Allen-perkins Avendaño, Alfonso


Super-diffusion in multiplex networks with long-range interactions

  • Allen-Perkins, Alfonso
  • Serrano, Alfredo Blanco
  • Andrade, Roberto F S

European Physical Journal b - 1/6/2024

10.1140/epjb/s10051-024-00722-3 View at source

  • ISSN 14346028

Multilayer diffusion networks as a tool to assess the structure and functioning of fine grain sub-specific plant-pollinator networks

  • Allen-Perkins A
  • Hurtado M
  • García-Callejas D
  • Godoy O
  • Bartomeus I

Oikos - 5/4/2024

10.1111/oik.10168 View at source

  • ISSN 00301299

Untangling the plant reproductive success of changing community composition and pollinator foraging choices

  • Allen-Perkins A
  • Artamendi M
  • Montoya D
  • Rubio E
  • Magrach A

Ecography - 1/1/2024

10.1111/ecog.07240 View at source

  • ISSN 09067590

Structural asymmetry in biotic interactions as a tool to understand and predict ecological persistence

  • Allen-Perkins, A
  • García-Callejas, D
  • Bartomeus, I
  • Godoy, O

Ecology Letters (p. 1647-1662) - 1/10/2023

10.1111/ele.14291 View at source

  • ISSN 1461023X

The non-random assembly of network motifs inplant–pollinator networks

  • Lanuza, JB
  • Allen-Perkins, A
  • Bartomeus, I

Journal Of Animal Ecology (p. 760-773) - 1/1/2023

10.1111/1365-2656.13889 View at source

  • ISSN 00218790

Non-random interactions within and across guilds shape the potential to coexist in multi-trophic ecological communities

  • Garcia-Callejas, D
  • Godoy, O
  • Buche, L
  • Hurtado, M
  • Lanuza, JB
  • Allen-Perkins, A
  • Bartomeus, I
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Ecology Letters (p. 831-842) - 1/1/2023

10.1111/ele.14206 View at source

  • ISSN 1461023X

Pollination supply models from a local to global scale

  • Giménez-García, A
  • Allen-Perkins, A
  • Bartomeus, I
  • Balbi, S
  • Knapp, JL
  • Hevia, V
  • Woodcock, B
  • Smagghe, G
  • Miñarro, M
  • Eeraerts, M
  • Colville, JF
  • Hipólito, J
  • Cavigliasso, P
  • Nates-Parra, G
  • Herrera, JM
  • Cusser, S
  • Simmons, BI
  • Wolters, V
  • Jha, S
  • Freitas, BM
  • Horgan, FG
  • Artz, DR
  • Sidhu, CS
  • Otieno, M
  • Boreux, V
  • Biddinger, DJ
  • Klein, AM
  • Joshi, NK
  • Stewart, RIA
  • Albrecht, M
  • Nicholson, CC
  • O'Reilly, AD
  • Crowder, DW
  • Burns, KLW
  • Jodar, DNN
  • Garibaldi, LA
  • Sutter, L
  • Dupont, YL
  • Dalsgaard, B
  • Coutinho, JGD
  • Lázaro, A
  • Andersson, GKS
  • Raine, NE
  • Krishnan, S
  • Dainese, M
  • van der Werf, W
  • Smith, HG
  • Magrach, A
... View more Collapse

Web Ecology (p. 99-129) - 1/1/2023

10.5194/we-23-99-2023 View at source

  • ISSN 13991183

Who is Pollinating Crops Worldwide? A Global Database of Crop Pollinators has the Answer

  • Allen‐Perkins, Alfonso
  • Castro, Sílvia
  • Dupont, Yoko L.
  • Dalsgaard, Bo
  • Bartomeus, Ignasi

