Fernandez Ruiz, Javier javier.fernandezr@uam.es


2-hydroxyestradiol is not mediating the effects of estradiol on tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons controlling prolactin secretion in female rats

  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Alvarez-Sanz C
  • Ramos J

Journal of Steroid Biochemistry (p. 71-75) - 1/1/1989

10.1016/0022-4731(89)90016-2 View at source

  • ISSN 00224731

A Sativex®-like combination of phytocannabinoids as a disease-modifying therapy in a viral model of multiple sclerosis

  • Feliú A
  • Moreno-Martet M
  • Mecha M
  • Carrillo-Salinas F
  • De Lago E
  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Guaza C
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BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY (p. 3579-3595) - 1/7/2015

10.1111/bph.13159 View at source

  • ISSN 00071188

A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements

  • Alqassab M
  • Strijbos JW
  • Panadero E
  • Ruiz JF
  • Warrens M
  • To J

Educational Psychology Review - 1/3/2023

10.1007/s10648-023-09723-7 View at source

  • ISSN 1040726X

A Transitional Year Level to Higher Education: Challenges, Experiences and Self-regulatory Strategies during the Final Year of the University Preparatory Level

  • Panadero, Ernesto
  • Garcia Perez, Daniel
  • Fernández Ruiz, Javier
  • Sánchez, Héctor

Estudios Sobre Educacion (p. 109-133) - 1/10/2020

10.15581/004.39.109-133 View at source

  • ISSN 15787001

A cannabigerol quinone alleviates neuroinflammation in a chronic model of multiple sclerosis

  • Granja A
  • Carrillo-Salinas F
  • Pagani A
  • Gómez-Cañas M
  • Negri R
  • Navarrete C
  • Mecha M
  • Mestre L
  • Fiebich B
  • Cantarero I
  • Calzado M
  • Bellido M
  • Fernandez-Ruiz J
  • Appendino G
  • Guaza C
  • Muñoz E
... View more Collapse

Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (p. 1002-1016) - 1/12/2012

10.1007/s11481-012-9399-3 View at source

  • ISSN 15571890

A double-blind, randomized, cross-over, placebo-controlled, pilot trial with Sativex in Huntington’s disease

  • López-Sendón Moreno J
  • García Caldentey J
  • Trigo Cubillo P
  • Ruiz Romero C
  • García Ribas G
  • Alonso Arias M
  • García de Yébenes M
  • Tolón R
  • Galve-Roperh I
  • Sagredo O
  • Valdeolivas S
  • Resel E
  • Ortega-Gutierrez S
  • García-Bermejo M
  • Fernández Ruiz J
  • Guzmán M
  • García de Yébenes Prous J
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JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (p. 1390-1400) - 1/7/2016

10.1007/s00415-016-8145-9 View at source

  • ISSN 03405354

A restricted population of CB1 cannabinoid receptors with neuroprotective activity

  • Chiarlone A
  • Bellocchio L
  • Blázquez C
  • Resel E
  • Soria-Gómez E
  • Cannich A
  • Ferrero JJ
  • Sagredo O
  • Benito C
  • Romero J
  • Sánchez-Prieto J
  • Lutz B
  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Galve-Roperh I
  • Guzmán M
... View more Collapse

Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America (p. 8257-8262) - 3/6/2014

10.1073/pnas.1400988111 View at source

  • ISSN 10916490

A systematic review on peer assessment: intrapersonal and interpersonal factors

  • Panadero E
  • Alqassab M
  • Fernández Ruiz J
  • Ocampo JC

Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education (p. 1053-1075) - 1/1/2023

10.1080/02602938.2023.2164884 View at source

  • ISSN 02602938

A53T-Alpha-Synuclein Overexpression Impairs Dopamine Signaling and Striatal Synaptic Plasticity in Old Mice

  • Kurz, Alexander
  • Double, Kay L
  • Lastres-Becker, Isabel
  • Tozzi, Alessandro
  • Tantucci, Michela
  • Bockhart, Vanessa
  • Bonin, Michael
  • Garcia-Arencibia, Moises
  • Nuber, Silke
  • Schlaudraff, Falk
  • Liss, Birgit
  • Fernandez-Ruiz, Javier
  • Gerlach, Manfred
  • Wuellner, Ullrich
  • Lueddens, Hartmut
  • Calabresi, Paolo
  • Auburger, Georg
  • Gispert, Suzana
... View more Collapse

Plos One (p. 467-15) - 1/1/2010

10.1371/journal.pone.0011464 View at source

  • ISSN 19326203

Activational role of cannabinoids on movement

  • Sañudo-Peña MC
  • Romero J
  • Seale GE
  • Fernandez-Ruiz JJ
  • Walker JM


10.1016/s0014-2999(00)00044-3 View at source

  • ISSN 00142999

This researcher has no books.

