Garcia Martin, Javier
- Articles 9
- Books 2
- Book chapters 3
- Conferences 27
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 4
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
DevOps Team Structures: Characterization and Implications
- Lopez-Fernandez, Daniel
- Diaz, Jessica
- Garcia-Martin, Javier
- Perez, Jorge
- Gonzalez-Prieto, Angel;
Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering (p. 3716-3736) - 1/10/2022
10.1109/tse.2021.3102982 View at source
- ISSN 00985589
DevOps Research-Based Teaching Using Qualitative Research and Inter-Coder Agreement
- Perez, Jorge E.
- Gonzalez-Prieto, Angel
- Diaz, Jessica
- Lopez-Fernandez, Daniel
- Garcia-Martin, Javier
- Yague, Agustin;
Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering (p. 3378-3393) - 1/1/2022
10.1109/tse.2021.3092705 View at source
- ISSN 00985589
Building world class universities through innovative teaching governance
- De los Rios-Carmenado, Ignacio
- Sastre-Merino, Susana
- Diaz Lantada, Andres
- Garcia-Martin, Javier
- Nole, Priscila
- Perez-Martinez, Jorge E
Studies In Educational Evaluation - 1/1/2021
10.1016/j.stueduc.2021.101031 View at source
- ISSN 0191491X
Systematic literature reviews in software engineering—enhancement of the study selection process using Cohen's Kappa statistic
- Pérez J
- Díaz J
- Garcia-Martin J
- Tabuenca B
Journal Of Systems And Software - 1/10/2020
10.1016/j.jss.2020.110657 View at source
- ISSN 01641212
Revista Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Perez Martinez, Jorge Enrique
(p. 37-63) - 17/1/2018
- iMarina
Method to Guide the Design of Project Based Learning Activities Based on Educational Theories
- Garcia-Martin, Javier
- Perez-Martinez, Jorge E.;
International Journal Of Engineering Education (p. 984-999) - 1/1/2017
- ISSN 0949149X
- iMarina
Teamwork, Motivational Profiles, and Academic Performance in Computer Science Engineering
- García-Martín, J
- Pérez-Martínez, JE
- Sierra-Alonso, A
Revista Iberoamericana De Tecnologias Del Aprendizaje (p. 77-84) - 1/5/2015
10.1109/rita.2015.2418012 View at source
- ISSN 19328540
Integrating Generic Competencies into Engineering Curricula
- Perez-Martinez, Jorge E.
- Martin, Javier Garcia
- Quintero, Ana Isabel Lias;
International Journal Of Engineering Education (p. 1636-1644) - 1/1/2014
- ISSN 0949149X
- iMarina
Parallel computation of the fritzke neural networks for remote sensing data classification
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Arquero Hidalgo, Águeda
Proceedings Of The Iasted International Conference On Parallel And Distributed Computing And Networks, As Part Of The 24th Iasted International Multi-Conference On Applied Informatics (p. 71-76) - 1/2/2002
- iMarina
Experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio en la UPM: 2023
- J. Herreros
- Jorge Bernabéu Larena
- Laura Brull Tomàs
- Beatriz Cabau Anchuelo
- Óscar de Castro Cuartero
- Álvaro Gil Plana
- Patricia Hernández Lamas
- Ángel Agüero
- Victoria Alcázar
- Marina P. Arrieta Dillon
- Freddys R. Beltrán
- Patricia García‐Muñoz
- M. M. Conde
- Gabriel Pinto Cañón
- Javiera Andrea Sepúlveda Carter
- Patricia Aguilera Benito
- Isabel Bach Buendia
- Iria González Pino
- Juan López-Asiain Martínez
- Íñigo Cobeta Gutiérrez
- Laura Sánchez Carrasco
- Carmen Toribio Marín
- Andrea Alonso
- María Cristina García González
- Ester Higueras García
- Francisco Javier Barbas González
- Javier Coterón López
- Consuelo Fernández Jiménez
- Javier García-Martín
- Moisés Marquina
- M. Guadalupe Garrido Pastor
- Francisco M. San Cristóbal Díaz
