- Articles 57
- Books 1
- Book chapters 8
- Conferences 133
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 7
- Patent or software license 0
Security management on Arduino-based electronic devices
- Sainz-Raso, J.
- Martin, S.
- Diaz, G.
- Castro, M.
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (p. 72-84) - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/mce.2022.3184118 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2162-2256
Comprehensive review of vision-based fall detection systems
- Gutiérrez, J.
- Rodríguez, V.
- Martin, S.
Sensors (Switzerland) (p. 1-50) - 2021
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/s21030947 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1424-8220
Overview of Embedded Systems to Build Reliable and Safe ADAS and AD Systems
- Belmonte, F.J.
- Martin, S.
- Sancristobal, E.
- Ruiperez-Valiente, J.A.
- Castro, M.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (p. 239-250) - 2021
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/mits.2019.2953543 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1941-1197
Remote Experimentation through Arduino-Based Remote Laboratories
- Martin, S.
- Fernandez-Pacheco, A.
- Ruiperez-Valiente, J.A.
- Carro, G.
- Castro, M.
Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje (p. 180-186) - 2021
Editor: Education Society of IEEE (Spanish Chapter)
10.1109/rita.2021.3089916 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1932-8540
The Future of Educational Technologies for Engineering Education
- Martin, S.
- Lopez-Martin, E.
- Moreno-Pulido, A. []
- Meier, R.
- Castro, M.
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (p. 613-623) - 2021
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/tlt.2021.3120771 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1939-1382
Cost-Effective Arduino-Based SPWM Control of an Inverter for Training
- Menacho, A.
- Blazquez, M.
- Plaza, P.
- San Cristobal, E.
- Martin, S.
- Perez, C.
- Castro, M.
- Borrego, R.C.
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine (p. 23-29) - 2021
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/mpel.2021.3123756 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2329-9215
Internet of Things Learning and Teaching
- Martin, S.
Technologies - 2021
Editor: MDPI
10.3390/technologies9010007 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2227-7080
The unMOOCing process: Extending the impact of MOOC educational resources as OERs
- Ruipérez-Valiente, J.A.
- Martin, S.
- Reich, J.
- Castro, M.
Sustainability (Switzerland) - 2020
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/su12187346 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2071-1050
Autonomous sensor network for rural agriculture environments, low cost, and energy self-charge
- Rodríguez-Robles, J.
- Martin, Á.
- Martin, S.
- Ruipérez-Valiente, J.A.
- Castro, M.
Sustainability (Switzerland) - 2020
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/su12155913 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2071-1050
A wot platform for supporting full-cycle iot solutions from edge to cloud infrastructures: A practical case
- Pastor-Vargas, R.
- Tobarra, L.
- Robles-Gómez, A.
- Martin, S.
- Hernández, R.
- Cano, J.
Sensors (Switzerland) (p. 1-22) - 2020
Editor: MDPI AG
10.3390/s20133770 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1424-8220
Emulador de energía eléctrica para la industria inteligente
- Pedro Plaza
- Félix García Loro
- Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez
- Blanca Quintana
- Francois Julien
- Mamadou Kaba Traore
- Manuel Castro
Libro de actas TAEE 2022 XV Congreso de Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Electrónica: Livro de procedimentos TAEE 2022 XV Conferência em Tecnologia, Aprendizagem e Ensino da Eletrónica=Proceedings book TAEE 2022 XV International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics (p. 82) - 2022
Editor: Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Teruel
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-09-42360-6
Proyecto eMadrid: Recursos Educativos Abiertos y Estándares
- Edmundo Tovar Caro
- Nelson Piedra
- Janneth Alexandra Chicaiza
- Jorge López
- Miguel Rodríguez Artacho
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil
- Sergio Martin
- Elio Sancristóbal Ruiz
- Gabriel Díaz
- Félix García Loro
Xviii Simposio Internacional De Informática Educativa, Siie 2016 (p. 507-510) - 1/1/2016
