Reverter Cid, Margarita


Short-term impact of an extreme weather event on the threatened Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti

  • Pérez-Granados, C
  • Bota, G
  • Gómez-Catasús, J
  • Pla, M
  • Barrero, A
  • Sáez-Gómez, P
  • Reverter, M
  • López-Iborra, GM
  • Giralt, D
  • Bustillo-de la Rosa, D
  • Zurdo, J
  • Traba, J
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Bird Conservation International - 27/3/2023

10.1017/s0959270923000035 View at source

  • ISSN 14740001

Prey choice in insectivorous steppe passerines: New insights from DNA metabarcoding

  • Zurdo, J.
  • Reverter, M.
  • Barrero, A.
  • de la Rosa, D.B.
  • Gómez-Catasús, J.
  • Pérez-Granados, C.
  • Morales, M.B.
  • Traba, J.
... View more Collapse

Global Ecology And Conservation - 21/11/2023

10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02738 View at source

  • ISSN 23519894

Leukocyte profile variation in Dupont's Lark (Chersophilus duponti) in Spain and Morocco

  • Bustillo-de la Rosa, Daniel
  • Calero-Riestra, Maria
  • Perez-Granados, Cristian
  • Mereu, Silvia
  • Morales, Manuel B.
  • Traba, Juan
  • Lopez-Iborra, German M.
  • Barrero, Adrian
  • Gomez-Catasus, Julia
  • Reverter, Margarita
  • Vinuela, Javier
  • Onate, Juan J.
  • Hervas, Israel
  • Hernandez Justribo, Jorge
  • Garcia, Jesus T.;
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Journal Of Ornithology (p. 539-551) - 1/4/2022

10.1007/s10336-021-01958-x View at source

  • ISSN 14390361

Recent Changes in Genetic Diversity, Structure, and Gene Flow in a Passerine Experiencing a Rapid Population Decline, the Duponts Lark (Chersophilus duponti)

  • Bustillo-de la Rosa, D.
  • Traba, J.
  • Calero-Riestra, M.
  • Morales, M.B.
  • Barrero, A.
  • Viñuela, J.
  • Pérez-Granados, C.
  • Gómez-Catasús, J.
  • Oñate, J.J.
  • Reverter, M.
  • Hervás, I.
  • Hernández Justribó, J.
  • García de la Morena, E.L.
  • López-Iborra, G.M.
  • García, J.T.
... View more Collapse

Diversity - 15/12/2022

10.3390/d14121120 View at source

  • ISSN 14242818

Comparative assessment of satellite- and drone-based vegetation indices to predict arthropod biomass in shrub-steppes

  • Traba J, Gómez-Catasús J, Barrero A, Bustillo-de la Rosa D, Zurdo J, Hervás I, Pérez-Granados C, García de la Morena EL, Santamaría A, Reverter M

Ecological Applications (p. e2707-e2707) - 1/12/2022


  • ISSN 10510761
  • iMarina

Landscape features associated to wind farms increase mammalian predator abundance and ground-nest predation

  • Gómez-Catasús J
  • Barrero A
  • Reverter M
  • Bustillo-de la Rosa D
  • Pérez-Granados C
  • Traba J

Biodiversity And Conservation (p. 2581-2604) - 1/7/2021

10.1007/s10531-021-02212-9 View at source

  • ISSN 09603115

Crops modify habitat quality beyond their limits

  • Reverter, Margarita
  • Gomez-Catasus, Julia
  • Barrero, Adrian
  • Traba, Juan;

Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment - 1/10/2021

10.1016/j.agee.2021.107542 View at source

  • ISSN 01678809

Interacciones en el páramo: implicaciones para el mantenimiento de un ave amenazada

  • Reverter, Margarita
  • Gómez Catasús, Julia
  • Barrero, Adrián
  • Pérez Granados, Cristian
  • Bustillo de la Rosa, Daniel
  • Traba, Juan

Ecosistemas (p. 69-77) - 1/1/2019

10.7818/ecos.1763 View at source

  • ISSN 16972473

This researcher has no books.

Caso práctico 54. LIFE RICOTÍ

  • Reverter Cid, M.
  • Traba Díaz, J.

Guía De Restauración Ecológica - 1/1/2023

  • iMarina

This researcher has no conferences.

This researcher has no working papers.

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This researcher has no research projects.

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Last data update: 8/13/24 3:37 PM