Otero Fuertes, Maria Paz paz.otero@uam.es


Single-Cell Proteins Obtained by Circular Economy Intended as a Feed Ingredient in Aquaculture

  • Pereira, Antia G.
  • Fraga-Corral, Maria
  • Garcia-Oliveira, Paula
  • Otero, Paz
  • Soria-Lopez, Anton
  • Cassani, Lucia
  • Cao, Hui
  • Xiao, Jianbo
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus;
... Ver más Contraer

Foods - 1/9/2022

10.3390/foods11182831 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 23048158

Emerging Marine Biotoxins in European Waters: Potential Risks and Analytical Challenges

  • Otero, P
  • Silva, M

Marine Drugs - 1/3/2022

10.3390/md20030199 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16603397

Weed pressure determines the chemical profile of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its allelochemicals potential

  • Hussain, M. Iftikhar
  • Vieites-Alvarez, Yedra
  • Otero, Paz
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Reigosa, Manuel J.
  • Sanchez-Moreiras, Adela M.;
... Ver más Contraer

Pest Management Science (p. 1605-1619) - 28/1/2022

10.1002/ps.6779 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 1526498X

Optimization of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant Activity of Himanthalia elongata by Microwave-Assisted Extraction Using Response Surface Methodology

  • Chamorro, Franklin
  • Cassani, Lucia
  • Lourenço-Lopes, Catarina
  • Carreira-Casais, Anxo
  • Carpena, Maria
  • Echave, Javier
  • Baamonde, Sergio
  • Fernández-Saa, Fermin
  • Otero, Paz
  • Garcia-Perez, Pacual
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Prieto, Miguel Angel
... Ver más Contraer

Chemistry Proceedings - 6/1/2022

10.3390/csac2021-10478 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 26734583

Seaweed-Derived Proteins and Peptides: Promising Marine Bioactives

  • Echave J
  • Otero P
  • Garcia-Oliveira P
  • Munekata PES
  • Pateiro M
  • Lorenzo JM
  • Simal-Gandara J
  • Prieto MA
... Ver más Contraer

Antioxidants - 1/1/2022

10.3390/antiox11010176 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 20763921

Benefits and Drawbacks of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction for the Recovery of Bioactive Compounds from Marine Algae

  • Carreira-Casais, Anxo
  • Otero, Paz
  • Garcia-Perez, Pascual
  • Garcia-Oliveira, Paula
  • Pereira, Antia G.
  • Carpena, Maria
  • Soria-Lopez, Anton
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Prieto, Miguel A.;
... Ver más Contraer

International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health - 1/9/2021

10.3390/ijerph18179153 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16604601

Seaweed polysaccharides: Emerging extraction technologies, chemical modifications and bioactive properties

  • Otero, Paz
  • Carpena, M.
  • Garcia-Oliveira, P.
  • Echave, J.
  • Soria-Lopez, A.
  • Garcia-Perez, P.
  • Fraga-Corral, M.
  • Cao, Hui
  • Nie, Shaoping
  • Xiao, Jianbo
  • Simal-Gandara, J.
  • Prieto, M. A.;
... Ver más Contraer

Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition (p. 1-29) - 20/8/2021

10.1080/10408398.2021.1969534 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 10408398

Exploitation of Marine Molecules to Manage Alzheimer's Disease

  • Silva, Marisa
  • Seijas, Paula
  • Otero, Paz;

Marine Drugs - 1/7/2021

10.3390/md19070373 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16603397

Recovery of Phenolic Compounds from Edible Algae Using High Hydrostatic Pressure: An Optimization Approach

  • Pereira, Antía G.
  • Carpena, María
  • García-Oliveira, Paula
  • Jiménez-López, Cecilia
  • Lourenço-Lopes, Catarina
  • Carreira-Casais, Anxo
  • Echave, Javier
  • Otero, Paz
  • Fraga-Corral, Maria
  • Gullón, Patri
  • Barros, Lillian
  • Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
... Ver más Contraer

Proceedings - 10/6/2021

10.3390/foods_2020-07824 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 25043900

Traditional plants from Asteraceae family as potential candidates for functional food industry

  • Garcia-Oliveira P
  • Barral M
  • Carpena M
  • Gullón P
  • Fraga-Corral M
  • Otero P
  • Prieto MA
  • Simal-Gandara J
... Ver más Contraer

Food & Function (p. 2850-2873) - 7/4/2021

10.1039/d0fo03433a Ver en origen

  • ISSN 29938270

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Marker compounds, relative response factors, and toxic equivalent factors

  • Otero Fuertes, Maria Paz
  • Rodríguez, Paula

Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology and Detection (p. 57-76) - 1/1/2014

  • iMarina

By-Products of Walnut (Juglans regia) as a Source of Bioactive Compounds for the Formulation of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

  • Chamorro, Franklin
  • Carpena, Maria
  • Lourenço-Lopes, Catarina
  • Taofiq, Oludemi
  • Otero, Paz
  • Cao, Hui
  • Xiao, Jianbo
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
... Ver más Contraer

IECN 2022 - 20/7/2022

10.3390/iecn2022-12396 Ver en origen

Chemical and Nutritional Characterization of By-Products from the Wine Industry—Source of Healthy Ingredients for the Formulation of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

  • Chamorro, Franklin
  • Otero, Paz
  • Rodríguez, María Carpena
  • Garcia-Oliveira, Paula
  • Pereira, Antia Gonzalez
  • Perez-Gregorio, Rosa
  • Fraga-Corral, Maria
  • Xiao, Jianbo
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
... Ver más Contraer

Foods 2022 - 9/12/2022

10.3390/foods2022-12960 Ver en origen

Evidence and Perspectives on the Use of Phlorotannins as Novel Antibiotics and Therapeutic Natural Molecules

  • Echave, Javier
  • Lourenço-Lopes, Catarina
  • Cassani, Lucia
  • Fraga-Corral, Maria
  • Garcia-Perez, Pascual
  • Otero, Paz
  • Carreira-Casais, Anxo
  • Perez-Gregorio, Rosa
  • Baamonde, Sergio
  • Saa, Fermín Fernández
  • Simal-Gandara, Jesus
  • Prieto, Miguel A.
... Ver más Contraer

The 2nd International Electronic Conference On Antibiotics&Mdash;Drugs For Superbugs: Antibiotic Discovery, Modes Of Action And Mechanisms Of Resistance - 8/11/2022

10.3390/eca2022-12728 Ver en origen

Analysis of marine toxins: gaps on food safety control of marine toxins

  • Otero, Paz
  • Alfonso, Carmen


10.1002/9781118500354.ch1 Ver en origen

  • ISBN 9781118500354

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Última actualización de los datos: 12/08/24 23:08