Editor: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-9012-630-1
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Proyecto eMadrid: Aprendizaje Ubicuo, Adaptación, Adaptabilidad y Accesibilidad
- Carro Salas, Rosa María
- Molins-Ruano, Pablo
- Rodríguez Marín, Pilar
- Sacha, G M
- Delgado Kloos, Carlos
- Muñoz Merino, Pedro J
- Muñoz Organero, Mario
- Castro Gil, Manuel Alonso
- Martín Gutiérrez, Sergio
XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016 (p. 497-500) - 1/1/2016
Editor: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-9012-630-1
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Proyecto eMadrid: Autoría, Reutilización y Laboratorios Remotos
- Rodríguez Artacho, Miguel
- Castro Gil, Manuel Alonso
- Díaz Orueta, Gabriel
- Martín Gutiérrez, Sergio
- San Cristóbal Ruiz, Elio
- Centeno, Roberto
- Alamán Roldán, Xavier
- Mateu, Juan
- Lasala, María José
- Sacha, G M
- Jurado, F
XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016 (p. 487-490) - 1/1/2016
Editor: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-9012-630-1
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Sistema para la Gestión de Simulaciones Electrónicas Basado en Objetos de Aprendizaje
- Miguel Latorre
- Francisco García Sevilla
- Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez
- Manuel Blázquez
- Gabriel Díaz Orueta
- Juan Peire
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil
TICAI 2008: TICs para a Aprendizagem de Engenharia (p. 1-8) - 2008
Editor: IEEE Sociedad de Educación
- ISSN/ISBN 978-972-8688-63-9
Biometric Identification System in Higher Education Exams: Test in Laboratory Practices
- Gil, Rosario
- Martin, Sergio
- Diaz, Gabriel
- Sancristobal, Elio
- Castro, Manuel
- Peire, Juan
Collaboration and Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pt 2 (p. 1549-1556) - 2008
- ISSN/ISBN 978-1-58603-924-0
New Individualized Task-oriented Professional e-Learning Courses
- Diaz, Gabriel
- Castro, Manuel
- Lopez, Eugenio
- Martin, Sergio
- Sancristobal, Elio
- Peire, Juan
- Martinez, Catalina
- Mileva, Nevena
- ISSN/ISBN 1574-1230
Implementation of an Wireless LAN Based Location Application Manager
- Martin, Sergio
- Castro, Manuel
- Cantero, Oscar
- Peire, Juan
- Arjona, Miguel
- Reglero, Jorge
- Gonzalez, Mar
Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, Pts 1 & 2 (p. 1167-1174) - 2005
- ISSN/ISBN 1574-1230
Promoting Microelectronic Through Remote FPGA Based Laboratory
- Plaza, P.
- Castro, M.
- Sancristobal, E.
- Orduña, P.
- Rodríguez, L.
- Garcia, J.
- García-Loro, F.
- Gil, R.
- Menacho, A.
- Blázquez, M.
- Quintana, B.
- Martin, S.
- Mur, F.
- Macho, A.
- Baizán, P.
- Carrasco, R.
- Carro, G.
- López-Rey, Á.
- Pérez, C.
- Tzanova, S.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (p. 514-524) - 2022
Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
10.1007/978-3-030-82529-4_49 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 2367-3389
Raspberry Pi Applications in Electronics and Control Laboratories
- Vaca, N.
- Garcia-Loro, F.
- Martin, S.
- Castro, M.
- Sancristobal, E.
- Rodriguez-Artacho, M.
IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON (p. 1709-1713) - 2022
Editor: IEEE Computer Society
10.1109/educon52537.2022.9766779 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665444347
Development of remote laboratory of the FPGA iceZUM Alhambra
- Hernáiz-Pérez, M.
- Martín, S.
15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/taee54169.2022.9840628 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665421614
Digital Electronics Mobile App
- Martin, S.
- López-Rey, A.
- Perez, C.
- Quintana, B.
- Carro, G.
- Castro, M.
15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/taee54169.2022.9840558 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665421614
Smart industry electric power emulator
- Plaza, P.
- García-Loro, F.
- Sancristobal, E.
- Martín, S.
- Quintana, B.
- Julien, F.
- Traore, M.K.
- Castro, M.
15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/taee54169.2022.9840716 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665421614
Fall Detection System Based on Far Infrared Images
- Gutiérrez, J.
- Rodriguez, V.
- Martin, S.
15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/taee54169.2022.9840598 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665421614
Assessment of a group of 3 NOOCs on Nuclear Safety Culture
- Alonso-Ramos, M.
- Romero, J.J.H.
- Sanchez-Elvira, A.
- Molina, C.M.P.
- Martin, S.
- Ruiz, E.S.C.
