Calleja Pardo, Enrique


Selective Area Growth of GaN Nanowires by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy

  • Trampert, A
  • Kong, X
  • Luna, E
  • Grandal, J
  • Jenichen, B

Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Nanowires 1: Low-Dimensionality Effects And Growth (p. 215-243) - 22/9/2014

10.1002/9781118984321 View at source

Relaxation mechanism of InGaAs single and graded layers grown on (111)B GaAs

  • Rojas, TC
  • Molina, SI
  • Sacedon, A
  • Valtuena, F
  • Calleja, E
  • Garcia, R;

Thin Solid Films (p. 270-273) - 1/4/1998

10.1016/s0040-6090(97)00527-0 View at source

  • ISSN 00406090

Correlating composition and luminescence in AlInGaN epilayers

  • Edwards, P. R.
  • Martin, R. W.
  • Bejtka, K.
  • O'Donnell, K. P.
  • Fernandez-Garrido, S.
  • Calleja, E.;

Superlattices And Microstructures (p. 151-155) - 1/4/2009

10.1016/j.spmi.2008.10.014 View at source

  • ISSN 07496036


  • MUNOZ, E;
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Superlattices And Microstructures (p. 171-174) - 1/1/1994

10.1006/spmi.1994.1034 View at source

  • ISSN 07496036

Oxygen photo-adsorption related quenching of photoluminescence in group-III nitride nanocolumns

  • Lefebvre, P.
  • Albert, S.
  • Ristic, J.
  • Fernandez-Garrido, S.
  • Grandal, J.
  • Sanchez-Garcia, M. -A.
  • Calleja, E.;
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Superlattices And Microstructures (p. 165-171) - 1/8/2012

10.1016/j.spmi.2012.05.001 View at source

  • ISSN 07496036

Nitride-based photodetectors: From visible to X-ray monitoring

  • Pau J
  • Rivera C
  • Pereiro J
  • Muñoz E
  • Calleja E
  • Schühle U
  • Frayssinet E
  • Beaumont B
  • Faurie J
  • Gibart P
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Superlattices And Microstructures (p. 807-814) - 1/10/2004

10.1016/j.spmi.2004.09.037 View at source

  • ISSN 07496036

Optical and electrical characterization of GaN layers grown on silicon and sapphire substrates

  • SanchezGarcia, MA
  • Sanchez, FJ
  • Calle, F
  • Munoz, E
  • Calleja, E
  • Stevens, KS
  • Kinniburgh, M
  • Beresford, R
  • Beaumont, B
  • Gibart, P
... View more Collapse

Solid-State Electronics (p. 81-84) - 1/1/1996

10.1016/0038-1101(95)00217-0 View at source

  • ISSN 00381101

A word from the editors

  • Calleja E
  • Cristoloveanu S
  • Kuk Y
  • Zaslavsky A

Solid-State Electronics (p. 1-1) - 1/1/2013

10.1016/j.sse.2012.09.003 View at source

  • ISSN 00381101

Transient negative photocurrent and out-of-well dipole kinetics in novel piezoelectric InGaAs/GaAs MQW pin diodes

  • Izpura, I
  • Valtuena, JF
  • SanchezRojas, JL
  • Sacedon, A
  • Calleja, E
  • Munoz, E;

Solid-State Electronics (p. 463-467) - 1/1/1996

10.1016/0038-1101(95)00311-8 View at source

  • ISSN 00381101

Probing resonant tunneling and charge accumulation via capacitance measurements in [111]-oriented InGaAs/GaAs MQW and superlattices

  • Sánchez-Rojas J
  • Sacedón A
  • Sanz-Hervás A
  • Calleja E
  • Muñoz E
  • Abril E

Solid-State Electronics (p. 591-595) - 1/1/1996

10.1016/0038-1101(95)00338-x View at source

  • ISSN 00381101

This researcher has no books.

