Romagnoli, Francesca


The Contribution of 2D and 3D Geometric Morphometrics to Lithic Taxonomies: Testing Discrete Categories of Backed Flakes from Recurrent Centripetal Core Reduction

  • Bustos-Pérez, G
  • Gravina, B
  • Brenet, M
  • Romagnoli, F

Journal Of Paleolithic Archaeology - 3/2/2024

10.1007/s41982-023-00167-7 View at source

  • ISSN 25208217

Using GIS and Geostatistical Techniques to Identify Neanderthal Campsites at archaeolevel Ob at Abric Romaní

  • Gabucio, MJ
  • Bargalló, A
  • Saladié, P
  • Romagnoli, F
  • Chacón, MG
  • Vallverdú, J
  • Vaquero, M
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Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences - 1/3/2023

10.1007/s12520-023-01715-6 View at source

  • ISSN 18669565

From Novices to Experts: Skill Development and Knowledge Transmission in Prehistory

  • Forte V
  • Castañeda N
  • Romagnoli F

Journal Of Archaeological Method And Theory (p. 1-8) - 1/1/2023

10.1007/s10816-023-09601-0 View at source

  • ISSN 10725369

El origen de los comportamientos de cuidado: higiene y cuidado social en Homo neanderthalensis. Una revisión crítica

  • García Basanta, Andrea
  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Complutum (p. 283-302) - 1/1/2023

10.5209/cmpl.92256 View at source

  • ISSN 11316993

Combining quantitative approaches to differentiate between backed products from discoidal and Levallois reduction sequences

  • Bustos-Pérez G
  • Gravina B
  • Brenet M
  • Romagnoli F

Journal Of Archaeological Science: Reports - 1/12/2022

10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103723 View at source

  • ISSN 2352409X

Horashim East: a newly discovered Middle Palaeolithic site in central Israel

  • Assaf E
  • Slon V
  • Romagnoli F

Journal Of Quaternary Science (p. 1-5) - 1/1/2022

10.1002/jqs.3387 View at source

  • ISSN 02678179


  • Romagnoli F
  • Rivals F
  • Benazzi S

Updating Neanderthals: Understanding Behavioural Complexity In The Late Middle Palaeolithic (p. xvii-xviii) - 1/1/2022

10.1016/b978-0-12-821428-2.09989-3 View at source

Changes in Raw Material Selection and Use at 400,000 Years bp: A Novel, Symbolic Relationship between Humans and Their World. Discussing Technological, Social and Cognitive Arguments

  • Romagnoli F

Cambridge Archaeological Journal (p. 1-12) - 1/5/2021

10.1017/s0959774320000384 View at source

  • ISSN 14740540

Beyond Tools and Function: The Selection of Materials and the Ontology of Hunter-Gatherers. Ethnographic Evidences and Implications for Palaeolithic Archaeology

  • Assaf E
  • Romagnoli F

Cambridge Archaeological Journal (p. 1-11) - 1/5/2021

10.1017/s0959774320000359 View at source

  • ISSN 14740540

Variability of limestone knapping methods in Middle Palaeolithic levels M and Ob of Abric Romaní (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Eixea A
  • Bargalló A
  • de Soler BG
  • Romagnoli F
  • Vaquero M
  • Saladié P
  • Carbonell E
  • Vallverdú J
  • Chacón MG
... View more Collapse

Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences - 1/10/2021

10.1007/s12520-021-01443-9 View at source

  • ISSN 18669565

Updating Neanderthals: understanding behavioural complexity in the Late Middle Palaeolithic

  • Romagnoli, Francesca
  • Rivals, Florent
  • Benazzi, Stefano


10.1016/c2019-0-03240-2 View at source

Special Issue in Big Puzzle 30 years after: a multidisciplinary, Paleolithic perspective

  • Romagnoli Francesca, Manuel Vaquero

(p. 4387-4619) - 1/9/2019

  • iMarina

Enseignement, recherche et diffusion au Laboratoire d'Archéologie Expérimentale de l'Université Autonome de Madrid, Espagne.

  • Javier Baena, Concepción Torres, Francesca Romagnoli

(p. 95-101) - 1/9/2019

  • iMarina

Updating Neanderthals: Taking stock of more than 160 years of studies

  • Romagnoli, Francesca
  • Rivals, Florent
  • Benazzi, Stefano

Updating Neanderthals: Understanding Behavioural Complexity In The Late Middle Palaeolithic (p. 1-15) - 1/1/2022

10.1016/b978-0-12-821428-2.00020-2 View at source

Neanderthal technological variability: A wide-ranging geographical perspective on the final Middle Palaeolithic

  • Romagnoli, Francesca
  • Chabai, Victor P
  • Gravina, Brad
  • Hérisson, David
  • Hovers, Erella
  • Moncel, Marie-Hélène
  • Peresani, Marco
  • Uthmeier, Thorsten
  • Bourguignon, Laurence
  • Chacón Navarro, Maria Gema
  • Di Modica, Kevin
  • Faivre, Jean-Philippe
  • Kolobova, Kseniya
  • Malinsky-Buller, Ariel
  • Neruda, Petr
  • Rios Garaizar, Joseba
  • Weiss, Marcel
  • Wisniewski, Andrzej
  • Wragg Sykes, Rebecca
... View more Collapse

