- Articles 28
- Books 0
- Book chapters 1
- Conferences 6
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 3
- Patent or software license 0
New Insights on the Multivariate Skew Exponential Power Distribution
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Mathematica Slovaca (p. 529-544) - 2023
Editor: De Gruyter Open Ltd
10.1515/ms-2023-0039 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1337-2211
Skewness-based projection pursuit as an eigenvector problem in scale mixtures of skew-normal distributions
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Symmetry - 2021
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/sym13061056 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2073-8994
Skewness-kurtosis model-based projection pursuit with application to summarizing gene expression data
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Mathematics - 2021
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/math9090954 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2227-7390
Ensemble learning from model based trees with application to differential price sensitivity assessment
- Arevalillo, J.M.
Information Sciences (p. 16-33) - 2021
Editor: Elsevier Inc.
10.1016/j.ins.2020.12.039 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 0020-0255
Data projections by skewness maximization under scale mixtures of skew-normal vectors
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (p. 435-461) - 2020
Editor: Springer
10.1007/s11634-020-00388-6 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1862-5355
Bayesian networks established functional differences between breast cancer subtypes
- Trilla-Fuertes L
- Gámez-Pozo A
- Arevalillo JM
- López-Vacas R
- López-Camacho E
- Prado-Vázquez G
- Zapater-Moros A
- Díaz-Almirón M
- Ferrer-Gómez M
- Navarro H
- Nanni P
- Zamora P
- Espinosa E
- Maín P
- Vara JÁF
PloS one (p. e0234752) - 1/6/2020
Editor: NLM (Medline)
10.1371/journal.pone.0234752 View at source
- ISSN 19326203
- ISSN/ISBN 1932-6203
Computational models applied to metabolomics data hints at the relevance of glutamine metabolism in breast cancer
- Trilla-Fuertes L
- Gámez-Pozo A
- López-Camacho E
- Prado-Vázquez G
- Zapater-Moros A
- López-Vacas R
- Arevalillo JM
- Díaz-Almirón M
- Navarro H
- Maín P
- Espinosa E
- Zamora P
- Fresno Vara JÁ
BMC Cancer - 15/4/2020
Editor: BioMed Central Ltd.
10.1186/s12885-020-06764-x View at source
- ISSN 14712407
- ISSN/ISBN 1471-2407
A stochastic ordering based on the canonical transformation of skew-normal vectors
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Test (p. 475-498) - 2019
Editor: Springer New York LLC
10.1007/s11749-018-0583-5 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1133-0686
A machine learning approach to assess price sensitivity with application to automobile loan segmentation
- Arevalillo, J.M.
Applied Soft Computing Journal (p. 390-399) - 2019
Editor: Elsevier Ltd
10.1016/j.asoc.2018.12.012 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1568-4946
Biological molecular layer classification of muscle-invasive bladder cancer opens new treatment opportunities
- Trilla-Fuertes, Lucia
- Gamez-Pozo, Angelo
- Prado-Vazquez, Guillermo
- Zapater-Moros, Andrea
- Diaz-Almiron, Mariana
- Arevalillo, Jorge M
- Ferrer-Gomez, Maria
- Navarro, Hilario
- Main, Paloma
- Espinosa, Enrique
- Pinto, Alvaro
- Fresno Vara, Juan Angel
BMC Cancer - 28/6/2019
Editor: BioMed Central Ltd.
10.1186/s12885-019-5858-z View at source
- ISSN 14712407
- ISSN/ISBN 1471-2407
This researcher has no books.
8. Aproximaciones saddlepoint para el cuantil de la distribución de un estadístico
- Jorge Martín Arevalillo
Volumen homenaje al profesor D. Ildefonso Yáñez (p. 119-124) - 2005
Editor: UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- ISSN/ISBN 84-362-5132-6
Model Based Recursive Partitioning for Customized Price Optimization Analytics
- Arevalillo, J.M.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (p. 113-124) - 2019
Editor: Springer
10.1007/978-3-030-31332-6_10 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1611-3349
Development of a method to transform life fuel moisture content into ignition probability
- Jurdao, S.
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Chuvieco, E.
- Yebra, M.
34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring - 2011
A new approach for detecting bivariate interactions in high dimensional data using quadratic discriminant analysis
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (p. 62-68) - 2010
Editor: Association for Computing Machinery
- ISSN/ISBN 9781605583020
Using random forests to uncover bivariate interactions in high dimensional small data sets
- Arevalillo, J.M.
- Navarro, H.
Proceedings of the KDD-09 Workshop on Statistical and Relational Learning in Bioinformatics, StReBio '09 (p. 3-6) - 2009
10.1145/1562090.1562091 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781605586670
Aproximaciones saddlepoint para el cuantil de la distribución de un estadístico en el proceso AR(1)
- Jorge Martín Arevalillo
XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa: [archivo de ordenador] Cádiz, 25-29 de octubre de 2004 (p. 123-124) - 2004
Editor: Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
- ISSN/ISBN 84-689-0438-4
Una alternativa a la aproximación normal del cuantil de la media muestral
- Jorge Martín Arevalillo
XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa: Vigo, 4-7 de abril de 2000 (p. 75-76) - 2000
Editor: Deputación Provincial de Pontevedra
- ISSN/ISBN 84-8158-152-6
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
Desarrollo del algoritmo CAPRI para la estimación de la abundancia de complejos enzimáticos y su aplicación en la modelización del metabolismo en cáncer de mama
- Espinosa Arranz, Enrique (Autor o Coautor)
- Diaz Uriarte, Ramon (Autor o Coautor)
- Juan Ángel Fresno Vara (Director)
- Angelo Gamez Pozo (Director)
- Gamez Pozo, Angelo (Autor o Coautor) Doctorando: Mariana Díaz Almirón
(p. 1-166) - 1/1/2018
Reading institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Análisis de sensibilidad a la evidencia en redes bayesianas gaussianas
- Paola Mariluz Viviani García
- Paloma Main Yaque (dir. tes.)
- Miguel Ángel Gómez Villegas (dir. tes.)
- Beatriz González Pérez (pres.)
- Luis Sanz San Miguel (secr.)
- Jorge Martín Arevalillo (voc.)
- Juan Miguel Marín Díazaraque (voc.)
- Julián de la Horra Navarro (voc.)
Reading institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Aproximaciones Saddlepoint para el cuantil de la distribución de un estadístico
- Jorge Martín Arevalillo
- Alfonso García Pérez (dir. tes.)
- Ildefonso Yáñez de Diego (pres.)
- Ricardo Vélez Ibarrola (secr.)
- Leandro Pardo Llorente (voc.)
- Vicente Quesada Paloma (voc.)
- Carlos Cuadra Avellana (voc.)
(p. 1-186) - 2003
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
Role: Miembro
Researcher profiles
Dialnet id