Ga(in)N nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy: From quantum light emitters to nanotransistors

  • Gacevic, Z
  • Calleja, E

Novel Compound Semiconductor Nanowires: Materials, Devices, And Applications (p. 319-364) - 1/1/2017

10.1201/9781315364407 View at source

TEM study of (Ga, AI)N nanocolumns and embedded GaN nanodiscs

  • Trampert A
  • Ristic J
  • Jahn U
  • Calleja E
  • Ploog K

Microscopy Of Semiconducting Materials 2003 (p. 167-170) - 1/1/2018

10.1201/9781351074636 View at source

Electrical characterization of single GaN/InGaN nanorods grown by selective-area MBE

  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 14/10/2012

  • iMarina

Influence of substrate orientation on the morphology and optical properties of selective area growth GaN nanocolumns and InGaN quantum disks

  • U. Jahn
  • et al
  • A. Trampert
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 14/10/2012

  • iMarina

Hybrid MBE/MOVPE grown III-nitride microcavity

  • Ž Gacevic
  • G Rossbach
  • M Glauser
  • J Levrat
  • G Cosendy
  • M D Martin
  • S Fernández-Garrido
  • N García-Lepetit
  • F Reveret
  • J -F Carlin
  • R Butte
  • L Viña
  • N Grandjean
  • E Calleja
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Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 14/10/2012

  • iMarina

Growth of InN quantum dots on InGaN with high In composition

  • Notzel, Richard
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 23/9/2012

  • iMarina

EELS-HAADF combination for characterization of a new AlN/GaN DBRs growth method

  • A Eljarrat
  • L López-Conesa
  • Ž Gacevic
  • S Fernández-Garrido
  • E Calleja
  • C Magén
  • S Estradé
  • F Peiró
... View more Collapse

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 16/9/2012

  • iMarina

EELS-HAADF spectrum imaging for characterization of (AlGa)N multilayer heterostructures

  • S. Fernández-Garrido
  • L López-Conesa
  • et al
  • A Eljarrat
  • Gacevic, Zarko
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 10/9/2012

  • iMarina

NanoLEDs with graphene electrode

  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel
  • Martínez Rodrigo, Javier
  • Calle Gómez, Fernando
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 9/9/2012

  • iMarina

Selective area growth of GaN/InGaN nanocolumnar heterostructures on polar, semipolar and non-polar substrates

  • U Jahn
  • et al
  • A. Trampert
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 22/7/2012

  • iMarina

Selective area growth of GaN nanocolumns by rf-plasma-assisted MBE at low temperature and under nitrogen-rich conditions

  • et al
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-0) - 10/7/2012

  • iMarina

AlN/GaN DBR layer low-loss EELS-HAADF compositional mapping

  • S. Fernández-Garrido
  • L López-Conesa
  • et al
  • A Eljarrat
  • Gacevic, Zarko
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique

Proceedings (p. 0-3) - 18/6/2012

  • iMarina

This researcher has no working papers.

This researcher has no technical reports.

A. Develop process to make full visible spectrum display emitter layer using nanocolumns. B. Develop process to make UVA emitting arrays using nanocolumns

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 06-10-2020 - 03-11-2021

  • iMarina

Materiales y dispositivos optoelectrónicos basados en nitruros del grupo- III

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 19-12-2019 - 31-12-2021

  • iMarina

Nanohilos basados en GaN para sistemas de información cuántica y circuitos digitales

  • Gacevic, Zarko (Participante)
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Participante)
  • KARAGIANNIS, NIKOLAOS (Participante)
  • LASO CARBAJO, MANUEL (Participante)
  • HERRANZ FEITO, MIGUEL (Investigador/a)
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Investigador principal (IP))
... View more Collapse

Period: 01-01-2019 - 31-07-2022

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 193963,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

GaN-based nanowires as building blocks for quantum information systems and digital electronic circuits (RTI2018-097338-B-I00)

  • MARTINEZ FERNANDEZ, DANIEL (Miembro del equipo de trabajo)
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Coordinador/a)

