Ochando Cerdán, Federico federico.ochando@urjc.es
- Articles 21
- Books 0
- Book chapters 0
- Conferences 2
- Working papers 0
- Technical reports 0
- Research projects 0
- Supervised theses 0
- Patent or software license 0
Acute traumatic abdominal wall hernia and aortic dissection
- Colás Ruiz E
- Ochando Cerdán F
- Cajal Campo B
- Fernández Cebrián JM
Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias (p. 139-140) - 1/4/2016
- ISSN 11376821
- iMarina
An incidental finding of a high vascularized retroperitoneal mass in a young woman
- Toscano MJ
- Cerdá FO
- Fernandez LdB
- Malagaray EP
- Lopez LV
- Martin SL
- Dhimes P
- Cebrian JMF
- Rodriguez AQ
World Journal of Endocrine Surgery (p. 85-86) - 1/1/2012
Editor: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
10.5005/jp-journals-10002-1104 View at source
- ISSN 09755039
- ISSN/ISBN 0975-7902
Barrett's esophagus control after antireflux surgery
- Ochando Cerdán F
- Hernández García-Gallardo D
- Moreno González E
Revista Espanola De Enfermedades Digestivas (p. 195-200) - 20/7/2002
- ISSN 11300108
- iMarina
Biliobronchial fistula after liver surgery for giant hydatid cyst
- Loinaz C
- Hernández T
- Mitjavila M
- Martín J
- Ochando F
- Madariaga ML
- Fernández B
- Hernández P
- Rueda J
- Ramos M
- Jiménez P
- Vorwald P
- Fernández JM
- Quintáns A
Hpb Surgery (p. 1-4) - 25/11/2011
10.1155/2011/347654 View at source
- ISSN 16078462
Epidemiology, oncologic results and risk stratification model for metachronous peritoneal metastases after surgery for pT4 colon cancers: results from an observational retrospective multicentre long-term follow-up study
- Cerdán-Santacruz, C
- Cano-Valderrama, O
- Ros, EP
- del Moral, AS
- Pérez, FP
- Lorente, BF
- Biondo, S
Techniques In Coloproctology (p. 1025-1036) - 30/5/2023
10.1007/s10151-023-02816-z View at source
- ISSN 11236337
Ictericia obstructiva y colangitis secundaria a quiste hidatídico hepático [2]
- Ochando Cerdán F
- Loinaz Segurola C
- Garmendia Fernández C
- Hernández Granados P
- Rueda JA
- Fernández Cebrían JM
- Quintans A
Cirugia Espanola (p. 54-55) - 1/1/2006
Editor: Ediciones Doyma, S.L.
10.1016/s0009-739x(06)70920-4 View at source
- ISSN 0009739X
- ISSN/ISBN 1578-147X
Initial surgical experience in laparoscopic total mesorectal excision for middle and lower third rectal cancer: short-term results
- Fernández-Cebrián, JM
- Gil, P
- Hernández-Granados, P
- Fiuza, C
- Ochando, F
- Loinaz, C
- Rueda, JA
- Lasala, M
- Jiménez-Almonacid, P
- Vega, D
- Pardo, M
- Quintans, A
Clinical & Translational Oncology (p. 460-464) - 1/7/2009
10.1007/s12094-009-0385-z View at source
- ISSN 1699048X
- ISSN/ISBN 1699-048X
Laparoscopic colectomy for transverse colon carcinoma: a surgical challenge but oncologically feasible
- Fernández-Cebrián, JM
- Yonte, PG
- Jimenez-Toscano, M
- Vega, L
- Ochando, F
Colorectal Disease (p. E79-E83) - 1/2/2013
10.1111/codi.12067 View at source
- ISSN 14628910
- ISSN/ISBN 1462-8910
M-shaped preperitoneal hernioplasties. Technique and results in a series of 280 cases
- Picazo JS
- Moreno C
- Muñoz JB
- Corral MA
- Marcello ME
- de Pedro J
- Tadeo G
- Alonso MA
- Manzanera M
- Ochando F
- Seoane JB
Cirugia Espanola (p. 221-227) - 1/1/2003
10.1016/s0009-739x(03)72226-x View at source
- ISSN 0009739X
Mesenteric mycotic aneurysm: A rare complication of a bacterial endocarditis
- Jiménez Toscano M
- Ochando Cerdán F
- García Llorente C
- Ramos Fernández M
- Armijo J
Cirugia Espanola (p. 260-261) - 1/10/2010
10.1016/j.ciresp.2009.11.007 View at source
- ISSN 0009739X
This researcher has no books.
This researcher has no book chapters.
A decade of liver transplantation in primary liver tumors
- Loinaz C
- Gómez R
- González-Pinto I
- Jiménez C
- Manzanera M
- Ochando F
- Rodríguez A
- Colina F
- García I
- Moreno E
Transplantation Proceedings (p. 3296-3297) - 7/12/1998
10.1016/s0041-1345(98)01036-7 View at source
- ISSN 00411345
Liver transplantation and incidental primary liver tumors
- Loinaz C
- Abradelo M
- Gómez R
- Colina F
- Rey P
- Ochando F
- Cañete AR
- González-Pinto I
- Jiménez C
- García I
- González EM
Transplantation Proceedings (p. 3301-3302) - 7/12/1998
10.1016/s0041-1345(98)01038-0 View at source
- ISSN 00411345
This researcher has no working papers.
This researcher has no technical reports.
This researcher has no research projects.
This researcher has no supervised thesis.
This researcher has no patents or software licenses.
Researcher profiles
Scopus Author ID