García Fernández, Alfredo


Comparative landscape genetics of gypsum specialists with naturally-patchy distributions reveal their resilience to anthropogenic fragmentation

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Limon-Yelmo, Alicia
  • Gomez-Fernandez, Alicia
  • Escudero, Adrian;

Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics (p. 1-9) - 1/10/2018

10.1016/j.ppees.2018.07.001 View at source

  • ISSN 14338319

How does climate change affect regeneration of Mediterranean high-mountain plants? An integration and synthesis of current knowledge

  • Gimenez-Benavides, L.
  • Escudero, A.
  • Garcia-Camacho, R.
  • Garcia-Fernandez, A.
  • Iriondo, J. M.
  • Lara-Romero, C.
  • Morente-Lopez, J.;
... View more Collapse

Plant Biology (p. 50-62) - 1/1/2018

10.1111/plb.12643 View at source

  • ISSN 14358603

Population size, center-periphery, and seed dispersers' effects on the genetic diversity and population structure of the Mediterranean relict shrub Cneorum tricoccon

  • Lazaro-Nogal, Ana
  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Traveset, Anna
  • Valladares, Fernando;

Ecology And Evolution (p. 7231-7242) - 1/9/2017

10.1002/ece3.2940 View at source

  • ISSN 20457758

Habitat Fragmentation Differentially Affects Genetic Variation, Phenotypic Plasticity and Survival in Populations of a Gypsum Endemic

  • Matesanz, Silvia
  • Rubio Teso, Maria Luisa
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Escudero, Adrian;

Frontiers In Plant Science - 26/5/2017

10.3389/fpls.2017.00843 View at source

  • ISSN 1664462X

Phylogeographic insights into Artemisia crithmifolia (Asteraceae) reveal several areas of the Iberian Atlantic coast as refugia for genetic diversity

  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Vitales, Daniel
  • Pellicer, Jaume
  • Garnatje, Teresa
  • Valles, Joan;

Plant Systematics And Evolution (p. 509-519) - 1/4/2017

10.1007/s00606-017-1387-x View at source

  • ISSN 03782697

Restitución de poblaciones como herramienta de conservación en España

  • Rebeca Vicente Moreno
  • María de los Ángeles Carmen Alonso
  • Carlos Lara Romero
  • José María Iriondo Alegría
  • Alfredo García Fernández

Conservación Vegetal (p. 1-4) - 1/1/2017

  • ISSN 11379952
  • iMarina

What causes conspecific plant aggregation? Disentangling the role of dispersal, habitat heterogeneity and plant-plant interactions

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • de la Cruz, Marcelino
  • Escribano-Avila, Gema
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Iriondo, Jose M.;

Oikos (p. 1304-1313) - 1/9/2016

10.1111/oik.03099 View at source

  • ISSN 00301299

Individual spatial aggregation correlates with between-population variation in fine-scale genetic structure of Silene ciliata (Caryophyllaceae)

  • Lara-Romero, C.
  • Garcia-Fernandez, A.
  • Robledo-Arnuncio, J. J.
  • Roumet, M.
  • Morente-Lopez, J.
  • Lopez-Gil, A.
  • Iriondo, J. M.;
... View more Collapse

Heredity (p. 417-423) - 1/5/2016

10.1038/hdy.2015.102 View at source

  • ISSN 0018067X

Phylogeographic insights of the lowland species Cheirolophus sempervirens in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula

  • Vitales, Daniel
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Garnatje, Teresa
  • Pellicer, Jaume
  • Valles, Joan;

Journal Of Systematics And Evolution (p. 65-74) - 1/1/2016

10.1111/jse.12162 View at source

  • ISSN 16744918

Conservation genetics of the rare Iberian endemic Cheirolophus uliginosus (Asteraceae)

  • Vitales, Daniel
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Garnatje, Teresa
  • Valles, Joan
  • Cowan, Robyn S.
  • Fay, Michael F.
  • Pellicer, Jaume;
... View more Collapse

Botanical Journal Of The Linnean Society (p. 157-171) - 1/9/2015

10.1111/boj.12302 View at source

  • ISSN 00244074

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

Single-port approach to endoscopic pericranial scalp flap for anterior cranial fossa closure

  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo;

Laryngoscope (p. 2721-2724) - 1/12/2017

10.1002/lary.26660 View at source

  • ISSN 0023852X

Pulp extrusion: A new processing method for recycling recovered wastepaper and papermill sludge and its application for building materials

  • Zauscher, S
  • Scott, CT;

Use Of Recycled Wood And Paper In Building Applications (p. 68-78) - 1/1/1997

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

Evaluation of assisted evolution as a conservation strategy for climate change adaptation

  • García Fernández, Alfredo (Codirector)
  • Iriondo Alegría, José María (Director) Doctorando: SANDRA SACRISTAN BAJO


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/1/24 1:53 PM