Analytics Media and Public Engagement: Communication Journalism and Technology Laboratory (UC3M MediaLab)

The data shown for the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid are partial, as they are intended to answer 2 questions:

  • Who is researching a specific topic?
  • What is an expert, group or particular department researching?

The search results will adhere to the following limits: active Researchers at Carlos III University of Madrid, Projects since 2006 and Publications, Theses, Patents and Software since 2008.

About research group

More info:

Research areas: Public speech on social networks;Science technology and society;Communication of technology;Big data journalism and communication;New technologies in journalism and communication;Media ethics;Media and human rights;Photojournalism;Political behavior in the digital public space;STEM vocations and media;Health communication;Disinformation and fake news;Climate change communication;Corporate and institutional communication of entities with a scientific and technological base;Environment and communication;Public understanding of science.