- Articles 8
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 1
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 1
- Patent or software license 0
El teletrabajo y las fronteras entre la vida y el trabajo durante la pandemia
- Irina Fernández Lozano
REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (p. 23-44) - 2023
Editor: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS)
- ISSN/ISBN 0210-5233
Vignette study for the analysis of labor recruitment: a critical perspective
- Juan Ignacio Martínez Pastor
- Irina Fernández Lozano
Papers: revista de sociología (p. 3075) - 2022
Editor: Servei de Publicacions
10.5565/rev/papers.3075 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 0210-2862
Caring fathers in Europe: Toward universal caregiver families?
- Martínez-Pastor, J.-I.
- Jurado-Guerrero, T.
- Fernández-Lozano, I.
- Castellanos-Serrano, C.
Gender, Work and Organization - 2022
Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc
10.1111/gwao.12948 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1468-0432
The Hidden Cost of Flexibility: A Factorial Survey Experiment on Job Promotion
- Fernandez-Lozano, I.
- González, M.J.
- Jurado-Guerrero, T.
- Martínez-Pastor, J.-I.
European Sociological Review (p. 265-283) - 2020
Editor: Oxford University Press
10.1093/esr/jcz059 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1468-2672
Fathers as Solo Caregivers in Spain: A Choice or a Need?
- Fernandez-Lozano, I.
Journal of Family Issues (p. 1755-1785) - 2019
Editor: SAGE Publications Inc.
10.1177/0192513x19842214 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1552-5481
If you dare to ask: self-perceived possibilities of Spanish fathers to reduce work hours
- Fernandez-Lozano, I.
Community, Work and Family (p. 482-498) - 2018
Editor: Routledge
10.1080/13668803.2017.1365692 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1469-3615
Finding time for children. Fatherhood, jobs and available time in Spain, 2003-2010
- Irina Fernández Lozano
Revista internacional de sociología (p. 104) - 2018
Editor: Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados
10.3989/ris.2018. View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 0034-9712
González, M. J. y T. Jurado Guerrero (2015): "Padres y madres corresponsables. Una utopía real. Madrid", Catarata
- Irina Fernández Lozano
Política y sociedad (p. 639-642) - 2016
Editor: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
10.5209/rev_poso.2016.v53.n2.52003 View at source
- ISSN/ISBN 1130-8001
This researcher has no books.
This researcher has no book chapters.
Fathers' Intensive Schedule in Spain: an analysis with the Spanish time use survey
- Irina Fernández Lozano
Pactar el futuro: debates para un nuevo consenso en torno al bienestar (p. 179-206) - 2017
Editor: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- ISSN/ISBN 978-84-697-5182-4
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
Working fathers' available time for childcare in spain/tiempo disponible para el cuidado de los hijos de los padres trabajadores en españa
- Irina Fernández Lozano
- Teresa Jurado Guerrero (dir. tes.)
- Lorenzo Escot Mangas (pres.)
- Leire Salazar Valez (secr.)
- Marta Domínguez Folgueras (voc.)
Reading institution: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
Role: Miembro
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