Polentinos Castro, Elena elena.polentinos@urjc.es
- Artículos 49
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 0
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Association of socioeconomic status with prognosis in hypertensive patients over age 65: a cohort study in the community setting
- Martin-Fernandez, Jesus
- Alonso-Safont, Tamara
- Gestri-Mora, Patricia Elena
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Rodriguez-Martinez, Gemma
- Bilbao, Amaia
- del Cura-Gonzalez, Ma Isabel
Bmj Open - 29/8/2024
- ISSN 20446055
- iMarina
Effect of GP visits in the compliance of preventive services: a cross-sectional study in Europe
- Ares-Blanco, Sara
- Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan A
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- del Cura-Gonzalez, Isabel
Bmc Primary Care - 15/5/2024
10.1186/s12875-024-02400-w Ver en origen
- ISSN 27314553
Family Caregivers' Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study
- Rico-Blazquez, Milagros
- Sanchez-Ruano, Raquel
- Oter-Quintana, Cristina
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Martin-Garcia, Angel
- Otones-Reyes, Pedro
- Gonzalez-Beltran, Damian
- Martinez-Marcos, Mercedes
Healthcare (Basel) - 1/5/2024
10.3390/healthcare12100970 Ver en origen
- ISSN 22279032
- iMarina
- iMarina
Health service and psychotropic medication use for mental health conditions among healthcare workers active during the Spain Covid-19 Pandemic - A prospective cohort study using web-based surveys.
- Mortier, Philippe
- Vilagut, Gemma
- Garcia-Mieres, Helena
- Alayo, Itxaso
- Ferrer, Montse
- Amigo, Franco
- Aragones, Enric
- Aragon-Penae, Andres
- Barco, Angel Asunsolo del
- Campos, Mireia
- Espuga, Meritxell
- Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana
- Haro, Josep M
- Fresnena, Nieves Lopez
- Sal, Alma D Martinez de
- Molina, Juan
- Orti-Lucas, Rafael
- Parellada, Mara
- Pelayo-Teran, Jose Maria
- Perez-Gomez, Beatriz
- Perez-Zapata, Aurora
- Pijoan, Jose Ignasio
- Plana, Nieves
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Diest, Ana Portillo-Van
- Puig, Teresa
- Rius, Cristina
- Sanz, Ferran
- Serra, Consol
- Urreta-Barallobre, Iratxe
- Kessler, Ronald C
- Bruffaerts, Ronny
- Vieta, Eduard
- Perez-Sola, Victor
- Alonso, Jordi
Psychiatry Research - 1/4/2024
10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115800 Ver en origen
- ISSN 01651781
Impact of hypertension diagnosis on morbidity and mortality: a retrospective cohort study in primary care
- Martin-Fernandez, Jesus
- Alonso-Safont, Tamara
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Esteban-Vasallo, Maria Dolores
- Ariza-Cardiel, Gloria
- Gonzalez-Anglada, Ma Isabel
- Sanchez-Perruca, Luis
- Rodriguez-Martinez, Gemma
- Rotaeche-del-Campo, Rafael
- Bilbao-Gonzalez, Amaia
Bmc Primary Care - 23/3/2023
10.1186/s12875-023-02036-2 Ver en origen
- ISSN 27314553
Sex and income inequalities in preventive services in diabetes
- Ares-Blanco, Sara
- Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan A
- Fontan Vela, Mario
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- del Cura-Gonzalez, Isabel
European Journal Of General Practice - 31/12/2023
10.1080/13814788.2022.2159941 Ver en origen
- ISSN 13814788
What have we missed because of COVID-19? Missed diagnoses and delayed follow-ups. SESPAS Report 2022
- del Cura-Gonzalez, Isabel
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Fontan-Vela, Mario
- Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan A
- Martin-Fernandez, Jesus
Gaceta Sanitaria (p. S36-S43) - 30/6/2022
10.1016/j.gaceta.2022.03.003 Ver en origen
- ISSN 02139111
Effectiveness of the MULTIPAP Plus intervention in youngest-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy aimed at improving prescribing practices in primary care: study protocol of a cluster randomized trial
- del Cura-Gonzalez, Isabel
- Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan A
- Leiva-Fernandez, Francisca
- Gimeno-Feliu, Luis A
- Pico-Soler, Victoria
- Josefa Bujalance-Zafra, Ma
- Dominguez-Santaella, Miguel
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Poblador-Plou, Beatriz
- Ara-Bardaji, Paula
- Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, Mercedes
- Rogero-Blanco, Marisa
- Castillo-Jimenez, Marcos
- Lozano-Hernandez, Cristina
- Gimeno-Miguel, Antonio
- Gonzalez-Rubio, Francisca
- Medina-Garcia, Rodrigo
- Gonzalez-Hevilla, Alba
- Gil-Conesa, Mario
- Martin-Fernandez, Jesus
- Valderas, Jose M
- Marengoni, Alessandra
- Muth, Christiane
- Prados-Torres, J Daniel
- Prados-Torres, Alexandra
Trials - 9/6/2022
10.1186/s13063-022-06293-x Ver en origen
- ISSN 17456215
How to Improve Healthcare for Patients with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy in Primary Care: A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial of the MULTIPAP Intervention
- Del Cura-Gonzalez, Isabel
- Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan A
- Leiva-Fernandez, Francisca
- Gimeno-Miguel, Antonio
- Poblador-Plou, Beatriz
- Lopez-Verde, Fernando
- Lozano-Hernandez, Cristina
- Pico-Soler, Victoria
- Bujalance-Zafra, Ma Josefa
- Gimeno-Feliu, Luis A
- Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, Mercedes
- Rogero-Blanco, Marisa
- Gonzalez-Rubio, Francisca
- Garcia-de-Blas, Francisca
- Polentinos-Castro, Elena
- Sanz-Cuesta, Teresa
- Castillo-Jimena, Marcos
- Alonso-Garcia, Marcos
- Calderon-Larranaga, Amaia
- Valderas, Jose M
- Marengoni, Alessandra
- Muth, Christiane
- Prados-Torres, Juan Daniel
- Prados-Torres, Alexandra
J Pers Med - 1/5/2022
10.3390/jpm12050752 Ver en origen
- ISSN 20754426
Four-month incidence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among healthcare workers after the first wave of the Spain COVID-19 pandemic
- Mortier, P
- Vilagut, G
- Alayo, I
- Ferrer, M
- Amigo, F
- Aragonès, E
- Aragón-Peña, A
- del Barco, AA
- Campos, M
- Espuga, M
- González-Pinto, A
- Haro, JM
- Fresneña, NL
- de Salázar, AM
- Molina, JD
- Ortí-Lucas, RM
- Parellada, M
- Pelayo-Terán, JM
- Pérez-Gómez, B
- Pérez-Zapata, A
- Pijoan, JI
- Plana, N
- Polentinos-Castro, E
- Portillo-Van Diest, A
- Puig, MT
- Rius, C
- Sanz, F
- Serra, C
- Urreta-Barallobre, I
- Kessler, RC
- Bruffaerts, R
- Vieta, E
- Perez-Sola, V
- Alonso, J
Journal Of Psychiatric Research (p. 10-17) - 1/5/2022
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.02.009 Ver en origen
- ISSN 00223956
- ISSN/ISBN 1879-1379
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