- Manuel Sillero Quintana
- Cristina Teixeira García
- Sandro Andrés Martínez
- Isabel Chiyón Carrasco
- Javier Fernández-Fidalgo
- Juan Carlos Mosquera Feijóo
- Álvaro Picazo Iranzo
- Fernando Suárez Guerra
- Jorge Acebes-Sánchez
- Cecilia Blanco-García
- María Garrido Muñoz
- Enrique López Adán
- Alfonso López Díaz de Durana
- Gabriel Rodríguez-Romo
- Federico Camerín
- Alejandro Tamayo Palacios
- Carlos Calderón‐Guerrero
- Laura Milena Ramírez Benavides
- C. Bustamante
- Daniel Ferrández Vega
- Rafael Marcos Sánchez
- Alexandra Míguez Souto
- Alicia Zaragoza-Benzal
- Celia Calado Bonnin
- María Antonia Fernández Nieto
- Jorge Gallego Sánchez-Torija
- Jesús García Herrero
- José Parada
Experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio en la UPM: 2021 y 2022
- J. Herreros
- Jorge Bernabéu Larena
- Laura Brull Tomàs
- Beatriz Cabau Anchuelo
- Óscar de Castro Cuartero
- Álvaro Gil Plana
- Patricia Hernández Lamas
- Ángel Agüero
- Victoria Alcázar
- Marina P. Arrieta Dillon
- Freddys R. Beltrán
- Patricia García‐Muñoz
- M. M. Conde
- Gabriel Pinto Cañón
- Javiera Andrea Sepúlveda Carter
- Patricia Aguilera Benito
- Isabel Bach Buendia
- Iria González Pino
- Juan López-Asiain Martínez
- Íñigo Cobeta Gutiérrez
- Laura Sánchez Carrasco
- Carmen Toribio Marín
- Andrea Alonso
- María Cristina García González
- Ester Higueras García
- Francisco Javier Barbas González
- Javier Coterón López
- Consuelo Fernández Jiménez
- Javier García-Martín
- Moisés Marquina
- M. Guadalupe Garrido Pastor
- Francisco M. San Cristóbal Díaz
- Manuel Sillero Quintana
- Cristina Teixeira García
- Sandro Andrés Martínez
- Isabel Chiyón Carrasco
- Javier Fernández-Fidalgo
- Juan Carlos Mosquera Feijóo
- Álvaro Picazo Iranzo
- Fernando Suárez Guerra
- Jorge Acebes-Sánchez
- Cecilia Blanco-García
- María Garrido Muñoz
- Enrique López Adán
- Alfonso López Díaz de Durana
- Gabriel Rodríguez-Romo
- Federico Camerín
- Alejandro Tamayo Palacios
- Carlos Calderón‐Guerrero
- Laura Milena Ramírez Benavides
- C. Bustamante
- Daniel Ferrández Vega
- Rafael Marcos Sánchez
- Alexandra Míguez Souto
- Alicia Zaragoza-Benzal
- Celia Calado Bonnin
- María Antonia Fernández Nieto
- Jorge Gallego Sánchez-Torija
- Jesús García Herrero
- José Parada
Desarrollo de competencias para facilitar la integración social de jóvenes con adicciones en riesgo de exclusión. Proyecto Actívate
- Marquina Nieto, M., García Martín, J., Fernández Jiménez, C., Barbas González, F.J., & Coterón López, J.
Experiencias Aps En La Upm-2023 - 28/2/2024
- iMarina
Evaluación continuada y rendimiento académico: un caso práctico
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
Hezkuntzaren Ikerkuntzarako Ereduak Xiii, Biltzar Nazionala: [Donostia, 27, 28, 29, Ekaina (p. 570-575) - 1/1/2007
- iMarina
Créditos ECTS para una evaluación continuada en aprendizaje por proyecto
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
Hezkuntzaren Ikerkuntzarako Ereduak Xiii, Biltzar Nazionala: [Donostia, 27, 28, 29, Ekaina (p. 1113-1115) - 1/1/2007
- iMarina
- Jorge Pérez
- Jessica Díaz
- Javier García-Martín
- Jennifer Pérez
- Isabel Muñoz-Fernández
12th International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri 2019) (p. 533-538) - 30/11/2020
10.21125/iceri.2020.0168 View at source
- ISSN 23401095
Collaboration between university centers for learning-service.
- Garcia Martin, Javier
Abstracts Book Iii International Conference Of Educational Innovation In Building. (p. 96-108) - 6/3/2019
- iMarina
Proyecto multidisciplinar para el estudio de la eficiencia energética de edificios.