The Bulletin Of The Ecological Society Of America - 1/4/2022

10.1002/bes2.1966 View at source

  • ISSN 00129623

CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination

  • Allen-Perkins A
  • Magrach A
  • Dainese M
  • Garibaldi LA
  • Kleijn D
  • Rader R
  • Reilly JR
  • Winfree R
  • Lundin O
  • McGrady CM
  • Brittain C
  • Biddinger DJ
  • Artz DR
  • Elle E
  • Hoffman G
  • Ellis JD
  • Daniels J
  • Gibbs J
  • Campbell JW
  • Brokaw J
  • Wilson JK
  • Mason K
  • Ward KL
  • Gundersen KB
  • Bobiwash K
  • Gut L
  • Rowe LM
  • Boyle NK
  • Williams NM
  • Joshi NK
  • Rothwell N
  • Gillespie RL
  • Isaacs R
  • Fleischer SJ
  • Peterson SS
  • Rao S
  • Pitts-Singer TL
  • Fijen T
  • Boreux V
  • Rundlöf M
  • Viana BF
  • Klein AM
  • Smith HG
  • Bommarco R
  • Carvalheiro LG
  • Ricketts TH
  • Ghazoul J
  • Krishnan S
  • Benjamin FE
  • Loureiro J
  • Castro S
  • Raine NE
  • de Groot GA
  • Horgan FG
  • Hipólito J
  • Smagghe G
  • Meeus I
  • Eeraerts M
  • Potts SG
  • Kremen C
  • García D
  • Miñarro M
  • Crowder DW
  • Pisanty G
  • Mandelik Y
  • Vereecken NJ
  • Leclercq N
  • Weekers T
  • Lindstrom SAM
  • Stanley DA
  • Zaragoza-Trello C
  • Nicholson CC
  • Scheper J
  • Rad C
  • Marks EAN
  • Mota L
  • Danforth B
  • Park M
  • Bezerra ADM
  • Freitas BM
  • Mallinger RE
  • Oliveira da Silva F
  • Willcox B
  • Ramos DL
  • D da Silva E Silva F
  • Lázaro A
  • Alomar D
  • González-Estévez MA
  • Taki H
  • Cariveau DP
  • Garratt MPD
  • Nabaes Jodar DN
  • Stewart RIA
  • Ariza D
  • Pisman M
  • Lichtenberg EM
  • Schüepp C
  • Herzog F
  • Entling MH
  • Dupont YL
  • Michener CD
  • Daily GC
  • Ehrlich PR
  • Burns KLW
  • Vilà M
  • Robson A
  • Howlett B
  • Blechschmidt L
  • Jauker F
  • Schwarzbach F
  • Nesper M
  • Diekötter T
  • Wolters V
  • Castro H
  • Gaspar H
  • Nault BA
  • Badenhausser I
  • Petersen JD
  • Tscharntke T
  • Bretagnolle V
  • Willis Chan DS
  • Chacoff N
  • Andersson GKS
  • Jha S
  • Colville JF
  • Veldtman R
  • Coutinho J
  • Bianchi FJJA
  • Sutter L
  • Albrecht M
  • Jeanneret P
  • Zou Y
  • Averill AL
  • Saez A
  • Sciligo AR
  • Vergara CH
  • Bloom EH
  • Oeller E
  • Badano EI
  • Loeb GM
  • Grab H
  • Ekroos J
  • Gagic V
  • Cunningham SA
  • Åström J
  • Cavigliasso P
  • Trillo A
  • Classen A
  • Mauchline AL
  • Montero-Castaño A
  • Wilby A
  • Woodcock BA
  • Sidhu CS
  • Steffan-Dewenter I
  • Vogiatzakis IN
  • Herrera JM
  • Otieno M
  • Gikungu MW
  • Cusser SJ
  • Nauss T
  • Nilsson L
  • Knapp J
  • Ortega-Marcos JJ
  • González JA
  • Osborne JL
  • Blanche R
  • Shaw RF
  • Hevia V
  • Stout J
  • Arthur AD
  • Blochtein B
  • Szentgyorgyi H
  • Li J
  • Mayfield MM
  • Woyciechowski M
  • Nunes-Silva P
  • Halinski de Oliveira R
  • Henry S
  • Simmons BI
  • Dalsgaard B
  • Hansen K
  • Sritongchuay T
  • O'Reilly AD
  • Chamorro García FJ
  • Nates Parra G
  • Magalhães Pigozo C
  • Bartomeus I
... View more Collapse

Ecology - 1/1/2022

10.1002/ecy.3614 View at source

  • ISSN 00129658

Efficient approach to time-dependent super-diffusive Levy random walks on finite 2D-tori using circulant analogues

  • Serrano, Alfredo Blanco
  • Allen-Perkins, Alfonso
  • Silva Andrade, Roberto Fernandes;

Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications - 1/1/2022

10.1016/j.physa.2021.126833 View at source

  • ISSN 03784371

This researcher has no books.

This researcher has no book chapters.

This researcher has no conferences.

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

Making technology work for monitoring pollinators

  • PASTOR RUIZ, JUAN MANUEL (Participante)

Period: 18-12-2023 - 17-12-2026

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 58080,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Caos Hamiltoniano y Sistemas Complejos. Modelos y Aplicaciones

  • ALONSO SANZ, RAMON (Participante)
  • Alondo Sanz, Ramón (Participante)
  • Losada Gonzalez, Juan Carlos (Investigador principal (IP))
  • BENITO ZAFRILLA, ROSA MARIA (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Arranz Saiz, Francisco Javier (Participante)
  • Díaz Fernández, Álvaro (Participante)
  • Martinez Vaquero, Luis Alberto (Participante)
  • MARTIN SOTOCA, JUAN JOSE (Participante)
  • GARCIA ALVAREZ, RAUL (Participante)
  • de Abril TORRALBA, Óscar (Participante)
  • PASTOR RUIZ, JUAN MANUEL (Participante)
  • REVUELTA PEÑA, FABIO (Participante)
  • MARTINEZ-ATIENZA BARTHELEMY, JULIA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • PEREZ SIENES, LETICIA (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-09-2022 - 31-08-2025

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina

El efecto de la variabilidad temporal de interacciones entre especies en la estabilidad y el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas (PID2021-127607OB-I00)

  • ALLEN-PERKINS AVENDAÑO, ALFONSO (Miembro del equipo de investigación)

Period: From 01-09-2022

  • iMarina


  • ALLEN-PERKINS AVENDAÑO, ALFONSO (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: From 23-06-2022

  • iMarina

Caracterização da dinâmica de difusão e caminhadas aleatórias em redes complexas e multicamadas com conexões de longa distância

  • Roberto F.S. Andrade (Director)
  • ALLEN-PERKINS AVENDAÑO, ALFONSO (Codirector) Doctorando: Alfredo Blanco Serrano


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/13/24 2:00 PM