Merino Martín, Luis


A framework for the practical science necessary to restore sustainable, resilient, and biodiverse ecosystems

  • Miller, Ben P.
  • Sinclair, Elizabeth A.
  • Menz, Myles H. M.
  • Elliott, Carole P.
  • Bunn, Eric
  • Commander, Lucy E.
  • Dalziell, Emma
  • David, Erica
  • Davis, Belinda
  • Erickson, Todd E.
  • Golos, Peter J.
  • Krauss, Siegfried L.
  • Lewandrowski, Wolfgang
  • Mayence, C. Ellery
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Merritt, David J.
  • Nevill, Paul G.
  • Phillips, Ryan D.
  • Ritchie, Alison L.
  • Ruoss, Sacha
  • Stevens, Jason C.;
... View more Collapse

Restoration Ecology (p. 605-617) - 1/7/2017

10.1111/rec.12475 View at source

  • ISSN 10612971

Aeolian sediment and dust fluxes during predominant "background" wind conditions for unburned and burned semiarid grassland: Interplay between particle size and temporal scale

  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Field, Jason P.
  • Villegas, Juan Camilo
  • Whicker, Jeffrey J.
  • Breshears, David D.
  • Law, Darin J.
  • Urgeghe, Anna M.;
... View more Collapse

Aeolian Research (p. 97-103) - 1/9/2014

10.1016/j.aeolia.2014.02.004 View at source

  • ISSN 18759637

An approach to defining and achieving restoration targets for a threatened plant community

  • Elliott, C. P.
  • Commander, L. E.
  • Merino-Martin, L.
  • Golos, P. J.
  • Stevens, J.
  • Miller, B. P.;


10.1002/eap.2613 View at source

  • ISSN 10510761

Assessing the effects of nurse shrubs, sink patches and plant water-use strategies for the establishment of late-successional tree seedlings in Mediterranean reclaimed mining hillslopes

  • Vicente, E.
  • Moreno-de las Heras, M.
  • Merino-Martín, L.
  • Nicolau, J.M.
  • Espigares, T.


Editor: Elsevier B.V.

10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106538 View at source

  • ISSN 09258574
  • ISSN/ISBN 0925-8574

Author Correction: Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts (Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2021), 5, 9, (1283-1290), 10.1038/s41559-021-01510-3)

  • Shackelford N
  • Paterno GB
  • Winkler DE
  • Erickson TE
  • Leger EA
  • Svejcar LN
  • Breed MF
  • Faist AM
  • Harrison PA
  • Curran MF
  • Guo Q
  • Kirmer A
  • Law DJ
  • Mganga KZ
  • Munson SM
  • Porensky LM
  • Quiroga RE
  • Török P
  • Wainwright CE
  • Abdullahi A
  • Bahm MA
  • Ballenger EA
  • Barger N
  • Baughman OW
  • Becker C
  • Lucas-Borja ME
  • Boyd CS
  • Burton CM
  • Burton PJ
  • Calleja E
  • Carrick PJ
  • Caruana A
  • Clements CD
  • Davies KW
  • Deák B
  • Drake J
  • Dullau S
  • Eldridge J
  • Espeland E
  • Farrell HL
  • Fick SE
  • Garbowski M
  • de la Riva EG
  • Golos PJ
  • Grey PA
  • Heydenrych B
  • Holmes PM
  • James JJ
  • Jonas-Bratten J
  • Kiss R
  • Kramer AT
  • Larson JE
  • Lorite J
  • Mayence CE
  • Merino-Martín L
  • Miglécz T
  • Milton SJ
  • Monaco TA
  • Montalvo AM
  • Navarro-Cano JA
  • Paschke MW
  • Peri PL
  • Pokorny ML
  • Rinella MJ
  • Saayman N
  • Schantz MC
  • Parkhurst T
  • Seabloom EW
  • Stuble KL
  • Uselman SM
  • Valkó O
  • Veblen K
  • Wilson S
  • Wong M
  • Xu Z
  • Suding KL
... View more Collapse

Nature Ecology & Evolution (p. 1319-1319) - 28/7/2021

10.1038/s41559-021-01544-7 View at source

  • ISSN 2397334X

Belowground Biodiversity Relates Positively to Ecosystem Services of European Forests

  • Bakker, Mark R.
  • Brunner, Ivano
  • Ashwood, Francis
  • Bjarnadottir, Brynhildur
  • Bolger, Tom
  • Borja, Isabella
  • Carnol, Monique
  • Cudlin, Pavel
  • Dalsgaard, Lise
  • Erktan, Amandine
  • Godbold, Douglas
  • Kraigher, Hojka
  • Meier, Ina C.
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Motiejunaite, Jurga
  • Mrak, Tanja
  • Oddsdottir, Edda S.
  • Ostonen, Ivika
  • Pennanen, Taina L.
  • Puttsepp, Ulle
  • Suz, Laura M.
  • Vanguelova, Elena, I
  • Vesterdal, Lars
  • Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.;
... View more Collapse

