Collado Vázquez, Susana
- Artículos 36
- Libros 0
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 1
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 0
- Tesis dirigidas 1
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Content, educational value and quality analysis of videos about neurorehabilitation in people with multiple sclerosis on YouTube®.
- Cano-de-la-Cuerda R
- Marcos-Antón S
- Blázquez-Fernández A
- Fernández-Cañas M
- Sánchez-Herrera Baeza P
- Fernández-González P
- Collado-Vázquez S
- Jiménez-Antona C
- Laguarta-Val S
Revista De Neurologia (p. 77-88) - 1/8/2024
- ISSN 02100010
- iMarina
Economic Cost of Rehabilitation with Robotic and Virtual Reality Systems in People with Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review
- Cano-de-la-Cuerda, Roberto
- Blazquez-Fernandez, Aitor
- Marcos-Anton, Selena
- Sanchez-Herrera-Baeza, Patricia
- Fernandez-Gonzalez, Pilar
- Collado-Vazquez, Susana
- Jimenez-Antona, Carmen
- Laguarta-Val, Sofia
Journal Of Clinical Medicine - 1/3/2024
10.3390/jcm13061531 Ver en origen
- ISSN 20770383
Natural Semantic Networks of the Neurorehabilitation Concept by Spanish Physiotherapists—A Qualitative Phenomenological Representational Study
- Ortega-Bastidas, JA
- Martín-Casas, P
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Estrada-Barranco, C
- Sanz-Esteban, I
- Pinzón-Bernal, MY
- Ortega-Bastidas, P
- Cano-de-la-Cuerda, R
Behavioral Sciences - 1/12/2023
10.3390/bs13120972 Ver en origen
- ISSN 2076328X
Effects of Video-Game Based Therapy on Balance, Postural Control, Functionality, and Quality of Life of Patients with Subacute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Cano-Mañas, MJ
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Hernández, JR
- Villena, AJM
- Cano-de-la-Cuerda, R
Journal Of Healthcare Engineering - 13/2/2020
10.1155/2020/5480315 Ver en origen
- ISSN 20402295
Vojta Therapy versus transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for lumbosciatica syndrome: A quasi-experimental pilot study
- Juárez-Albuixech, ML
- Redondo-González, O
- Tello, I
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Jiménez-Antona, C
Journal Of Bodywork And Movement Therapies (p. 39-46) - 1/1/2020
Editor: Churchill Livingstone
10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.05.015 Ver en origen
- ISSN 13608592
- ISSN/ISBN 1532-9283
Cerebral palsy In literature, cinema and television
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Carrillo, JM
Revista De Neurologia (p. 77-86) - 16/7/2019
10.33588/rn.6902.2018428 Ver en origen
- ISSN 02100010
Leap motion controlled video game-based therapy for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease: a feasibility study
- Fernandez-Gonzalez, Pilar
- Carratala-Tejada, Maria
- Monge-Pereira, Esther
- Collado-Vazquez, Susana
- Sanchez-Herrera Baeza, Patricia
- Cuesta-Gomez, Alicia
- Daniel Ona-Simbana, Edwin
- Jardon-Huete, Alberto
- Molina-Rueda, Francisco
- Balaguer-Bernaldo de Quiros, Carlos
- Carlos Miangolarra-Page, Juan
- Cano-de la Cuerda, Roberto
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation) (p. 133-1-133-10) - 6/11/2019 Ver en origen
- ISSN 1743-0003
Muscular dystrophies in literature, cinema and television
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Carrillo, JM
Revista De Neurologia (p. 63-70) - 16/7/2018
10.33588/rn.6702.2017337 Ver en origen
- ISSN 02100010
Effectiveness of Serious Games for Leap Motion on the functionality of the upper limb in Parkinson's disease: A feasibility study
- Oña, ED
- Balaguer, C
- Cano-de la Cuerda, R
- Collado-Vázquez, S
- Jardón, A
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (p. 1-17) - 1/7/2018 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1687-5273
- ISSN 16875273
Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.
- Hernandez, JR
- Cano-De-La-Cuerda, R
- Villena, AM
- Cano-Manas, M
- Collado-Vazquez, S
International Journal Of Stroke (p. 190-190) - 1/11/2020
- ISSN 17474930
- iMarina
Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.
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