Period: 01-01-2019 - 31-12-2021

Type of funding: National

Funding entity: Journal Of Chemical Physics

Amount of funding: 160300,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

InDaN and AIGaN semi-polar and non-polar pseudo-substrates made by Molecular Beam Epitaxy by ordered coalescence of nanocrystals

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))

Period: 01-01-2018 - 15-09-2022

  • iMarina

Crecimiento por Epitaxia de Haces Moleculares de capas finas y nanoestructuras ordenadas de InGaN para dispositivos fotovoltaicos, sensores y generadores de hidrógeno

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Participante)
  • Gacevic, Zarko (Participante)
  • COBOS ARRIBAS, PEDRO (Participante)

Period: 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2018

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 204490,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Towards p-type conductivity in In0.5Ga0.5N nanocolumns on a Si (100) substrate with GaN buffer layers

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • XIE, MENGYAO (Becario/a)
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Participante)

Period: 15-06-2015 - 14-06-2017

Type of funding: International

Amount of funding: 170121,60 Euros.

  • iMarina

Extensión de medida de catodoluminiscencia(CL) al rango infrarrojo en microcospio de barrido electrónico FESEM

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Participante)
  • HIERRO CANO, ADRIAN (Participante)

Period: 01-01-2013 - 31-12-2015

Type of funding: National

  • iMarina


  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Participante)

Period: 01-01-2013 - 31-12-2015

Type of funding: National

Amount of funding: 22105,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

3D GaN for High Efficiency Solid State Lighting

  • Bengoechea Encabo, Ana Mª (Participante)
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Investigador principal (IP))
  • Sanchez Garcia, Miguel Angel (Participante)
  • Martínez Rodrigo, Javier (Participante)
  • Gacevic, Zarko (Participante)

Period: 01-04-2012 - 31-03-2015

Type of funding: International

Amount of funding: 552079,00 Euros.

  • iMarina

Growth and characterization of gan/aln non-polar pseudo-substrates

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Director) Doctorando: Fernando Saavedra, Amalia Luisa


  • iMarina

nxGa1-xN layers, nanowires, and nanodots on Silicon for clean energy applications

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Director)
  • Gacevic, Zarko (Director) Doctorando: Aseev, Pavel


  • iMarina

Investigations on III-nitrides nanostructures: application to renewable energies and bio-sensing

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Director)
  • Gacevic, Zarko (Director) Doctorando: Soto Rodriguez, Paul Eduardo David


  • iMarina

Constituent blocks of planar III - nitride microcavities grown by molecular beam epitaxy

  • Gacevic, Zarko (Titulado/a)
  • Enrique Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Zarko Gacevic


  • iMarina

Crecimiento de nitruros del grupo III por epitaxia de haces moleculares para la fabricación de diodos electroluminiscentes en el rango visible-ultravioleta

  • Enrique Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Sergio Fernández Garrido


  • iMarina

Crecimiento y caracterización de estructuras nanocolumnares de nitruros DLE grupo III.

  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Director) Doctorando: RISTIC, Jelena


  • iMarina

Growth and characterization of group-iii nitride nanocolumnar structures - crecimiento y caracterización de estructuras nanocolumnares de nitruros dle grupo iii

  • Enrique Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Jelena Ristic


  • iMarina

Espejos de Braga de AlGaN/GaN crecidos por Epitaxia de Haces Moleculares para Dispositivos Optoelectrónicos de Cavidad Resonante

  • Enrique Calleja Pardo (Director)
  • Fernando Calle Gómez (Director) Doctorando: Fernández Ruano, Susana María


  • iMarina

Crecimiento, fabricación y caracterización de diodos electroluminiscentes basados en pozos cuánticos de InGaN

  • Enrique Calleja Pardo (Director) Doctorando: Fernando Bernabé Naranjo Vega


  • iMarina

Fabricación, caracterización y aplicaciones de detectores de UV basados en AlGaN.

  • Muñoz Merino, Elías (Director)
  • Calleja Pardo, Enrique (Director) Doctorando: PAU VIZCAINO, José Luis


  • iMarina

This researcher has no patents or software licenses.

Last data update: 8/28/24 1:45 PM