo

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Carlos Enrique Cuesta Quintero (Director)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: José Santiago Pérez Sotelo


  • iMarina

Coordination Mechanisms for Agent-Based Smart Grids

  • Ossowski, Dirk Sascha (Autor o Coautor)
  • Sascha Ossowski (Director) Doctorando: Radu-Casian Mihailescu


  • iMarina

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Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 12:50