Matesanz García, Silvia


Contrasting adaptive trait variation in response to drought in two Mediterranean shrubs

  • Blanco-Sanchez, Mario
  • Franks, Steven J.
  • Ramos-Munoz, Marina
  • Pias, Beatriz
  • Ramirez-Valiente, Jose Alberto
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia;
... Ver más Contraer

Environmental And Experimental Botany - 11/2/2023

10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105253 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00988472

Natural selection favours drought escape and an acquisitive resource-use strategy in semi-arid Mediterranean shrubs

  • Blanco-Sanchez, Mario
  • Ramos-Munoz, Marina
  • Pias, Beatriz
  • Alberto Ramirez-Valiente, Jose
  • Diaz-Guerra, Laura
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia;
... Ver más Contraer

FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY (p. 2289-2302) - 1/9/2022

10.1111/1365-2435.14121 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02698463

Effects of parental drought on offspring fitness vary among populations of a crop wild relative

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Ramos-Munoz, Marina
  • Teso, Maria Luisa Rubio
  • Iriondo, Jose Maria;


10.1098/rspb.2022.0065 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 09628452

Coordination between water uptake depth and the leaf economic spectrum in a Mediterranean shrubland

  • Illuminati, Angela
  • Ignacio Querejeta, Jose
  • Pias, Beatriz
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia;

JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY (p. 1844-1856) - 1/8/2022

10.1111/1365-2745.13909 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00220477

Do marginal plant populations enhance the fitness of larger core units under ongoing climate change? Empirical insights from a rare carnation

  • Gargano, Domenico
  • Bernardo, Liliana
  • Rovito, Simone
  • Passalacqua, Nicodemo G.
  • Abeli, Thomas
  • Matesanz, Silvia;

Aob Plants - 1/6/2022

10.1093/aobpla/plac022 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20412851

ReSurveyGermany: Vegetation-plot time-series over the past hundred years in Germany

  • Jandt U
  • Bruelheide H
  • Berg C
  • Bernhardt-Römermann M
  • Blüml V
  • Bode F
  • Dengler J
  • Diekmann M
  • Dierschke H
  • Doerfler I
  • Döring U
  • Dullinger S
  • Härdtle W
  • Haider S
  • Heinken T
  • Horchler P
  • Jansen F
  • Kudernatsch T
  • Kuhn G
  • Lindner M
  • Matesanz S
  • Metze K
  • Meyer S
  • Müller F
  • Müller N
  • Naaf T
  • Peppler-Lisbach C
  • Poschlod P
  • Roscher C
  • Rosenthal G
  • Rumpf SB
  • Schmidt W
  • Schrautzer J
  • Schwabe A
  • Schwartze P
  • Sperle T
  • Stanik N
  • Stroh HG
  • Storm C
  • Voigt W
  • von Heßberg A
  • von Oheimb G
  • Wagner ER
  • Wegener U
  • Wesche K
  • Wittig B
  • Wulf M
... Ver más Contraer

Scientific Data (p. 631-631) - 19/10/2022


  • ISSN 20524463
  • iMarina

Phenotypic integration does not constrain phenotypic plasticity: differential plasticity of traits is associated to their integration across environments

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Blanco-Sanchez, Mario
  • Ramos-Munoz, Marina
  • de la Cruz, Marcelino
  • Benavides, Raquel
  • Escudero, Adrian;

New Phytologist (p. 2359-2370) - 1/9/2021

10.1111/nph.17536 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0028646X

Every bit helps: The functional role of individuals in assembling any plant community, from the richest to monospecific ones

  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Pescador, David S.
  • de la Cruz, Marcelino
  • Valladares, Fernando
  • Cavieres, Lohengrin A.;

Journal Of Vegetation Science - 1/9/2021

10.1111/jvs.13059 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 11009233

Working Group on Floral Biology (ECOFLOR) meeting comes of age

  • Mendez, Marcos
  • Gimenez-Benavides, Luis
  • Ma Iriondo, Jose
  • Lara, Carlos
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Sacristan, Sandra
  • Torices, Ruben;
... Ver más Contraer

Ecosistemas - 1/8/2021

10.7818/ecos.2264 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16972473

Phenotypes of Pinus sylvestris are more coordinated under local harsher conditions across Europe

  • Benavides, Raquel
  • Carvalho, Barbara
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Bastias, Cristina C.
  • Cavers, Stephen
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Fonti, Patrick
  • Martinez-Sancho, Elisabet
  • Valladares, Fernando;
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Ecology (p. 2580-2596) - 1/7/2021

10.1111/1365-2745.13668 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00220477

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

An ideal weed: plasticity and invasiveness in Polygonum cespitosum

  • Sultan, Sonia E.
  • Matesanz, Silvia;

Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences (p. 101-119) - 1/1/2015

10.1111/nyas.12946 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00778923

Global change and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in plants

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Gianoli, Ernesto
  • Valladares, Fernando;

Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences (p. 35-55) - 1/1/2010

10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05704.x Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00778923

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Genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in Mediterranean gypsum specialists: insights into climate change responses

  • Matesanz García, Silvia (Director)
  • Escudero Alcántara, Adrián (Codirector) Doctorando: MARIO BLANCO SANCHEZ


  • iMarina

The importance of belowground processes in drylands: from an individual to a whole plant community perspective

  • Escudero Alcántara, Adrián (Tutor)
  • Matesanz García, Silvia (Codirector) Doctorando: ANGELA ILLUMINATI


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 1/08/24 19:26