Guadalajara Labajo, Hector


Decalogue for mastering robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery (rTAMIS)

  • Guadalajara, H
  • Leon-Arellano, M
  • Dominguez-Tristancho, J L
  • Garcia-Olmo, D

Techniques In Coloproctology - 1/12/2024


  • ISSN 11236337
  • iMarina

Robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery for the regrowth of rectal cancer following a watch-and-wait approach - a video vignette

  • Arellano, Miguel Leon
  • Guadalajara, Hector
  • Ortega, Mario
  • Fuentes, Raquel
  • Azinovic, Ignacio
  • Olmo, Damian Garcia

Colorectal Disease (p. 581-582) - 28/1/2024

10.1111/codi.16885 View at source

  • ISSN 14628910

Vanek's tumor: A differential diagnosis of colorectal cancer

  • Domínguez-Prieto V
  • León-Arellano M
  • Guadalajara H
  • García-Olmo D

Medicina Clinica - 1/1/2024

10.1016/j.medcli.2024.01.037 View at source

  • ISSN 00257753

Under the Hood: Understanding the Features of Mucin in Pseudomyxoma Peritonei

  • Villarejo-Campos, P
  • García-Arranz, M
  • Qian, SY
  • de los Galanes, SJ
  • Domínguez-Prieto, V
  • Vélez-Pinto, JF
  • Castellano, IG
  • Jiménez-Fuertes, M
  • Guadalajara, H
  • García-Olmo, D
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Clinical Medicine - 1/6/2023

10.3390/jcm12124007 View at source

  • ISSN 20770383

Understanding CAR T cell therapy and its role in ovarian cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian cancer

  • Domínguez-Prieto, V
  • Qian, SY
  • Villarejo-Campos, P
  • Meliga, C
  • González-Soares, S
  • Castellano, IG
  • Jiménez-Galanes, S
  • García-Arranz, M
  • Guadalajara, H
  • García-Olmo, D
... View more Collapse

Frontiers In Oncology - 1/1/2023

10.3389/fonc.2023.1104547 View at source

  • ISSN 2234943X

PRESS survey: PREvention of surgical site infection—a global pan-specialty survey of practice protocol

  • Heinz J
  • Walshaw J
  • Kwan JY
  • Long J
  • Carradice D
  • Totty J
  • Kontouli KM
  • Lainas P
  • Hitchman L
  • Smith G
  • Huo B
  • Guadalajara H
  • Garcia-Olmo D
  • Sharma D
  • Biyani CS
  • Tomlinson J
  • Loubani M
  • Galli R
  • Lathan R
  • Chetter I
  • Yiasemidou M
... View more Collapse

Front Surg - 1/1/2023

10.3389/fsurg.2023.1251444 View at source

  • ISSN 2296875x

Chemical Scalpel: An Experimental Collagenase-Based Treatment for Peritoneal Adhesions

  • Barambio, Javier
  • Garcia-Arranz, Mariano
  • Campos, Pedro Villarejo
  • Pinto, Juan Felipe Velez
  • Clemente, Luz Vega
  • Gomez-Heras, Soledad Garcia
  • Guadalajara, Hector
  • Garcia-Olmo, Damian;
... View more Collapse

Biology - 1/8/2022

10.3390/biology11081159 View at source

  • ISSN 20797737

Upfront surgery versus self-expanding metallic stent as bridge to surgery in left-sided colonic cancer obstruction: A multicenter observational study

  • Hidalgo-Pujol M, Biondo S, Die Trill J, Vigorita V, Paniagua Garcia-Señorans M, Pascual Migueláñez I, Prieto-La Noire F, Timoteo A, Cornejo L, Martín Parra JI, Fidalgo García M, Solís-Peña A, Cirera de Tudela A, Rodriguez González A, Sánchez-Guillen L, Bustamante Recuenco C, Pérez-Alonso C, Hurtado Caballero E, Pascual M, García Septiem J, Mora López L, Cervera-Aldama J, Guadalajara H, Espín E, Kreisler E, LCCO Study Group

Surgery (p. 74-82) - 1/7/2022

Editor: Elsevier Inc.

10.1016/j.surg.2021.12.035 View at source

  • ISSN 00396060
  • ISSN/ISBN 1532-7361

Update for Advance CAR-T Therapy in Solid Tumors, Clinical Application in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis From Colorectal Cancer and Future Prospects

  • Qian S
  • Villarejo-Campos P
  • Guijo I
  • Hernández-Villafranca S
  • García-Olmo D
  • González-Soares S
  • Guadalajara H
  • Jiménez-Galanes S
  • Qian C
... View more Collapse

Frontiers In Immunology - 25/3/2022

10.3389/fimmu.2022.841425 View at source

  • ISSN 16643224

Toxicity study in a pig model of intraperitoneal collagenase as an enzymatic scalpel directed to break stroma in order to generate a new perspective for peritoneal carcinomatosis approach: an experimental research

  • Garcia-Arranz M, Villarejo-Campos P, Barambio J, Garcia Gomez-Heras S, Vega-Clemente L, Guadalajara H, García-Olmo D

World Journal Of Surgical Oncology - 25/2/2022

10.1186/s12957-022-02524-2 View at source

  • ISSN 14777819

This researcher has no books.