Frontiers In Forests And Global Change - 19/3/2019

10.3389/ffgc.2019.00006 View at source

  • ISSN 2624893X

Bypass and hyperbole in soil science: A perspective from the next generation of soil scientists

  • Portell, Xavier
  • Sauzet, Ophelie
  • Balseiro-Romero, Maria
  • Benard, Pascal
  • Cardinael, Remi
  • Couradeau, Estelle
  • Danra, Dieudonne D.
  • Evans, Daniel L.
  • Fry, Ellen L.
  • Hammer, Edith C.
  • Mamba, Danielle
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Mueller, Carsten W.
  • Paradelo, Marcos
  • Rees, Frederic
  • M. W. Rossi, Lorenzo
  • Schmidt, Hannes
  • Schnee, Laura S.
  • Vedere, Charlotte
  • Vidal, Alix;
... View more Collapse

European Journal Of Soil Science (p. 31-34) - 1/1/2021

10.1111/ejss.13064 View at source

  • ISSN 13510754

Demographic, seed and microsite limitations to seedling recruitment in semi-arid mine site restoration

  • Commander, Lucy Elizabeth
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Elliott, Carole P.
  • Miller, Ben P.
  • Dixon, Kingsley
  • Stevens, Jason;

Plant And Soil (p. 113-129) - 1/12/2020

10.1007/s11104-019-04081-2 View at source

  • ISSN 0032079X

Do diversity of plants, soil fungi and bacteria influence aggregate stability on ultramafic Ferralsols? A metagenomic approach in a tropical hotspot of biodiversity

  • Demenois, Julien
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Nunez, Nicolas
  • Stokes, Alexia
  • Carriconde, Fabian;

Plant And Soil (p. 213-229) - 1/3/2020

10.1007/s11104-019-04364-8 View at source

  • ISSN 0032079X

Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts

  • Shackelford, Nancy
  • Paterno, Gustavo B.
  • Winkler, Daniel E.
  • Erickson, Todd E.
  • Leger, Elizabeth A.
  • Svejcar, Lauren N.
  • Breed, Martin F.
  • Faist, Akasha M.
  • Harrison, Peter A.
  • Curran, Michael F.
  • Guo, Qinfeng
  • Kirmer, Anita
  • Law, Darin J.
  • Mganga, Kevin Z.
  • Munson, Seth M.
  • Porensky, Lauren M.
  • Quiroga, R. Emiliano
  • Torok, Peter
  • Wainwright, Claire E.
  • Abdullahi, Ali
  • Bahm, Matt A.
  • Ballenger, Elizabeth A.
  • Barger, Nichole
  • Baughman, Owen W.
  • Becker, Carina
  • Lucas-Borja, Manuel Esteban
  • Boyd, Chad S.
  • Burton, Carla M.
  • Burton, Philip J.
  • Calleja, Eman
  • Carrick, Peter J.
  • Caruana, Alex
  • Clements, Charlie D.
  • Davies, Kirk W.
  • Deak, Balazs
  • Drake, Jessica
  • Dullau, Sandra
  • Eldridge, Joshua
  • Espeland, Erin
  • Farrell, Hannah L.
  • Fick, Stephen E.
  • Garbowski, Magda
  • de la Riva, Enrique G.
  • Golos, Peter J.
  • Grey, Penelope A.
  • Heydenrych, Barry
  • Holmes, Patricia M.
  • James, Jeremy J.
  • Jonas-Bratten, Jayne
  • Kiss, Reka
  • Kramer, Andrea T.
  • Larson, Julie E.
  • Lorite, Juan
  • Mayence, C. Ellery
  • Merino-Martin, Luis
  • Miglecz, Tamas
  • Milton, Suanne Jane
  • Monaco, Thomas A.
  • Montalvo, Arlee M.
  • Navarro-Cano, Jose A.
  • Paschke, Mark W.
  • Peri, Pablo Luis
  • Pokorny, Monica L.
  • Rinella, Matthew J.
  • Saayman, Nelmarie
  • Schantz, Merilynn C.
  • Parkhurst, Tina
  • Seabloom, Eric W.
  • Stuble, Katharine L.
  • Uselman, Shauna M.
  • Valko, Orsolya
  • Veblen, Kari
  • Wilson, Scott
  • Wong, Megan
  • Xu, Zhiwei
  • Suding, Katharine L.;
... View more Collapse

Nature Ecology & Evolution (p. 1283-+) - 1/9/2021

10.1038/s41559-021-01510-3 View at source

  • ISSN 2397334X

This researcher has no books.

Ecohidrología: erosión hídrica y dinámica de la vegetación en laderas artificiales

  • José Manuel Nicolau Ibarra
  • Tíscar Espigares Pinilla
  • Mariano Moreno de las Heras
  • Luis Merino Martín

Restauración Ecológica De Áreas Afectadas Por Infraestructuras De Transporte: Bases Científicas Para Soluciones Técnicas (p. 75-83) - 1/1/2011

Editor: Fundación Biodiversidad

This researcher has no conferences.

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 3:41 PM