Barcelo Taberner, Bartolome
- Articles 6
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 1
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 4
- Supervised theses 1
- Patent or software license 0
Sistemes electorals
- Barceló Taberner, Bartolomé
Materials Matemàtics (p. 7-0) - 1/1/2007
- ISSN 18871097
- iMarina
Problemas inversos en ecuaciones en derivadas parciales
- Barceló Taberner, Bartolomé
Gaceta De La Real Sociedad Matematica Española (p. 267-269-269) - 1/1/1998
- ISSN 11388927
- iMarina
El uso de la historia de las matemáticas en clase: el ejemplo de la cartografía y la navegación
- Barceló Taberner, Bartolomé
Tarbiya: Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (p. 65-77) - 1/1/1997
- ISSN 11326239
- iMarina
The inverse conductivity problem with one measurement: Uniqueness for convex polyhedra
- ArcelÓ B
- Fabes U
- Seo JK
Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society (p. 183-189) - 1/1/1994
10.1090/s0002-9939-1994-1195476-6 View at source
- ISSN 00029939
On the restriction of the Fourier transform and Fourier series to circles of lacunary radii
- Bartolomé Barceló
Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo (p. 330-348) - 1/9/1986
10.1007/bf02843902 View at source
- ISSN 0009725X
This researcher has no books.
This researcher has no book chapters.
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
Excelencia profesorado universitario Catedrático de Universidad - Matemáticas
- Barcelo Taberner, Bartolome (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 01-01-2020 - 31-12-2023
Type of funding: Regional
Amount of funding: 87500,00 Euros.
- iMarina
Excelencia profesorado universitario Profesor Contratado Doctor - Matemáticas
- Barcelo Taberner, Bartolome (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 01-01-2020 - 31-12-2023
Type of funding: Regional
Amount of funding: 87500,00 Euros.
- iMarina
Análisis armonico y variacional en problemas inversos.
- Juan Manuel Reyes Gonzalez (Investigador/a)
- Pedro Perez Caro (Investigador/a)
- Louise Marie Magali Folch Gabayet (Investigador/a)
- Juan Antonio Barcelo Valcarcel (Investigador/a)
- Faraco Hurtado, Daniel (Investigador/a)
- Bennett Jonathan (Investigador/a)
- Barcelo Taberner, Bartolome (Investigador/a)
- Alessandro Ferriero (Investigador/a)
- Ruiz Gonzalez, Alberto (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 01-01-2009 - 31-12-2011
- iMarina
Análisis real y problemas inversos.
- Juan Manuel Reyes Gonzalez (Investigador/a)
- Pedro Perez Caro (Investigador/a)
- Juan Antonio Barcelo Valcarcel (Investigador/a)
- Faraco Hurtado, Daniel (Investigador/a)
- Bennett Jonathan (Investigador/a)
- Barcelo Taberner, Bartolome (Investigador/a)
- Ruiz Gonzalez, Alberto (Investigador principal (IP))
Period: 31-12-2005 - 30-12-2008
- iMarina
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Researcher profiles
Scopus Author ID
Dialnet id