Los datos mostrados de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid son parciales, pues con ellos se pretende responder a 2 preguntas:
- ¿Quién investiga un tema concreto?
- ¿Qué investiga un/a investigador/a, grupo o departamento específico?
Por esta razón sólo recoge investigadores/as en activo.
Además, sólo se recogen los resultados de investigación siguiendo estos límites:
- Proyectos de investigación desde 2006.
- Publicaciones, Tesis doctorales, Patentes y Software desde 2008.
Marquez Segura, Elena emarquez@inf.uc3m.es
- Artículos 9
- Libros 1
- Capítulos de libro 0
- Congresos 67
- Documentos de trabajo 0
- Informes técnicos 0
- Proyectos de investigación 3
- Tesis dirigidas 0
- Patentes o licencias de software 0
Think-4-EmCoDe framework: Highlighting key qualities in embodied co-design techniques for children
- Schaper, Marie Monique
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Malinverni, Laura
- Pares, Narcis
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103065 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1095-9300
- ISSN 1071-5819
Intercorporeal Biofeedback for Movement Learning
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Waern, Annika
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (p. 1-40) - 6/2023
https://doi.org/10.1145/3582428 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1557-7325
- ISSN 1073-0516
Documenting the Elusive and Ephemeral in Embodied Design Ideation Activities
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Marquez Segura, Elena
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (p. 1-40) - 6/2018
10.3390/mti2030035 Ver en origen
- ISSN 2414-4088
Body-centric computing: results from a weeklong Dagstuhl seminar in a German castle
- Muller, Florian 'floyd'
- Andres, Josh
- Marshall, Joe
- Svanæs, Dag
- Schraefel, M. C.
- Gerling, Kathrin
- Tholander, Jakob
- Martin-niedecken, Anna Lisa
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Van Den Hoven, Elise
- Graham, Nicholas
- Höök, Kristina
- Sas, Corina
Interactions (Interactions) (p. 34-39) - 6/2018
- EISSN 1558-3449
- ISSN 1072-5520
Embracing first-person perspectives in soma-based design
- Höök, K.
- Caramiaux, B.
- Erkut, C.
- Forlizzi, J.
- Hajinejad, N.
- Haller, M.
- Hummels, C.c.m.
- Isbister, Katherine
- Jonsson, M.
- Khut, G.
- Loke, L.
- Lottridge, D.
- Marti, P.
- Melcer, E.
- Müller, F.f.
- Petersen, M.g.
- Schiphorst, T.
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Ståhl, A.
- Svanæs, D.
- Tholander, J.
- Tobiasson, H.
Informatics - 2/2018
https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics5010008 Ver en origen
- EISSN 2227-9709
Designing for transformative play
- Back, J.
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Waern, Annika
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (p. 18:1-18: 28) - 7/2017
https://doi.org/10.1145/3057921 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1557-7325
- ISSN 1073-0516
Yamove! A movement synchrony game that choreographs social interaction
- Isbister, Katherine
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Kirkpatrick, Suzanne
- Chen, Xiaofeng
- Salahuddin, Syed
- Cao, Gang
- Tang, Raybit
Human Technology (p. 74-102) - 5/2016
https://doi.org/10.17011/ht/urn.201605192621 Ver en origen
- ISSN 1795-6889
Bodystorming for movement-based interaction design
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Rostami, Asreen
Human Technology (p. 193-251) - 11/2016
https://doi.org/10.17011/ht/urn.201611174655 Ver en origen
- ISSN 1795-6889
Migration between two embodiments of an artificial pet
- Gomes, P.f.
- Sardinha, A.
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Cramer, H.
- Paiva, A.
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics - 1/2014
https://doi.org/10.1142/s0219843614500017 Ver en origen
- EISSN 1793-6942
- ISSN 0219-8436
Playful Wearables: Understanding the Design Space of Wearables for Games and Related Experiences
- Buruk, Oguz 'oz'
- Dagan, Ella
- Isbister, Katherine
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Tanenbaum, Theresa Jean
Editor: MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
10.7551/mitpress/14111.001.0001 Ver en origen
- ISBN 9780262376839
Este/a investigador/a no tiene capítulos de libro.
Body Transformation: An Experiential Quality of Sensory Feedback Wearables for Altering Body Perception
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
- Ley Flores, Judith Guadalupe
- Diaz Duran, Joaquin Roberto
- Marquez Segura, Elena
Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, TEI'24 (p. 1-19) - 2024
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3623509.3633373 Ver en origen
- ISBN 979-8-4007-0402-4
Towards a Minimalist Embodied Sketching Toolkit for Wearable Design for Motor Learning
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '24) (p. 1-7) - 2024
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3623509.3635253 Ver en origen
- ISBN 979-8-4007-0402-4
Embodied Hybrid Bodystorming to Design an XR Suture Training Experience
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
- Maldonado Morillo, Andrés A.
