Durán Díaz, José Raúl


Trace-based cryptanalysis of cyclotomic Rq,0 × Rq-PLWE for the non-split case

  • Blanco-Chacón, I.
  • Durán-Díaz, R.
  • Nchiwo, R.Y.N.
  • Barbero-Lucas, B.

Communications in Mathematics (p. 115-135) - 2023

Editor: Episciences

10.46298/cm.11153 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2336-1298

Quadratic maps in two variables on arbitrary fields

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (p. 91-100) - 2021

Editor: SINUS Association

  • ISSN/ISBN 1843-4401

The square-zero basis of matrix lie algebras

  • Díaz, R.D.
  • Martínez, V.G.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Masqué, J.M.

Mathematics - 2020

Editor: MDPI AG

10.3390/math8061032 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2227-7390

A group law on the projective plane with applications in public key cryptography †

  • Díaz, R.D.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Masqué, J.M.

Mathematics - 2020

Editor: MDPI AG

10.3390/math8050734 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2227-7390

Using the Spanish national identity card in social networks

  • Gayoso Martínez, V.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Martín Muñoz, A.
  • Durán Díaz, R.

Logic Journal of the IGPL (p. 519-530) - 2020

Editor: Oxford University Press

10.1093/jigpal/jzz058 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1368-9894

Non-quantum cryptanalysis of the noisy version of Aaronson–Christiano's quantum money scheme

  • Pena, M.C.
  • Díaz, R.D.
  • Faugère, J.-C.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Perret, L.

IET Information Security (p. 362-366) - 2019

Editor: Institution of Engineering and Technology

10.1049/iet-ifs.2018.5307 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1751-8717

A characterization of nonprime powers

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Martín Muñoz, A.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.
  • Song, S.-Z.

Turkish Journal of Mathematics (p. 1248-1259) - 2017


10.3906/mat-1603-143 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1303-6149

Cryptanalysis of two combinatorial public key cryptosystems

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Herńandez Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqúe, J.

Logic Journal of the IGPL (p. 4-16) - 2014

Editor: Oxford University Press

10.1093/jigpal/jzu036 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1368-9894

Fractal sets attached to homogeneous quadratic maps in two variables

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena (p. 8-18) - 2013

Editor: Elsevier B.V.

10.1016/j.physd.2012.11.002 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0167-2789

Two proposals for group signature schemes based on number theory problems

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Logic Journal of the IGPL (p. 648-658) - 2013

Editor: Oxford University Press

10.1093/jigpal/jzs035 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1368-9894

Este/a investigador/a no tiene libros.

Análisis de los métodos de generación de curvas elípticas seguras

  • Víctor Gayoso Martínez
  • Luis Hernández Encinas
  • Ángel María Martín del Rey
  • José Raúl Durán Díaz

Actas de la jornadas nacionales de investigación en ciberseguridad: Granada, 15, 16 y 17 de Junio de 2016 (p. 87-93) - 2016

Editor: Universidad de Granada

  • ISSN/ISBN 9788460880707

Special primes: Properties and applications

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (p. 79-90) - 2016

Editor: Springer New York LLC

10.1007/978-3-319-32085-4_7 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2194-1017

Una conjetura acerca de la densidad de primos seguros

  • José Raúl Durán Díaz
  • Jaime Muñoz Masqué

Avances en criptología y seguridad de la información (p. 139-147) - 2004

Editor: Díaz de Santos

  • ISSN/ISBN 84-7978-650-7

Secure elliptic curves and their performance

  • Gayoso Martínez, V.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Martín Munõz, A.
  • Durán Diáz, R.

Logic Journal of the IGPL (p. 227-238) - 2019

Editor: Oxford University Press

10.1093/jigpal/jzy035 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 1368-9894

A proposal for using a cryptographic national identity card in social networks

  • Gayoso Martínez, V.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Martín Muñoz, A.
  • Durán Díaz, R.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 651-660) - 2018

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-319-67180-2_63 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783319671796

A study on the performance of secure elliptic curves for cryptographic purposes

  • Díaz, R.D.
  • Mart Í Nez, V.G.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Muñoz, A.M.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 658-667) - 2017

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-319-47364-2_64 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783319473635

A Study on the Performance of Secure Elliptic Curves for Cryptographic Purposes

  • José Raúl Durán Díaz
  • Víctor Gayoso Martínez
  • Luis Hernández Encinas
  • Agustín Martín Muñoz

International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16: San Sebastián, Spain, October 19th-21st, 2016 Proceedings (p. 658-667) - 2017

Editor: Springer Suiza

  • ISSN/ISBN 978-3-319-47364-2

The isomorphism of polynomials problem applied to multivariate quadratic cryptography

  • Pena, M.C.
  • Díaz, R.D.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Masqué, J.M.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 567-576) - 2014

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-319-01854-6_58 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 9783319018539

Comments on a cryptosystem proposed by Wang and Hu

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (p. 57-65) - 2013

Editor: Springer Verlag

10.1007/978-3-642-33018-6_6 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 2194-5357

A multisignature scheme based on the SDLP and on the IFP

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 135-142) - 2011

10.1007/978-3-642-21323-6_17 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0302-9743

A group signature scheme based on the integer factorization and the subgroup discrete logarithm problems

  • Durán Díaz, R.
  • Hernández Encinas, L.
  • Muñoz Masqué, J.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 143-150) - 2011

10.1007/978-3-642-21323-6_18 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0302-9743

Dimension of the intersection of a pair of orthogonal groups

  • Song, S.-Z.
  • Diaz, R.D.
  • Encinas, L.H.
  • Masqué, J.M.
  • Dios, A.Q.

International Journal of Computer Mathematics (p. 1678-1683) - 2009

10.1080/00207160802706583 Ver en origen

  • ISSN/ISBN 0020-7160

Parallelising a simulator for the analysis of electromagnetic radiation using mumps library

  • Rico López R
  • Escuder Cabañas V
  • Durán Díaz R
  • García-Castillo L
  • Gómez-Revuelto I
  • Acebrón J

VALUETOOLS 2009 - 4th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools - 1/1/2009

Editor: ICST

10.4108/icst.valuetools2009.7456 Ver en origen

Este/a investigador/a no tiene documentos de trabajo.

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Este/a investigador/a no tiene tesis dirigidas.

Este/a investigador/a no tiene patentes o licencias de software.

Última actualización de los datos: 24/08/24 2:09