Updating Neanderthals: Understanding Behavioural Complexity In The Late Middle Palaeolithic (p. 163-205) - 1/1/2022

10.1016/b978-0-12-821428-2.00012-3 View at source

Riflessioni sul Paleolitico intorno ai concetti di alterità, variabilità e modernità pre-sapiens

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Una Preziosa Eredità. Scritti In Ricordo Di Arturo Palma Di Cesnola (p. 119-132) - 30/5/2021

  • ISBN 979-12-80445-01-8
  • iMarina

La materia prima litica

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Il Musteriano Di Grotta Del Cavallo Nel Salento (Scavi 1986-2005). Cultura E Ambienti (p. 135-150) - 1/1/2020

  • iMarina

Le produzioni litiche dello strato L

  • Martini, Fabio
  • Romagnoli, Francesca
  • Sarti, Lucia

Il Musteriano Di Grotta Del Cavallo Nel Salento (Scavi 1986-2005). Cultura E Ambienti (p. 277-324) - 1/1/2020

  • iMarina

L’industria in Callista chione dello strato L

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Il Musteriano Di Grotta Del Cavallo Nel Salento (Scavi 1986-2005). Cultura E Ambienti (p. 427-444) - 1/1/2020

  • iMarina


  • Bruno GÓMEZ DE SOLER, Josep VALLVERDÚ, María SOTO, Ethel ALLUÉ, Amèlia BARGALLÓ, Gerard CAMPENY, Maria Gema CHACÓN, Maria Joana GABUCIO, Juan MARÍN, Palmira SALADIÉ, Francesca ROMAGNOLI, Manuel VAQUERO, Eudald CARBONELL

Iv Jornades D’arqueologia De La Catalunya Central (p. 138-146) - 1/6/2019

  • ISBN 978-84-393-9914-8
  • iMarina

Mobilité territoriale pendant le Paléolithique moyen en contextes discoïde et Levallois: exemple du site de l’Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona, Espagne), niveau M et sous-niveau Oa

  • Bruno Gómez de Soler, María Gema Chacón, Amelia Bargalló, Francesca Romagnoli, María Soto, Josep Vallverdú y Manuel Vaquero

La Conquête De La Montagne : Des Premières Occupations Humaines À L’anthropisation Du Milieu (p. 1-29) - 20/12/2019

10.4000/books.cths.6212 View at source

La Produzione del Paleolitico medio di Grotta del Cavallo su Callista chione

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Preistoria E Protostoria Della Puglia. (p. 647-651) - 1/2/2017

  • iMarina

Grotta del Cavallo (scavi L. Sarti). Tradizione e innovazione nella sequenza musteriana sulla base dell'indicatore litico.

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

Preistoria E Protostoria Della Puglia. (p. 130-138) - 1/2/2017

  • iMarina

“Technologie de la Pierre Taillée Préhistorique: Métodologie et Initiation Pratique”; Institut des sciences humaines et sociales CNRS (Francia)

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

  • iMarina

Spatial Analysis in Archaeology

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

  • iMarina

Dibujo técnico de industria lítica

  • Romagnoli, Francesca

  • iMarina

Speleothems as raw material during the Middle Paleolithic: Examples from Level R and Ra at the Abric Romaní site (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Chacón, M. G., Bargalló, A., Gómez de Soler, B., Martín Viveros, J. I., Romagnoli, F., Carbonell, E., Saladié, P. y Vallverdú, J.

State Of The Art. 64th Annual Meeting In Berlin (p. 27-29) - 1/1/2022

  • iMarina

Novel raw material selection and use strategies in the Middle Pleistocene: looking at social and symbolic meanings of technological innovations

  • F. Romagnoli

Rock And Roll: 13th International Symposium On Knappable Materials (p. 101-101) - 1/1/2021

  • iMarina

The Big Puzzle 30 Years After: A Shared, Multidisciplinary, Palaeolithic Perspective - International Workshop, Tarragona (Spain), May 9-11, 2017.

  • Romagnoli, Francesca
  • Vaquero, Manuel;

Anthropologie (Brno) (p. 63-66) - 1/1/2018

10.26720/anthro. View at source

  • ISSN 03231119

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

En los límites de la diversidad: comportamiento Neandertal en el centro y sur de la Península Iberica

  • BORJA BARRERA, CESÁREO (Investigador/a)
  • Díaz del Olmo, Fernando (Investigador/a)
  • Recio Espejo, José Manuel (Investigador/a)
  • Riquelme Cantal, Jose Antonio (Investigador/a)
  • Caro Gómez, José Antonio (Investigador principal (IP))
  • MEGIA GARCIA, IRENE (Investigador/a)
  • Romagnoli, Francesca (Investigador/a)
  • DIAZ PEREZ, SARA (Investigador/a)
  • Baena Preysler, Javier (Investigador principal (IP))
  • BUSTOS PEREZ, GUILLERMO (Investigador/a)
  • Torres Navas, Concepción (Investigador/a)
  • PEREZ MARTIN, ESTEFANIA (Investigador/a)
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Period: 01-06-2020 - 31-05-2023

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 48400,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

iNEAL Integrating Neandertal Legacy: From Past to Present

  • Romagnoli, Francesca (Coordinador/a científico/a)

Period: 15-10-2020 - 15-10-2024

Type of funding: European

Amount of funding: 400000,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/27/24 7:18 PM