- Loro, F.G.
- Murias, T.F.
- Castro, M.
Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Learning with MOOCS, LWMOOCS 2022 (p. 67-71) - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/lwmoocs53067.2022.9927887 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665424868
Experimenting with Virtual Labs to Support a MOOC on Digital Electronics
- Rubio-Menor, S.
- Ruiperez-Valiente, J.A.
- Martin, S.
- Diaz, G.
Proceedings of 2022 IEEE Learning with MOOCS, LWMOOCS 2022 (p. 28-36) - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/lwmoocs53067.2022.9927977 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665424868
Mechatronics Design and Kinematic Simulation of a Tripteron Cartesian-Parallel Agricultural Robot Mounted on 4-Wheeled Mobile Platform to Perform Seed Sowing Activity
- Cornejo, J.
- Palomares, R.
- Hernandez, M.
- Magallanes, D.
- Gutierrez, S.
2022 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies, ICEEICT 2022 - 2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/iceeict53079.2022.9768422 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665436472
Innovation, Research and Development in Engineering Education. Activities of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society: Directive Board of the IEEE Education Society Spanish Chapter 2020-2021
- Bonastre, OM
- Fernandez, C
- Vicent, L
- Mur, F
- Castro, M
- Diaz, G
- Carpio, J
- Sancristobal, E
- Martin, S
- Sánchez, J
- Solsona, FJA
- Muro, JS
- Caeiro-Rodríguez, M
- Llamas, M
- Plaza, I
- Manjón, BF
- Muñoz-Merino, P
- Tovar, E
- Ayo, TZ
- Zubia, JG
- Penín, JAD
15th International Conference Of Technology, Learning And Teaching Of Electronics, Taee 2022 - Proceedings - 1/1/2022
Editor: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
10.1109/taee54169.2022.9840674 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 9781665421614
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
Contribución al diseño de sensores vestibles y ambientales para medir la respiración y el salto vertical en adultos mayores y frágiles
- Erik Arturo Vanegas Vásquez
- Raúl Igual Catalán (dir. tes.)
- Inmaculada Plaza García (dir. tes.)
- Yolocuauhtli Salazar Muñoz (pres.)
- Carlos Medrano Sánchez (secr.)
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez (voc.)
Reading institution: Universidad de Zaragoza
Contribution to the understanding, creation and conduction of technology-enhanced educational escape rooms
- Gordillo Mendez, Aldo (Director)
- QUEMADA VIVES, JUAN (Director) Doctorando: López Pernas, Sonsoles
Reading institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Evaluación y aprendizaje en laboratorios remotos: Propuesta de un sistema automático de evaluación formativa aplicado al laboratorio remoto VISIR
- Félix García Loro
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez (dir. tes.)
- Javier García-Zubía (pres.)
- Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz (secr.)
- Gustavo R. Alves (voc.)
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Contribution to the authoring, distribution, evaluation and integration of learning objects
- Juan Quemada Vives (Director)
- Enrique Barra Arias (Director) Doctorando: Aldo Gordillo Méndez
Reading institution: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Dialnet
- iMarina
Aplicación del control distribuido en tiempo real y tolerante a fallos en sistemas electrónicos modulares de alta disponibilidad
- Jerónimo Quesada Castellano
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
- Rafael Sebastian Fernández (dir. tes.)
- José Carpio Ibáñez (pres.)
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez (secr.)
- Alfonso Lago Ferreiro (voc.)
- Camilo Quintáns Graña (voc.)
- Josep Bordonau Farrerons (voc.)
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ARLE: una herramienta de autor para entornos de aprendizaje de realidad aumentada
- Joaquín Cubillo
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez (dir. tes.)
- José Carpio Ibáñez (pres.)
- Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz (secr.)
- Javier García-Zubía (voc.)
- Iván Martínez Ortiz (voc.)
- Edmundo Tovar Caro (voc.)
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
M2Learn: marco de trabajo para el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el aprendizaje móvil ubicuo
- Sergio Martín Gutiérrez
- Manuel Alonso Castro Gil (dir. tes.)
- Carlos Delgado Kloos (pres.)
- Antonio Colmenar Santos (secr.)
- Nevena Mileva (voc.)
- Samantha Waxman Dova (voc.)
- Russ Meier (voc.)
(p. 1-312) - 2010
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
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