Alcala Reygosa, Jesus


Last Local Glacial Maximum and deglaciation of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone: the case of Hualcahualca volcano and Patapampa Altiplano (Southern Peru)El caso del volcán HualcaHualca y del altiplano de Patapampa (Sur de Perú)

  • Alcalá Reygosa, Jesús

Cuadernos De Investigacion Geografica (p. 649-666) - 1/1/2017

10.18172/cig.3231 View at source

  • ISSN 02116820

Medio periglaciar, permafrost y riesgos naturales en un volcán tropical extinto: Nevado Chachani (sur de Perú)

  • Andrés de Pablo, Nuria de
  • Palacios Estremera, David
  • Úbeda Palenque, José
  • Alcalá Reygosa, Jesús

Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales (p. 376-376) - 1/1/2011

  • ISSN 11389788
  • iMarina

Modeling the retreat of the Aneto Glacier (Spanish Pyrenees) since the Little Ice Age, and its accelerated shrinkage over recent decades

  • Campos N
  • Alcalá-Reygosa J
  • Watson SC
  • Kougkoulos I
  • Quesada-Román A
  • Grima N

Holocene (p. 1315-1326) - 1/8/2021

10.1177/09596836211011678 View at source

  • ISSN 14770911

New chronological constraints on intense Holocene eruptions and landslide activity at Tacaná volcanic complex (Mexico)

  • Alcalá-Reygosa J
  • Arce JL
  • Macías JL
  • Schimmelpfennig I
  • Saucedo R
  • Sánchez JM
  • Carlón T
  • Vázquez R
  • Cisneros-Máximo G
  • Jímenez A
  • Fernández S
  • ASTER Team
... View more Collapse

Quaternary Geochronology - 1/8/2021

10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101183 View at source

  • ISSN 18711014

Numerical modeling and hazard implications of landslides at the Ardillas Volcanic Dome (Tacaná Volcanic Complex, Mexico-Guatemala)

  • Vázquez R
  • Macías JL
  • Alcalá-Reygosa J
  • Arce JL
  • Jiménez-Haro A
  • Fernández S
  • Carlón T
  • Saucedo R
  • Sánchez-Núñez JM
... View more Collapse

Natural Hazards (p. 1305-1333) - 1/9/2022

10.1007/s11069-022-05348-1 View at source

  • ISSN 0921030X


  • Andres, Nuria
  • Palacios, David
  • Ubeda, Jose
  • Alcala, Jesus;

Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles (p. 343-+) - 1/1/2011

  • ISSN 02129426
  • iMarina

Rapid deglaciation of the La Vega gorge (Sierra de Gredos, Iberian Peninsula) at the end of the global Last Glacial Maximum

  • Alcalá-Reygosa, J
  • Campos, N
  • Schimmelpfennig, I
  • Sanjurjo-Sánchez, J
  • Léanni, L
  • Zamorano, JJ

Journal Of Quaternary Science - 1/2/2024

10.1002/jqs.3584 View at source

  • ISSN 02678179

Reconstruction of Hualca Hualca volcano (southern Peru) based on geomorphological and geological evidence and 40Ar/39Ar dating

  • Alcala-Reygosa, J
  • Macias, J L
  • Arce, J L
  • Gomez, J C
  • Maximo, G Cisneros
  • Layer, P W
  • Zamorano, J J
... View more Collapse

Geomorphology - 15/9/2024

10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109288 View at source

  • ISSN 0169555X

Relación entre las anomalías geotérmicas y la ausencia de formas glaciares y periglaciares en el volcán El Misti (sur de Perú)

  • Andrés de Pablo, Nuria de
  • Palacios Estremera, David
  • Úbeda Palenque, José
  • Alcalá Reygosa, Jesús

Boletin De La Asociacion De Geografos Espanoles (p. 343-368) - 1/1/2011

  • ISSN 02129426
  • iMarina

Revisiting the age of the Jumento volcano, Chichinautzin Volcanic Field (Central Mexico), using in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be

  • Alcalá-Reygosa J
  • Arce JL
  • Schimmelpfennig I
  • Salinas EM
  • Rodríguez MC
  • Léanni L
  • Aumaître G
  • Bourlès D
  • Keddadouche K
... View more Collapse

Journal Of Volcanology And Geothermal Research (p. 112-119) - 15/10/2018

10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.10.005 View at source

  • ISSN 03770273

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Avance de nuevos datos sobre el glaciarismo de Sierra Nevada

  • Palacios Estremera, David
  • Gómez Ortiz, Antonio
  • Alcalá Reygosa, Jesús
  • Oliva, Marc
  • Tanarro García, Luis Miguel
  • Salvador Franch, Ferran
  • Andrés de Pablo, Nuria de
... View more Collapse

Geomorfología Del Antropoceno: Efectos Del Cambio Global Sobre Los Procesos Geomorfológicos (p. 382-386) - 1/1/2018

  • iMarina

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This researcher has no research projects.

This researcher has no supervised thesis.

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Last data update: 7/30/24 2:18 AM