Latorre Fragua, Raquel Aránzazu


False positive PET results due to xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis

  • Ramia, J.M.
  • Garcia Gil, J.M.
  • Manuel-Vazquez, A.
  • Latorre-Fragua, R.
  • Candia, A.
  • de la Plaza-Llamas, R.

Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia (p. 60-61) - 2022

Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.

10.1016/j.gastrohep.2020.08.011 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1578-9519

Bull horn injuries, analysis of 138 cases

  • Medina-Velasco, A.A.
  • Arteaga-Peralta, V.
  • De la Plaza-Llamas, R.
  • Torralba-González de Suso, M.
  • López-Marcano, A.
  • Díaz-Candelas, D.A.
  • Picardo-Gomendio, M.D.
  • Latorre-Fragua, R.
  • Ramia-Ángel, J.M.
... View more Collapse

Cirugia y Cirujanos (English Edition) (p. 242-247) - 2022

Editor: Permanyer Publications

10.24875/ciru.20001237 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2444-054X

Reaching a consensus on the definition of “difficult” cholecystectomy among Spanish experts. A Delphi project. A qualitative study

  • Manuel-Vázquez, A.
  • Latorre-Fragua, R.
  • Alcázar, C.
  • Requena, P.M.
  • de la Plaza, R.
  • Blanco Fernández, G.
  • Serradilla-Martín, M.
  • Ramia, J.M.
  • Cudrado, M.B.
  • Blas Laina, J.L.
  • Suescún, F.C.
  • García, Á.C.
  • Andorrá, E.C.
  • Gómez, D.D.
  • Luengas, D.F.
  • Ruiz de Gordejuela, A.G.
  • Gómez Bravo, M.Á.
  • Ben, S.L.
  • Roselló, A.M.
  • Cruchaga, P.M.
  • Cecilia, D.M.
  • Isla, A.M.
  • Pérez, A.M.
  • Oliver, I.M.
  • Prieto, M.
  • Conde, S.M.
  • Moreno, C.
  • Ortega, I.
  • Fabiano, P.
  • Picardo, A.
  • Roig, M.P.
  • Plaza, C.R.
  • Sastre, F.R.
  • Azagra, S.
  • Puy, R.V.
  • María del Villar Moral, J.
  • Quijano, Y.
... View more Collapse

International Journal of Surgery - 2022

Editor: Elsevier Ltd

10.1016/j.ijsu.2022.106649 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1743-9159

Pancreatic mucinous cystic neoplasms located in the distal pancreas: A multicenter study

  • Ramia, J.M.
  • del Rio Martín, J.
  • Blanco-Fernández, G.
  • Cantalejo-Diaz, M.
  • Pardo, F.
  • Muñoz-Forner, E.
  • Carabias, A.
  • Manuel-Vazquez, A.
  • Hernández-Rivera, P.J.
  • Jaén-Torrejimeno, I.
  • Kälviäinen-Mejia, H.K.
  • Rotellar-Sastre, F.
  • Garcés-Albir, M.
  • Latorre, R.
  • Longoria-Dubocq, T.
  • De Armas-Conde, N.
  • Serrablo-Requejo, A.
  • Gordillo, S.E.
  • Sabater, L.
  • Serradilla-Martín, M.
... View more Collapse

Gland Surgery (p. 795-804) - 2022

Editor: AME Publishing Company

10.21037/gs-21-703 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 2227-8575

SBRT in Localized Renal Carcinoma: A Review of the Literature

  • de la Pinta, C.
  • Latorre, R.G.
  • Fuentes, R.

Anticancer Research (p. 667-674) - 2022

Editor: International Institute of Anticancer Research

10.21873/anticanres.15525 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1791-7530

A scoring system for predicting malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: a multicenter EUROPEAN validation

  • Manuel-Vázquez A, Balakrishnan A, Agami P, Andersson B, Berrevoet F, Besselink MG, Boggi U, Caputo D, Carabias A, Carrion-Alvarez L, Franco CC, Coppola A, Dasari BVM, Diaz-Mercedes S, Feretis M, Fondevila C, Fusai GK, Garcea G, Gonzabay V, Bravo MÁG, Gorris M, Hendrikx B, Hidalgo-Salinas C, Kadam P, Karavias D, Kauffmann E, Kourdouli A, La Vaccara V, van Laarhoven S, Leighton J, Liem MSL, Machairas N, Magouliotis D, Mahmoud A, Marino MV, Massani M, Requena PM, Mentor K, Napoli N, Nijhuis JHT, Nikov A, Nistri C, Nunes V, Ruiz EO, Pandanaboyana S, Saborido BP, Pohnán R, Popa M, Pérez BS, Bueno FS, Serrablo A, Serradilla-Martín M, Skipworth JRA, Soreide K, Symeonidis D, Zacharoulis D, Zelga P, Aliseda D, Santiago MJC, Mancilla CF, Fragua RL, Hughes DL, Llorente CP, Lesurtel M, Gallagher T, Ramia JM, on behalf the Scientific, Research Committee of the European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (E-AHPBA)

Langenbecks Archives Of Surgery (p. 3447-3455) - 1/12/2022

Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

10.1007/s00423-022-02687-2 View at source

  • ISSN 14352443
  • ISSN/ISBN 1435-2451

SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study

  • COVIDSurg Collaborative, GlobalSurg Collaborative

Anaesthesia (p. 28-39) - 1/1/2022

Editor: John Wiley and Sons Inc

10.1111/anae.15563 View at source

  • ISSN 13652044
  • ISSN/ISBN 1365-2044

The Cost of Postoperative Complications and Economic Validation of the Comprehensive Complication Index: Prospective Study

  • de la Plaza Llamas, R.
  • Hidalgo Vega, Á.
  • Latorre Fragua, R.A.
  • López Marcano, A.J.
  • Medina Velasco, A.A.
  • Díaz Candelas, D.A.
  • García Gil, J.M.
  • Ramia Ángel, J.M.
... View more Collapse

Annals of surgery (p. 112-120) - 2021

Editor: NLM (Medline)

10.1097/sla.0000000000003308 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1528-1140

Jaundice as a clinical presentation in liver hydatidosis increases the risk of postoperative biliary fistula

  • Jaén-Torrejimeno, I.
  • Latorre-Fragua, R.
  • López-Guerra, D.
  • Rojas-Holguín, A.
  • Manuel-Vázquez, A.
  • Blanco-Fernández, G.
  • Ramia, J.M.
... View more Collapse

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery (p. 1139-1147) - 2021

Editor: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

10.1007/s00423-020-02070-z View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1435-2451

Adrenal uptake in PET/CT in a patient with pancreatic neoplasm: not always metastasis

  • Manuel Vázquez, A.
  • Latorre Fragua, R.
  • Gijón de la Santa, L.
  • de la Plaza, R.
  • Ramia, J.M.

Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia (p. 425-427) - 2021

Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.

10.1016/j.gastrohep.2020.07.007 View at source

  • ISSN/ISBN 1578-9519

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