- Cristóbal Velasco, Lara
- Bellucci, Andrea
Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, TEI'24 (p. 1-12) - 2024
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
10.1145/3623509.3633362 Ver en origen
- ISBN 979-8-4007-0402-4/24/02
Co-designing sensory feedback to transform body sensations to support overcoming barriers to physical activity.
- Ley Flores, Judith Guadalupe
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Sanchez Martin, Milagrosa
- Singh, Aneesha
- Valdiviezo Hernandez, Omar
- Cuadrado, Francisco
- Bevilacqua, Frederic
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) (p. 1-31) - 3/2024
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3643499 Ver en origen
- ISBN 2474-9567
- ISSN 2474-9567
Technology, Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play
- Van Delden, Robby
- Reidsma, Dennis
- Postma, Dees
- Weijdom, Joris
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
- Waern, Annika
- Park, Solip
- Hämäläinen, Perttu
- Font, Jose Maria
- Johnsson, Mats
- Rasmussen, Lærke Schjødt
- Elbæk, Lars
Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2023) (p. 231-234) - 2023
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
10.1145/3573382.3616050 Ver en origen
- ISBN 979-8-4007-0029-3
Edu-larp @ CHI
- Robinson, Raquel
- Johansson, Karin
- Collin Fey, James
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Back, Jon
- Waern, Annika
- Bowman, Sarah Lynne
- Isbister, Katherine
CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - 2023
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3573819 Ver en origen
- ISBN 9781450394222
Reimagining Machine Learning's Role in Assistive Technology by Co-Designing Exergames with Children Using a Participatory Machine Learning Design Probe
- Duval, Jared
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Li, Yinchu
- Waern, Annika
ASSETS '23: Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (p. 1-16) - 2023
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3597638.3608421 Ver en origen
- ISBN 9798400702204
Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods: a Practice-based Characterization
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- Valdiviezo Hernandez, Omar
- Waern, Annika
- Van Delden, Robby
- Weijdom, Joris
- Elbæk, Lars
- Andersen, Rasmus Vestergaard
- Lekbo, Søren
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS'23) (p. 871-888) - 2023
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
10.1145/3563657.3596036 Ver en origen
- ISBN 9781450398930
Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
- Ley Flores, Judith Guadalupe
- Valdiviezo Hernandez, Omar
- Singh, Aneesha
- Sanchez Martin, Milagrosa
- Diaz Duran, Joaquin Roberto
- Marquez Segura, Elena
8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, MOCO'22 (p. 1-9) - 2022
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
10.1145/3537972.3538001 Ver en origen
- ISBN 978-1-4503-8716-3
Exploring and Materialising Bodily Experiences of Security through Lenses of Feminist HCI practices
- Beuthel, Janne Mascha
- Schaper, Marie Monique
- Schuß, Martina
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Nuñez-pacheco, Claudia
- Riener, Andreas
NordiCHI '22: Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference (p. 1-5) - 2022
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
https://doi.org/10.1145/3547522.3547696 Ver en origen
- ISBN 978-1-4503-9448-2
Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.
GA-101002711 - BODYinTRANSIT - Sensory-driven Body Transformation Experiences On-the-move
- Tajadura Jimenez, Ana
- Sanchez Sanchez, Angel
- Diaz De Maria, Fernando
- Azpicueta Ruiz, Luis Antonio
- Prida Caballero, Daniel De La
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Diaz Duran, Joaquin Roberto
- Dehshibi, Mohammad Mahdi
- Turmo Vidal, Laia
- D'adamo, Amar
- Roel Lesur, Marte Ernesto
- Srinivasan, Karunya
Ejecución: 01-01-2022 - 31-12-2026
Tipo: Europeo
Embodied Interaction & Play Design Lab: A design program for technology-supported movement-based experiences for play, physical activity, and training (MovIntPlayLab-CM-UC3M)
- Marquez Segura, Elena
- Sainz Martinez, Julian
- Garcia Hernandez, Javier
- Vega Cebrian, Jose Manuel
Ejecución: 01-01-2021 - 31-12-2024
Tipo: Regional
PID2019-109388GB-I00 - Interacción corporal con datos semánticos: investigando las capacidades multisensoriales para el aprendizaje y la comprensión
- Diaz Perez, Maria Paloma
- Onorati, Teresa
- Bellucci, Andrea
- Marquez Segura, Elena
Ejecución: 01-06-2020 - 31-05-2024
Tipo: Nacional
Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.
Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.
Perfiles de investigador/a
Scopus Author ID