Cannabinoids and the brain: New hopes for new therapies

  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Hernández M
  • García-Movellán Y

Cannabinoids (p. 175-218) - 11/8/2014

10.1002/9781118451281.ch6 View at source

Chapter 2: Phytocannabinoids Versus Endocannabinoids. A Modern View of the Endocannabinoid System

  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Sagredo O
  • De Lago E

RSC Drug Discovery Series (p. 10-47) - 1/1/2021

10.1039/9781839160752-00010 View at source

  • ISSN 20413203

Endocannabinoid-Binding Receptors as Drug Targets

  • Gómez-Cañas M
  • Rodríguez-Cueto C
  • Satta V
  • Hernández-Fisac I
  • Navarro E
  • Fernández-Ruiz J

Methods In Molecular Biology (p. 67-94) - 1/1/2023

10.1007/978-1-0716-2728-0_6 View at source

  • ISSN 10643745

Endocannabinoids and Neurodegenerative disorders: Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s chorea, Alzheimer’s disease, and others

  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Romero J
  • Ramos J

Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology (p. 233-259) - 29/9/2015

10.1007/978-3-319-20825-1_8 View at source

  • ISSN 01712004

Endocannabinoids and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  • de Lago E
  • Moreno-Martet M
  • Espejo-Porras F
  • Fernández-Ruiz J

Cannabinoids in Neurologic and Mental Disease (p. 99-123) - 21/1/2015

10.1016/b978-0-12-417041-4.00005-9 View at source

La protección de menores en la Policía Municipal de Madrid

  • Javier Fernández Ruiz

El derecho a la protección de los niños y niñas en la Comunidad de Madrid (p. 171-180) - 1/1/2010

  • iMarina

Modeling Neurodegenerative Disorders for Developing Cannabinoid-Based Neuroprotective Therapies

  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Gómez-Ruiz M
  • García C
  • Hernández M
  • Ramos JA

Methods In Enzymology (p. 175-198) - 1/1/2017

10.1016/bs.mie.2017.06.021 View at source

  • ISSN 00766879

The endocannabinoid system in the physiology and pathology of the basal ganglia

  • Gerdeman G
  • Fernández-Ruiz J

Cannabinoids and the Brain (p. 423-483) - 1/1/2008

10.1007/978-0-387-74349-3_21 View at source

The service of Minors' Guardian Officers in Madrid Municipal Police

  • Javier Fernández Ruiz

Memoria Del Congreso International Sobre Seguridad Ciudadana En La Sociedad Diversa: 19 A 22 De Octubre De 2011 (p. 370-371) - 1/1/2011

  • iMarina

Role of endocannabinoids in brain development

  • Fernandez-Ruiz, JJ
  • Berrendero, F
  • Hernandez, ML
  • Romero, J
  • Ramos, JA

Life Sciences (p. 725-736) - 9/7/1999

10.1016/s0024-3205(99)00295-7 View at source

  • ISSN 00243205

Sativex-like combination of phytocannabinoids is neuroprotective in malonate-lesioned rats, an inflammatory model of Huntington's disease: Role of CB1 and CB2 receptors

  • Valdeolivas S
  • Satta V
  • Pertwee R
  • Fernández-Ruiz J
  • Sagredo O

ACS Chemical Neuroscience (p. 400-406) - 16/5/2012

10.1021/cn200114w View at source

  • ISSN 19487193

Teachers’ conceptions about assessment and its relationship with their methodologies

  • Fernández Ruiz, J. & Panadero, E


  • iMarina

¿Cómo se implementa la evaluación en la Educación Superior Española? Un análisis a través de las guías docentes

  • Fernández Ruiz, J., Fraile, J., Panadero, E., Castilla, D. & Ruiz, M


  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/12/24 11:40 PM