Stem cell application in fistula disease

  • Garcia Olmo, Damian
  • Guadalajara-Labajo, Hector

Anal Fistula: Principles And Management (p. 129-138) - 1/11/2014

10.1007/978-1-4614-9014-2_18 View at source

Fístulas del tubo digestivo en el paciente oncológico

  • Jesús Torres Jiménez
  • Héctor Guadalajara Labajo
  • Isabel Blesa Sierra
  • M A Gombáu Herrero

Tratado De Medicina Paliativa Y Tratamiento De Soporte Del Paciente Con Cáncer - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina

Cuidado de ostomías y sondas en el enfermo neoplásico

  • M A Gombáu Herrero
  • Isabel Blesa Sierra
  • Héctor Guadalajara Labajo
  • Jesús Torres Jiménez

Tratado De Medicina Paliativa Y Tratamiento De Soporte Del Paciente Con Cáncer - 1/1/2007

  • iMarina


  • Diestro, M. D.
  • De Santiago, J.
  • Brunel, I.
  • Moreno P, E.
  • Hernandez, A.
  • Hardisson, D.
  • Guadalajara, H.
  • Alonso, S.
  • Rodriguez, I.
  • Zapardiel, I.;
... View more Collapse

International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer - 1/1/2013

  • ISSN 15251438
  • iMarina

Oncogenic transformation induced by cell-free nucleic acids circulating in plasma (genometastasis) remains after the surgical resection of the primary tumor: a pilot study

  • Guadalajara Labajo, Hector
  • Garcia Olmo, Damian
  • Garcia Arranz, Mariano Andres
  • Garcia-Olmo, Dolores C
  • Dominguez-Berzosa, Carolina
  • Vega, Luz

Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy (p. S61-S68) - 1/6/2012

10.1517/14712598.2012.685151 View at source

  • ISSN 14712598

Expanded Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for the Treatment of Complex Perianal Fistula

  • Garcia-Olmo, Damian
  • Guadalajara, Hector
  • Trebol, Jacobo
  • Georgiev-Hristov, Tihomir
  • Herreros, Dolores
  • Garcia-Arranz, Mariano;

Human Gene Therapy (p. 1028-1028) - 1/9/2009

  • ISSN 10430342
  • iMarina

Objective demonstration of improvement of neurogenic bowel dysfunction in a case of spinal cord injury following stem cell therapy

  • Guadalajara Labajo H
  • León Arellano M
  • Vaquero Crespo J
  • Valverde Núñez I
  • García-Olmo D

Journal Of Surgical Case Reports - 1/11/2018

10.1093/jscr/rjy300 View at source

  • ISSN 20428812

Autologous expanded adipose-derived stem cells for the treatment of complex cryptoglandular perianal fistulas: a phase III randomized clinical trial (FATT 1: fistula Advanced Therapy Trial 1) and long-term evaluation

  • Guadalajara Labajo, Hector
  • Garcia Olmo, Damian
  • Garcia Arranz, Mariano Andres
  • Herreros, M D
  • Garcia-Arranz, M
  • De-La-Quintana, P
  • Garcia-Olmo, D
... View more Collapse

Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum (p. 762-772) - 1/7/2012

10.1097/dcr.0b013e318255364a View at source

  • ISSN 15300358

Uso de células troncales derivadas de la grasa como método de terapia celular dirigido a mejorar el proceso de reparación de los esfínteres anales Estudio experimental como base para futuros ensayos clínicos en medicina regenerat.

  • Herreros Marcos, María Dolores (Investigador/a)
  • Isabel Pascual Miguelañez (Investigador/a)
  • Guadalajara Labajo, Hector (Investigador/a)
  • Carolina Dominguez Berzosa (Investigador/a)
  • Garcia Olmo, Damian (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 31-12-2006 - 30-12-2009

  • iMarina

Análisis de la Hipermetilación del gen Septina 9 obtenido del plasma de pacientes afectados de cáncer colorrectal como biomarcador para su seguimiento

  • Guadalajara Labajo, Hector (Director)
  • Garcia Arranz, Mariano Andres (Director)
  • Garcia Olmo, Damian (Tutor)
  • Sanchez Turrion, Victor (Autor o Coautor)
  • Prieto Nieto, Maria Isabel (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: León Arellano, Miguel


  • iMarina

Relación entre la evolución clínica del cáncer colo-rectal y la presencia de mutaciones del gen KRAS en el tumor y en el plasma

  • Garcia Olmo, Damian (Director)
  • Guadalajara Labajo, Hector (Autor o Coautor)
  • Feliu Batlle, Jaime (Autor o Coautor)
  • Prieto Nieto, Maria Isabel (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: GUADALAJARA LABAJO, HECTOR


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 5:17 PM