Cabrera Sola, Maria Margarita


Vps41 Phosphorylation and the Rab Ypt7 Control the Targeting of the HOPS Complex to Endosome-Vacuole Fusion Sites

  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Ostrowicz, Clemens W.
  • Mari, Muriel
  • LaGrassa, Tracy J.
  • Reggiori, Fulvio
  • Ungermann, Christian;

Molecular Biology Of The Cell (p. 1937-1948) - 1/4/2009

10.1091/mbc.e08-09-0943 View at source

  • ISSN 10591524

UVRAG reveals its second nature

  • Peplowska, Karolina
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Ungermann, Christian;

Nature Cell Biology (p. 759-761) - 1/7/2008

10.1038/ncb0708-759 View at source

  • ISSN 14657392

The vacuolar V-1/V-0-ATPase is involved in the release of the HOPS subunit Vps41 from vacuoles, vacuole fragmentation and fusion

  • Takeda, Kozue
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Rohde, Jan
  • Bausch, Dirk
  • Jensen, Ole N.
  • Ungermann, Christian;

Febs Letters (p. 1558-1563) - 30/4/2008

10.1016/j.febslet.2008.03.055 View at source

  • ISSN 00145793

The retrieval function of the KDEL receptor requires PKA phosphorylation of its C-terminus

  • Cabrera, M
  • Muniz, M
  • Hidalgo, J
  • Vega, L
  • Martin, ME
  • Velasco, A;

Molecular Biology Of The Cell (p. 4114-4125) - 1/10/2003

10.1091/mbc.e03-04-0194 View at source

  • ISSN 10591524

The Mon1-Ccz1 GEF activates the Rab7 GTPase Ypt7 via a longin-fold-Rab interface and association with PI3P-positive membranes

  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Nordmann, Mirjana
  • Perz, Angela
  • Schmedt, David
  • Gerondopoulos, Andreas
  • Barr, Francis
  • Piehler, Jacob
  • Engelbrecht-Vandre, Siegfried
  • Ungermann, Christian;
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Journal Of Cell Science (p. 1043-1051) - 1/3/2014

10.1242/jcs.140921 View at source

  • ISSN 00219533

The Mon1-Ccz1 Complex Is the GEF of the Late Endosomal Rab7 Homolog Ypt7

  • Nordmann, Mirjana
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Perz, Angela
  • Broecker, Cornelia
  • Ostrowicz, Clemens
  • Engelbrecht-Vandre, Siegfried
  • Ungermann, Christian;
... View more Collapse

Current Biology (p. 1654-1659) - 28/9/2010

10.1016/j.cub.2010.08.002 View at source

  • ISSN 09609822

The Hsp40 Mas5 Connects Protein Quality Control and the General Stress Response through the Thermo-sensitive Pyp1

  • Boronat, Susanna
  • Marte, Luis
  • Vega, Montserrat
  • Garcia-Santamarina, Sarela
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Ayte, Jose
  • Hidalgo, Elena;
... View more Collapse

Iscience - 20/11/2020

10.1016/j.isci.2020.101725 View at source

  • ISSN 25890042

The BLOC-1 complex promotes endosomal maturation by recruiting the Rab5 GTPase-activating protein Msb3

  • Peter, Arun T. John
  • Lachmann, Jens
  • Rana, Meenakshi
  • Bunge, Madeleine
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Ungermann, Christian;

Journal Of Cell Biology (p. 97-111) - 1/4/2013

10.1083/jcb.201210038 View at source

  • ISSN 00219525

Spatial sequestration of misfolded proteins as an active chaperone-mediated process during heat stress

  • Boronat, Susanna
  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Hidalgo, Elena;

Current Genetics (p. 237-243) - 1/1/2021

10.1007/s00294-020-01135-2 View at source

  • ISSN 01728083

Phosphorylation of a membrane curvature-sensing motif switches function of the HOPS subunit Vps41 in membrane tethering

  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Langemeyer, Lars
  • Mari, Muriel
  • Rethmeier, Ralf
  • Orban, Ioan
  • Perz, Angela
  • Brocker, Cornelia
  • Griffith, Janice
  • Klose, Daniel
  • Steinhoff, Heinz Jurgen
  • Reggiori, Fulvio
  • Vandre, Siegfried Engelbrecht
  • Ungermann, Christian;
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Cell Biology (p. 845-859) - 15/11/2010

10.1083/jcb.201004092 View at source

  • ISSN 00219525

This researcher has no books.


  • Cabrera, Margarita
  • Ungermann, Christian;

Methods In Enzymology (p. 177-196) - 1/1/2008

10.1016/s0076-6879(08)03213-8 View at source

  • ISSN 00766879

Release/recycling of the PI3P-interacting Mon1-Ccz1 GEF from vacuoles is controlled by Yck3-mediated phosphorylation

  • Lawrence, G.
  • Brown, C. C.
  • Flood, B.
  • Karunakaran, S.
  • Cabrera, M.
  • Nordmann, M.
  • Ungermann, C.
  • Fratti, R.;
... View more Collapse

Molecular Biology Of The Cell - 1/1/2013

  • ISSN 10591524
  • iMarina

GEFs determine the intracellular organelle localization of Rab GTPases

  • Cabrera, M.;

Febs Journal (p. 557-557) - 1/9/2012

  • ISSN 1742464X
  • iMarina

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This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

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Last data update: 7/30/24 2:03 AM