- J. García Martín
Actas Del I Congreso Internacional De Innovación Docente E Investigación En Educación Superior: Un Reto Para Las Áreas De Conocimiento (I Cidico) (p. 85-95) - 20/11/2019
- iMarina
Improving Student Capabilities Through Multi-Disciplinary Learning- Service Projects
- Jean-Paul Bécar
- Jean Vareille
Iceri2019 Proceedings (p. 5.406-5.414) - 11/11/2019
10.21125/iceri.2019 View at source
- ISSN 23401095
- iMarina
- iMarina
Integration of three instructional design models within the organization of PBL activities
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
Development Of A Global Network For Pbl And Engineering Education (p. 360-371) - 6/7/2015
- iMarina
Supporting the design and development of Project Based Learning courses
- Carlos López López
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
Proceedings - Frontiers In Education Conference, Fie (p. 1-6) - 17/2/2015
10.1109/fie.2014.7044388 View at source
- ISSN 15394565
Numerical Simulation of the Aerodynamic Behavior of High Velocity Trains under Synthetic Crosswinds of Different Shear and Turbulence Characteristics
- Rasul Fesharakifard
- Antoine Dequidt
- Olivier Coste
- Thierry Tison
Proceedings Of The Second International Conference On railway Technology: Research, Development And maintenance, J. Pombo, (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland (p. 1-19) - 8/4/2014
10.4203/ccp.104 View at source
- ISSN 17593433
- iMarina
- iMarina
Teamwork competence and academic motivation in computer science engineering studies
- Martinez, JEP
- Martin, JG
- Alonso, AS
Ieeexplore (p. 778-783) - 3/4/2014
10.13140/2.1.2293.4728 View at source
- ISSN 21659567
Análisis de competencias interculturales en contextos de PBL
- Luis Bretel Bilbus
- Carmen Vizcarro Guarch
- Carlos Fernando Vega Baorna
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
10.13140/2.1.3473.1207 View at source
- iMarina
- iMarina
Assessment of learning outcomes in computing studies
- Pilar Martín Espinosa
- Carmen Vizcarro Guarch
- Arquero Hidalgo, Águeda
- Garcia Martin, Javier
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique
- Tovar Caro, Edmundo
- Blanco Viejo, Gregoria
2013 Ieee Global Engineering Education Conference (Educon) (p. 486-491) - 13/3/2013
10.1109/educon.2013.6530150 View at source
- ISSN 21659567
- iMarina
- iMarina
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
Sistemas IoT Conscientes de la Sostenibilidad y Dirigidos por Comunidades Sociales
- Lopez Fernandez, Daniel (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- RODRIGUEZ MOLINA, JESUS (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- GAMAZO REAL, JOSE CARLOS (Investigador/a)
- YAGÜE PANADERO, Agustín (Participante)
- GARBAJOSA SOPEÑA, JUAN (Investigador principal (IP))
- PEREZ BENEDI, JENIFER (Participante)
- CAÑAS DE PAZ, NORBERTO (Participante)
- Garcia Martin, Javier (Participante)
Period: 01-09-2021 - 31-08-2024
Type of funding: National
Amount of funding: 33759,00 Euros.
- iMarina
- Garcia Martin, Javier (Colaborador/a)
- GARBAJOSA SOPEÑA, JUAN (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 22-03-2019 - 22-09-2019
Type of funding: Internal
- iMarina
Arquitectura Adaptativa para Crowd-Sensing de Comunidades Eficientes
- OCHOA ZAMBRANO, JUAN SEBASTIAN (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
- PEREZ BENEDI, JENIFER (Investigador principal (IP))
- GARBAJOSA SOPEÑA, JUAN (Investigador principal (IP))
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique (Participante)
- CAÑAS DE PAZ, NORBERTO (Participante)
- Garcia Martin, Javier (Participante)
Period: 30-12-2016 - 31-12-2020
Type of funding: National
Amount of funding: 37631,00 Euros.
- iMarina
CPS Engineering Labs - expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems.
- Garcia Martin, Javier (Participante)
- CAÑAS DE PAZ, NORBERTO (Participante)
- Fernández Sánchez, Carlos (Participante)
- ESPÍN HERRANZ, PALOMA (Participante)
- PEREZ BENEDI, JENIFER (Participante)
- Pérez Martínez, Jorge Enrique (Participante)
- GARBAJOSA SOPEÑA, JUAN (Investigador principal (IP))
- Martínez García, Rocío (Participante)
- SANTAMARIA GALDON, MARIA ASUNCION (Investigador principal (IP))
- OLLOQUI BUJÁN, JORGE (Participante)
Period: 01-02-2015 - 30-04-2018
Type of funding: International
Amount of funding: 169986,00 Euros.
- iMarina
This researcher has no supervised thesis.
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Research groups
Grupo de tecnología de software y sistemas
Role: Miembro
Researcher profiles
Scopus Author ID