Santos Velasco, David


You earn what you weigh: the effect of physical constitution and type of job on remuneration in a simulated personnel selection context

  • Martín Cárdaba, Miguel Ángel
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Antoñanzas, Gabriela
  • Sáenz, Brenda
  • Santos, David

Revista De Psicologia Social (p. 67-92) - 1/1/2022

10.1080/02134748.2021.1992889 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15793680

Where Did This Thought Come From? A Self-Validation Analysis of the Perceived Origin of Thoughts

  • Gascó M., Briñol P., Santos D., Petty R., Horcajo J.

PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN (p. 146167218775696-1628) - 1/11/2018

10.1177/0146167218775696 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 01461672

Trait aggressiveness predicting aggressive behavior: The moderating role of meta-cognitive certainty

  • Santos D, Briñol P, Petty RE, Gandarillas B, Mateos R

Aggressive Behavior (p. 255-264) - 1/5/2019


  • ISSN 0096140X
  • iMarina

Trait Aggressiveness and Aggressive Behavior: The Simultaneous Influence of Contextual Variables

  • Santos, David
  • Paredes, Borja
  • Brinol, Pablo
  • Petty, Richard E.;

Psychology Of Violence (p. 438-449) - 11/8/2022

10.1037/vio0000446 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 21520828

The role of meta-cognitive certainty on the relationship between identity fusion and endorsement of extreme pro-group behavior

  • Paredes, Borja
  • Santos, David
  • Brinol, Pablo
  • Gomez, Angel
  • Pett, Richard E.;

Self And Identity (p. 804-824) - 2/10/2020

Editor: Taylor and Francis Ltd.

10.1080/15298868.2019.1681498 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15298868
  • ISSN/ISBN 1529-8876

The evaluation of green companies changes after remembering tip of the tongue experiences

  • Stavraki, Maria
  • Santos, David
  • Cancela, Ana
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo

PSICOTHEMA (p. 502-507) - 1/1/2017

10.7334/psicothema2016.373 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 02149915

The evaluation of candidates in a personnel selection: Preference for experience over potential in unfavorable contexts

  • Paredes Sansinenea, Borja
  • Olmo, Samuel del
  • Santos, David
  • Gandarillas Gutiérrez, Beatriz
  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo

Anales De Psicologia (p. 514-520) - 1/1/2019

Editor: Servicio de Publicaciones

10.6018/analesps.35.3.334771 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 16952294
  • ISSN/ISBN 0212-9728

The effects of self-efficacy on physical and cognitive performance: An analysis of meta-certainty

  • Horcajo J
  • Santos D
  • Higuero G

Psychology Of Sport And Exercise - 1/1/2022

10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.102063 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 14690292

The accessibility of justice-related concepts can validate intentions to punish

  • Santos, David
  • Rivera, Reynaldo G.;

Social Influence (p. 180-192) - 3/7/2015

10.1080/15534510.2015.1031170 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15534510

Spanish validation of the Servant Leadership Short Scale for young adults and adolescents

  • Rivera R
  • Santos D
  • Martín-Fernández M

Revista de Psicologia Social (p. 1-29) - 4/5/2017

10.1080/02134748.2017.1292701 Ver en origen

  • ISSN 15793680

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Pensamiento y lenguaje

  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo
  • Lázaro López-Villaseñor, Miguel
  • Santos, David
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Gascó, Margarita

Psicología médica (p. 133-151) - 1/1/2015

  • ISBN 978-84-9113-667-5
  • iMarina

Interactive audiences analysis and segmentation: The moderating role of relational lifestyles in adolescents

  • Brändle, Gaspar
  • Rivera, Reynaldo
  • Cárdaba, Miguel A. M.
  • Santos Velasco, David

The Business of Media: Change and Challenges - 1/11/2015

  • iMarina

Cognición social y cambio de actitudes

  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo
  • Gascó, Margarita
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Santos, David

Psicología médica (p. 237-254) - 1/1/2015

  • iMarina

Ítems continuos o dicotómicos: Una aproximación de diferencias individuales basada en el estilo de pensamiento holístico-analítico.

  • Martín-Fernández, M., Requero, B., Salinas, A. & Santos, D.


  • iMarina

Validación y desarrollo de una escala de liderazgo de servicio: Análisis de las evidencias de validez.

  • Santos, D., Martín-Fernández, M., & Requero, B.


  • iMarina

The Moderating Role of Holistic-Analytic Thinking Style on the Relationship between Product Incongruencies and Word of Mouth.

  • Santos, D., Sayin, E., Requero, B., & Uliana, E.


  • iMarina

Product incongruences predicting word of mouth: The moderating role of holistic-analytic thinking style.

  • Santos, D., Sayin, E., Requero, B., & Serpa, A.


  • iMarina

Processing goals and persuasion.

  • Briñol, P., Cancela, A., Gandarillas, B., Petty, R., Requero, B., & Santos, D.


  • iMarina

Paradoxical effects of pro-attitudinal messages in reducing aggressiveness

  • Blázquez, D., Santos, D., Cárdaba, M. A., & Briñol, P


  • iMarina

Metacognitive feelings of ease and eating attitudes and behaviors

  • Diaz, Dario
  • Brinol, Pablo
  • Requero, Blanca
  • Cancela, Ana
  • Santos, David;


  • ISSN 00207594
  • iMarina

Meta-cognitive intervention to reduce dehumanization of stigmatized groups

  • Santos, D., Martínez, R., Juanco, G., & Briñol, P


  • iMarina

Meta-cognitive confidence moderates the link between individual differences and behavior

  • Briñol, P., Paredes, B., Santos, D. Gandarillas, B., & Petty, R. E


  • iMarina

Matching violent videogames and trait aggressiveness: A self-validation perspective

  • Santos Velasco, David
  • Briñol Turnes, Pablo Antonio


  • iMarina

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene informes técnicos.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene proyectos de investigación.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 28/08/24 11:07