García Fernández, Alfredo


Phylogenetic and phylogeographic evidence for a Pleistocene disjunction between Campanula jacobaea (Cape Verde Islands) and C. balfourii (Socotra)

  • Alarcon, Marisa
  • Roquet, Cristina
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Vargas, Pablo
  • Jose Aldasoro, Juan;

Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution (p. 828-836) - 1/12/2013

10.1016/j.ympev.2013.06.021 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10557903


  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Iriondo, Jose M.
  • Escudero, Adrian
  • Fuertes Aguilar, Javier
  • Nieto Feliner, Gonzalo;

American Journal Of Botany (p. 1641-1650) - 1/8/2013

10.3732/ajb.1200653 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 00029122

Genome size and phylogenetic relationships between the Tunisian species of the genus Calligonum (Polygonaceae)

  • Gouja, Hassen
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Garnatje, Teresa
  • Raies, Aly
  • Neffati, Mohamed;

Turkish Journal Of Botany (p. 13-21) - 1/1/2014

10.3906/bot-1301-72 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1300008X

Assessing Intraspecific Variation in Effective Dispersal Along an Altitudinal Gradient: A Test in Two Mediterranean High-Mountain Plants

  • Lara-Romero, Carlos
  • Robledo-Arnuncio, Juan J.
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Iriondo, Jose M.;

Plos One - 29/1/2014

10.1371/journal.pone.0087189 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203

Key Processes for Cheirolophus (Asteraceae) Diversification on Oceanic Islands Inferred from AFLP Data

  • Vitales, Daniel
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • Pellicer, Jaume
  • Valles, Joan
  • Santos-Guerra, Arnoldo
  • Cowan, Robyn S.
  • Fay, Michael F.
  • Hidalgo, Oriane
  • Garnatje, Teresa;
... Ver más Contraer

Plos One - 20/11/2014

10.1371/journal.pone.0113207 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 19326203

Identification and development of eight microsatellite markers for the gypsophyte Helianthemum squamatum and cross-species amplification

  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo
  • de Haro Reyes, Bernardo
  • Escudero, Adrian;

Conservation Genetics Resources (p. 1049-1051) - 1/12/2014

10.1007/s12686-014-0285-6 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 18777252

Phylogenetic and cytogenetic studies reveal hybrid speciation in Saxifraga subsect. Triplinervium (Saxifragaceae)

  • Mas De Xaxars G
  • García-Fernández A
  • Barnola P
  • Martín J
  • Mercadé A
  • Vallès J
  • Vargas P
  • Vigo J
  • Garnatje T
... Ver más Contraer

Journal Of Systematics And Evolution (p. 53-62) - 1/1/2015

10.1111/jse.12105 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16744918

Estudio genético comparativo de las poblaciones de Silene ciliata Pourr. (Caryophyllaceae) como herramienta para estudiar el cambio global

  • Alfredo García Fernández

Lucas Mallada. Revista De Ciencias (p. 291-307) - 1/1/2015

  • ISSN 02148315
  • iMarina

Effects of the duration of cold stratification on early life stages of the Mediterranean alpine plant Silene ciliata

  • Garcia-Fernandez, A.
  • Escudero, A.
  • Lara-Romero, C.
  • Iriondo, J. M.;

Plant Biology (p. 344-350) - 1/3/2015

10.1111/plb.12226 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14358603

A glacial survivor of the alpine Mediterranean region: phylogenetic and phylogeographic insights into Silene ciliata Pourr. (Caryophyllaceae)

  • Kyrkou, Ifigeneia
  • Maria Iriondo, Jose
  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo;

Peerj - 20/8/2015

10.7717/peerj.1193 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 21678359

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Pulp extrusion: A new processing method for recycling recovered wastepaper and papermill sludge and its application for building materials

  • Zauscher, S
  • Scott, CT;

Use Of Recycled Wood And Paper In Building Applications (p. 68-78) - 1/1/1997

  • iMarina

Single-port approach to endoscopic pericranial scalp flap for anterior cranial fossa closure

  • Garcia-Fernandez, Alfredo;

Laryngoscope (p. 2721-2724) - 1/12/2017

10.1002/lary.26660 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 0023852X

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Evaluation of assisted evolution as a conservation strategy for climate change adaptation

  • García Fernández, Alfredo (Codirector)
  • Iriondo Alegría, José María (Director) Doctorando: SANDRA SACRISTAN BAJO


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 1/08/24 13:53